Telemazer - time for change?

If someone had 20k mass and energy to spare a telemazer, wouldn't putting that mass into your own air grid be a strictly better and 100% risk-free way of winning air on Setons? I don't see how it's OP based on killing the air grid alone given that opportunity cost.

telemazer is way more risk free than a mass advantage in t3 air. Even if your opponent invested a similar amount of mass as the tele cost in anti tele stuff you're still more likely to do good damage than being ahead that bit of mass in air lategame

Telemazer + range is comically busted with a 15 second teleport time, you can literally chain teleports to random groups of mexes at that point if the map is 20km. I’m gonna be sad when this bug gets patched

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Bust a bunch of mexes and get some vet then go after the air grid lol sounds fun

@waffelznoob I don't think you could've missed my point harder. Well done.

@thecodemander said in Telemazer - time for change?:

If tele gets nerfed, then I'm going to need the spider adjusted to cost about half as much

I don't think you could've missed my point harder. Well done.

I don't like your tone

@thecodemander please do enlighten me, what did i miss?

arma473 said in Telemazer - time for change?:

I don't think you could've missed my point harder. Well done.

I don't like your tone

right? first he talks a bunch of nonsense, i call him out on it, and then he starts acting all pompous that i missed his point

This post is deleted!

@arma473 said in Telemazer - time for change?:

@thecodemander said in Telemazer - time for change?:

If tele gets nerfed, then I'm going to need the spider adjusted to cost about half as much

I don't think you could've missed my point harder. Well done.

I don't like your tone

Cope harder I guess?

@waffelzNoob you disagree that it costs multiple T3 Pgens to make tele? Dont know what to tell you. If you have enough extra power to rush tele and continue making air while doing so at full tilt then youve objectively paid more in PGens.

Your entire position is "I have lots of things, I could too easily make tele" which costs a lot more than the counter for tele which is using eyes to scout.

You then state in your reply that everyone pauses air while making tele which is just countering your own argument.

Then you say that scouting is ez, so why dont people do it? But then you also base your argument on "people cant scout, see the tele and build teledef" when they have enough mass "to just tele".

If you think tele is OP and that its so cheap, then I dont know what to tell you because tele buys you a lot of shields/PD.

If its so late in the game that you have so much stuff to defend and havent won the game that sounds more like a skill issue than a need to rebalance something which often results in the tele person dying in vain as a last resort.

I love when random people on the forums say skill issue to people 10x better than them. My favorite is still someone saying skill issue to Blodir, but this is a nice second for now.

@thecodemander said in Telemazer - time for change?:

@waffelzNoob you disagree that it costs multiple T3 Pgens to make tele? Dont know what to tell you. If you have enough extra power to rush tele and continue making air while doing so at full tilt then youve objectively paid more in PGens.

Your entire position is "I have lots of things, I could too easily make tele" which costs a lot more than the counter for tele which is using eyes to scout.

You then state in your reply that everyone pauses air while making tele which is just countering your own argument.

Late game team games on maps that aren't gap can actually be fairly hard/expensive to defend against tele. It's often pretty easy to pause stuff for 30s or whatever to make tele and then do more damage to the enemy team than the lost 30s of production cost you.

@exselsior Literally got out of a game where there was like 40 teles and it was the most fun I've had on faf in weeks, all made possible by fast tele.

Late game team games on maps that aren't gap can actually be fairly hard/expensive to defend against tele.

God forbid there might stategies in this game that are effective at doing damage.

It's often pretty easy to pause stuff for 30s or whatever to make tele and then do more damage to the enemy team than the lost 30s of production cost you.

Its not like anyone will notice you having 50+ less ASF. Its not like amy airfight ever has been won or lost by a difference of 50 ASF and its not like any game has ever been won with air.

If a desperate enemy makes tele and you still cant win air from them when they sink 50+ ASF of E into teleing things that dont matter to you, then that is actually a skill issue.

I have yet to see any of you address my original point: if you have so much of the map that you cant defend all of it from tele, and the enemy can only tele fringe mexes then why haven't you won the game already? Its implicit in that argument you have so much more of the map and mass than the enemy so you should already have won. Which sounds an awful lot like a skill issue.

4 core bases require 10 pd each = 40 t2 pd, say there is an smd/arty base somewhere else for another 10 needed t2 pd, that's 27,000 mass in protection.

