Are people interested in guides / FAQ about general stuff?

Please write the content in the wiki as forum and Discord posts get lost and are essentially not maintainable (nobody can edit your posts but you and moderators). Video formats are welcome on the FAForever Youtube channel

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Thanks for the offer Mr. Jip, that's a motivating one for sure! 🙂

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Sladow wants to help the community as PT team lead??? Cringe!

Jk, didn't read alldat tho, glad for you, or sorry it happened

I volunteer for starting a Bronze to Grandmaster youtube series.


@sladow-noob said in Are people interested in guides / FAQ about general stuff?:

A simple upvote for "yes" / downvote for "no" is enough.


i tryed to collect all tutorials into one playlist (just so you can check what was done and what was not)
but i gave up already, still could find 312 videos xD (many of them are in Russian tho)

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

For the record, I downvoted the freeman dude because it's a month old account with zero games played and only trolls on the forums. He's not trying to seriously downvote your idea to make these guides.

@Sladow-Noob If you do make these guides and need help with an air micro section of air slot guide I'm happy to help if I'm around.

@exselsior Wait that's not the account of ETFreeman? Cuz that'd be the ~1600 ladderplayer which is also quite active on the FAF-Discord.

And thanks a lot for the offer! I'll definitely come back to that 😄

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

@zlo Ye I remembered that one but I'm pretty sure most of it is outdated xD That's why my idea was to keep it as short as I can with the FAQ-format

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Forum name is tied to FAF name, so that would mean ETFreeman renamed to FreemanItsNotHe. Checking the replay vault will reveal this is not the case !

xDDDD I'm retarded, leave me alone!

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Sladow just wanted to farm some forum rep

@freemanitsnothe skill issue tbh

@thewheelie ngl I was waiting for this comment xddd

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Will u focus more on common mistakes on astro or gap? I would be happy to assist with my excellent expertise

Sry, Thunder is my expert for Astro

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Sladooooooow please teach meeeeee 🐶

I'm honestly (and I really mean it) quite surprised ppl would still appreciate a new guide / advice even though there is already a lot of stuff out there.
Thanks for the positive feedback, Ima keep you up to date on everything; Especially dookie's idea cuz it sounds like fun

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

It may also be interesting to have references to other source in your guide. We can turn your guide into the go-to guide, give it a permanent place in the news for example.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Something as specific as a micro-guide on the state of ASF vs. ASF combat would be a valuable addition to the wiki.