@theweakienoob Ok, I didn't know that. But:
- that's not a technical limitation and can be fixed
- that's not an issue for a lot of mentioned maps at all or for the most part.
For example, Tourmaline has the air slot as the last one. So it will be fine at 3v3 map pool with no changes required. Same goes for Nomadiah and The Pyramid V2.
Adaptive Palundarium also has 4th air slot. Adaptive won't spawn air mexes? Ok, so'll be it. It won't make gameplay worse.
Now about spawns. Swapping them isn't a technical limitation or a big problem. It can be done under 15 minutes by any experienced map maker. It took be a bit more time. Here is example for Ablicka fix. First 6 spawns now.
Seems to work, I've started without crash. Similar thing could be done with any other map, if required.