That's enough mass to build the pgens to finish teleport in a little bit over a minute without harming your team's net spent eco.

@thecodemander I don't know what to tell you, I have yet to see you address any of the points being made. Literally, your entire position is that telemazor is fun and everyone who disagrees with you has an actual skill issue. I'm going to need you to understand that objectively the cost of tele defense is mass-equivalent to the cost of a late-game teleport upgrade.

God forbid someone might ask you to change your tone. You then stated in your reply that I should cope harder I guess. Maybe nobody told you this, but condescending to people will never not be cringe. So, just to be clear, I'm literally done. I'm going back to Reddit.

Find me someone that can scout and keep an eye on every enemy ACU all game with enough detail to know when/if they're upgrading and what upgrade they're going for without severely screwing their own APM and I'll show you an AI.

Maybe give the Gateway a small area of teleport denial a la Black Ops as a subsidy for tele defense, makes some sense from a crunch point since there is already a subcom being ported into that point in the map.

@ftxcommando said in Telemazer - time for change?:

4 core bases require 10 pd each = 40 t2 pd, say there is an smd/arty base somewhere else for another 10 needed t2 pd, that's 27,000 mass in protection.

That's enough mass to build the pgens to finish teleport in a little bit over a minute without harming your team's net spent eco.

Doesn't that argument work for nukes as well? You need at least 3 SMD to somewhat defend from a nuke on Setons, which is 1.5x more than the nuke costs. Even then you can e.g. nuke the islands or naval production.

@mazornoob It does but tele bad I guess


That's enough mass to build the pgens to finish teleport in a little bit over a minute without harming your team's net spent eco.

Tell me more about how you understand that if you have that many core bases to afford other ways to win the game and prevent the enemy going tele. There are many things which cost less than 27,000 mass, counter and either counter tele or win you the game. If making like 10 mercies and some air scouts for like 3k mass is too expensive for you, then I dont know how to help you.


I don't know what to tell you, I have yet to see you address any of the points being made. Literally, your entire position is that telemazor is fun and everyone who disagrees with you has an actual skill issue. I'm going to need you to understand that objectively the cost of tele defense is mass-equivalent to the cost of a late-game teleport upgrade.

My position is that tele is barely viable as a last resort and that people who dont understand how easily it can be countered/rendered useless should try to make it work in the ways they claim. I've yet to see tele abused in a game breaking way. 95% of teles that work are executed against people who deserve to lose because they didnt scout the upgrade, kept their ACUs somewhere stupid, didnt hear the portal, move out the way or use their BP to build any counter to it.

God forbid someone might ask you to change your tone. You then stated in your reply that I should cope harder I guess. Maybe nobody told you this, but condescending to people will never not be cringe. So, just to be clear, I'm literally done. I'm going back to Reddit.

And now I suspect youre bad clown take was on purpose to bait people to correct you so you could post this. Who hurt you? Show us on the doll where the persecution fetish came from.

@MazorNoob has the most rational obvious point on this: Nukes cost about the same, also can go everywhere, have massive AOE, need actual T3 and lots of E to defend a small area and dont rob the enemy team of APM. Oh and they have submerged, mobile stealth launchers.

If Someone feels that they're too bad at the game to defend from tele, how about leaving it alone and making the portal louder?

@TheCodemander I don't think you could've missed my point harder. Well done.

@waffelznoob you didnt make one though. You dropped a cringe attempt at a rebuttal to mine.

Nice try memeing though

@thecodemander said in Telemazer - time for change?:

That's enough mass to build the pgens to finish teleport in a little bit over a minute without harming your team's net spent eco.

Tell me more about how you understand that if you have that many core bases to afford other ways to win the game and prevent the enemy going tele. There are many things which cost less than 27,000 mass, counter and either counter tele or win you the game. If making like 10 mercies and some air scouts for like 3k mass is too expensive for you, then I dont know how to help you.

This may come as as shock to you, but the enemy has the same number of core bases, and you might not be Cybran or at least not want to cheese with tele!

Nukes cost about the same, also can go everywhere, have massive AOE, need actual T3 and lots of E to defend a small area and dont rob the enemy team of APM. Oh and they have submerged, mobile stealth launchers.

Nukes were also recently nerfed, much for the same reason. They're also far, far easier to scout with enough notice than tele is, and SMDs offer a large no go range for nukes.