• Campaign Coop Union Control / Single Army

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    There's nothing useful in the log that would be pointing to the cause of the crash

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    arma473 correctly points to XACT errors,
    try to play without sound
    FAF Launcher ⇾ Options ⇾ Forged Alliance Forever ⇾ Command Line Format for Executable ⇒ add /nosound behind the "%s"
    if it works, try what they advise you to do with the system and unused sound adapters.
    study the link
    https://forum.faforever.com/search?term=XACT &in=titles&matchWords=all&sortBy=relevance&sortDirection=desc&showAs=posts

  • Seraphim Coop Campaign Suggestions

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    And you're welcome if or when the time comes 🙂

  • Coop Campaign bugs

    Game Issues and Gameplay questions
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    I'm having issues playing Aeon mission Shining Star in co-op. When launching the map in a team with Common Army enabled, the map loads but never starts any script so all we see is a mostly unexplored map, with no voice over or mission objectives appearing, no ACU warps and no units to control. Seems to be frozen. In our testing it seems to work when we disable Common Army, I can reproduce this even with a bot team-mate instead of a human. Logfile from that game here.

    We've been playing the previous Aeon missions without any problem, and the first 2 of the UEF ones - no issues with those when Common Army is enabled.

  • Coop Overlord Map not expanding to phase 2

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    @treos hahahaha 🙂
    No idea man...but it seems to be working. Just today played a small game of Setons lite (10x10km), I was in front babysitting her against a Sorian AI, while she was behind learning how to eco and why it's not a good thing to make a Duke while upgrading mexes to t3...also what adjecancy is, and does.
    I am curious how she's gonna react to her first nuking of the enemy's base.

    Btw I did try it on easy, alone, and I must say i had my work cut out for me. Granted, it was not a big challenge, but still I had to be on my toes and implement every thick in the book and still it lasted long.

    It's a good remake of vanilla mission 2 but it simply lasts too long and demands too much of, PRESUMABLY, people who are most likely to go play the campaign and not rush straight to multiplayer carnage - new players.

    Yea...any new player is utterly fucked if they try playing this map, even on easy diff.
    I imagine some of them trying for 5-6 times, reaching further along only to be utterly pwned and saying screw this imma replay the UEF campaign that was good.

    All I'm saying is make up your mind, are you making a tutorial mission in which you teach a new player how to use torpbombers vs navy and how to capture mexes and arties to hurt the enemy, or are you making a challenge for seasoned players?

    You cannot have both. Or you can, but then your "easy" setting must be far easier.

    Try it yourself, on easy, then tell me how extremely easy it was. Spoilers - it won't be.

    All I'm saying here.