Why would you have left FAF?

I suppose it is just a matter of taste. I didn't enjoy learning bos or even standard tactics at all up to the point I got like 1300 global. Was still fun.
Now I don't enjoy learing bos but I accepted i have to do it to at least some degree. Or at least get a feel for the map/ knowing about the tactics that can work on the map.

Playing bad is still fun for a lot of people. But unfortunately not for the majority, as they are too afraid to leave the astro/gap safe space.

I don't think that the people in lower ranked ladder mind playing on unknown maps. They already are comfortable with a lot of maps.

Getting 100 games to stop being grey sounds hard... maybe we should count ladder and tmm games toward gamecount too?

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | http://www.youtube.com/user/dimatularus | http://www.twitch.tv/zlo_rd

not sure how that would work as with TrueSkill the Game Counts are Sepertate for each "Rank"

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@ZLO said in Why would you have left FAF?:

Getting 100 games to stop being grey sounds hard... maybe we should count ladder and tmm games toward gamecount too?

Yeah,we definitely need to introduce Tmm and ladder games as well in the game count though

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

Isn't the color of rating based on deviation (sigma), not number of games and thus this wouldn't achieve anything?

@ZLO said in Why would you have left FAF?:

Getting 100 games to stop being grey sounds hard... maybe we should count ladder and tmm games toward gamecount too?

Not sure... I still haven't played real team games as exclusive ladder and tmm player, if I join I do it wrong.

Yes, it's depends on your deviation. You can significantly reduce the number of games you need for your deviation to decrease by playing games with fewer players.

Can we get the country flag removed, currently it's difficult as a south african based player to join custom games as the hosts (mostly russians, then the germans) kick you because of either A) they think you have a bad internet connection because the elephants in the streets are too slow with helping the giraffes maintain a fast connection, as in its a third world country so everything must be bad/primitive (but I've seldom triggered the high ping indicator bar in the lobby), or B) there is strong racism/prejudice because you as a player is supposedly a black nigger and they don't want to play with black/african people, will have to save screenshots next time as I only stumbled onto this thread just now while searching for hiding the country flag.

At the current rate there is no point for me to continue playing since I'm not welcome, I don't have the time to join lobbies, wait around, and then get kicked when it's full because of [country] reasons (all those dual gap maps titled "all welcome" are a lie). Need around anything between 5-8 join/kick lobbies on busy times before I get a host willing to let me play, the quiet times feels like its grudgingly accepted because there is no other player joining to make the game full (I get swapped to the hosts opposing team). And it's not exactly a cheap and easy solution to buy a plane ticket to europe or north america so that I can change my country flag and not get kicked in lobbies.


The "all welcome" lobbies all being a lie is definitely a problem and racism should of course never be excused.

Sadly, there is actually a non-racism related issue why many Germans can't play with many players in South Afrika:
Some of the most popular German ISPs throttle their connection speed to South Afrika to such an extent, that the game becomes straight up unplayable. Nobody knows why they do it, but afaik there is nothing the customer can do directly to lift that restriction.

I, as a customer of such an ISP myself, couldn't join any lobbies with South Africans in them due to that for the longest time.

Giving the Russians the benefit of the doubt (maybe a mistake, but whatever), I'd assume that they have a similar problem.

My working solution is to just use a free VPN. It's not perfect and does increase your ping by like 50 ms. But it turns the game from "literally unplayable lag fest" to "pretty good". I'd recommend Proton VPN, but many others are available.

If you want to do a connection test with a German having such a shitty ISP, just pm me and we can hop into a test game.

@CheeseBerry said in Why would you have left FAF?:

and racism should of course never be excused.

just FYI racism is not excused on FAF. if you see it you can report it and that person will be banned.

@MT_Switch I don't think removing the country flag is an acceptable solution, unfortunately.

We could try adding a co-turn server like we did for Australia. that really made a world of difference.

you'd have to create a gofundme for that though.

Watch game 14118000 and see what's wrong with faf, make sure to watch till the end. Watch from my perspective so you get all the good map pings

and there is no way to report anymore, try it yourself

If you have client 1.4.2 there is also a button to report games from the replay in the vault.

Link takes me back to the home page on the phone and the computer.

I'll try in the client I should have the updated one

On the website you have to log in first. But it should work on the client


No need to report it. I watched the replay and will take appropriate action.

i recently came back from quiting faf along time ago, the only way to rank up for my new account was to play endless toxic gap games and having my rank bounce all over the place, then I was treated like segregated player for being gray and or having 2 high a rank for amount of games, then I was constantly booted because i was 2 low of a rank by 1.1k+ players, then i was banned for a week for shittalking high rank players that are literally awful at the game but have stacked matches or just so many games played they inflate their rating and sink the entire team when they cant measure up. nobody plays extreme wars or 64 acus anymore nobody plays phantom, or versus survival, its literally a 15 minute ladder wait for a map filled with rocks or gap games sprinkled with wonder setons and the desert map for a coin toss between 800-1600 rank team games if you get someone whos awful and throws the entire game. why would anyone stay for that 😛

@humanpotatoe said in Why would you have left FAF?:

the only way to rank up for my new account was to play endless toxic gap games

the ... ONLY ... way?

You can host your own games.

and when you do you can pick any other map.

and when you do, trust you me, it'll fill. not in a billionth of a second... ok... but it'll fill... at worst in a minute, on average in 25 seconds.

I'm just trying to help here.

We think gap is a plague, you think gap is a plague. good. let's get you out of there.

Best way to not play gap, is to not play gap.

If there is no good games on at my time I play a coop with just me

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