King of Setons
QuantumTyphoon and Exterminator-Hun are signing up.
Is ftx scaring away the other players?
Setons tourney sounds fun, except for the 2v2 part.
Sera com telesnipe is allowed then >:)
sign up Swatoslav and Lunyshko
signing up with Yudi
Will be changed to faf version for hydro balance
Current Signups:
Tagada & Yudi
Swatoslav & Lunyshko
Nory & Foley
QuantumTyphoon & Exterminator-Hun -
Looking for a teammate.
Suggestion- after winning team beats others they fight each other. Can only be 1 King.
Deli signing up and looking for a strong muscular captain
Signing up with Foley
Signing out with ftx hes too scared
Find new partner
Looking for a teammate
Sign up Karateka 1800 + BanExpires-Never 1600
Just link up with unknow or deli and ur good to go
unknow and deli should link up