FAF Beta - Feedback

@t_r_u_putin Why should we balance nukes around dualgap and not map where nuke forces 3+ smds?

Skill issue

Dual Gap is a map where a single nuke defense can defend 3 players. It's heavily weighted in the nuke defense direction.

@tomma First nuke costs 27k mass (we count just mass to simplify calc) loads in 5 mins. SMD costs 10.5k mass and loads in 4 mins, also it is easier to speed up loading by asissting - bonus is bigger than assisting the nuke.
Even If 3 players build SMD each - it is barely more than simply 1 nuke.
After patch the guy who build nuke will be a fool.
Patch will make building nukes senseless cause there are things with better mass-effectiveness ratio.
Same effect to experimental air units.

@deribus duel gap is the map where you can do Nuke very fast and where 1 smd almost cover 3 bases. The only thing you need is to scout nuke in time.
After patch nuke on that map won't ever be built because it will be more effecient to do eco-t3 arty or eco-game ender. But there are other maps where 1 SMD is not enough and I support value change - but not that big - just energy. Power generators are not free you spend a lot of mass to build them, skilled player will notice excessive amount of energy generation and will guess about nuke in near future.
But making Nuke too expensive - will simply throw it from gameplay. Same to super expensive t4 air.

After reading patchnotes I imagine guy(s) which are tired of nukes and ahwassas braking their cute bases which decide to make it so expensive that no any player will bother them again.
Rebalancing for few lazy guys right? not funny at all.

Real issues which all the games looks similar are cheap game enders, cheap t3 artilleries building just few of them will totally destroy any players production and economy except guys with ECO position.
We almost never see big land battles - why do I need to think strategically If i simply put big gun and shoot shells at the enemy leaving no wreckage?
+Slow down t3 arties and-or make them 25% more expensive.
+All game enders ~+15% to the cost in average and little slow down firing rate. Paragon outcome reduce to 7000 mass

^^^ Wants big land battles -- Plays dual gap

Ras Boi's save lives.

@lord_asmodeus you are trying to joke - where no jokes needed. I will pick any replay of any of you. if games passes 20 mins. everyone tries to bunker and advance map control untill it costs not much res. at some point - everyone starts t3 arty and it become "Groundhog Day". Land units are made after that are for holding the map-defending

Any plans for the Atlantis and Cooper?
These units still have awkward roles.
Or will these be tackled later on with the more detailed navy rebalance?

And the UEF Bubble Shield rework I heard so much about - anything on that?

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Imagine if this man stepped out of his dual gap. All his problems with the patch would suddenly disappear. Magic.

@t_r_u_putin The stupidity of this post shows just how little you play anything other than gap.

@t_r_u_putin said in FAF Beta - Feedback:

@ftxcommando said in FAF Beta - Feedback:

Even on dual gap if you were playing correctly you wouldn’t have air players build the washers and 2 are basically impossible to stop once air is won and u micro crashing correctly.

Don't agree - too simple look.
well if u lost air. enemy air players unable to build ahwasa and win air again. someone else should do t4 bombers - this is the only case you're right.
adjusting E cost will slow down the proccess of building ahwasa - i support that change, but not by 2.5 times. it will take forever to build - so it will not be built, also because usual bombers have better mass-damage ratio.
If map control totaly lost and air is lost too - it is normal that you cant stop experimental bombers. it is totally logically correct.

It is not too simple and I talked about this shit with Suzuji in the past. You can’t lose air because your air slots aren’t making the washers. They will get to kill enemy air, especially since dual gap has zero room for air maneuvers due to being 10km wide so as soon as washers get over the mountains they are dropping. You will not stop 2 bombs, killing all shields, followed by 2 crashes, killing anything of game ender value which is 2.5x as expensive as the washers in mass. You will never sam up enough to make this unviable unless you already had all mid control and game was already over.

Strat bombers can’t crash damage nor instantly drop shields. If you can’t fathom why washer has high utility and that this change is built to make air t4s a question of “defensive vs offensive air” rather than “i make it on 1 t3 pgen min 13 as one of 3-4 non-air stagnant slots on dual gap” then you really got dg brain rot.

Got curious. If you normalized a strat to have the mass-to-energy ratio of a washer, it would cost about as much as building 4 t2 bombers in terms of energy. Do you think that sounds totally reasonable and healthy? Having some slot that has nothing happening for 2 minutes to rush a t2 pgen and just make a strat bomber min 7 while the air players spam ints to allow it to do whatever it wants?

@t_r_u_putin said in FAF Beta - Feedback:

@lord_asmodeus you are trying to joke - where no jokes needed. I will pick any replay of any of you. if games passes 20 mins. everyone tries to bunker and advance map control untill it costs not much res. at some point - everyone starts t3 arty and it become "Groundhog Day". Land units are made after that are for holding the map-defending


Combined land push with t3 arty base to win game.

With regards to the nuke stuff, the game is balanced around the conditions surrounding the matchmakers. Those are what are considered the standard gameplay environments. A nuke on metir forces 4 SMD. A nuke on Senton forces 3 SMD at minimum, it will force more because you cannot rely on front SMD staying alive with either navy killing it. Lena River forces 4 SMD to protect all major expansions/bases. The maps where you can get away with 2 SMD are maps like Crateria which are so low mass that a nuke would effectively require half the team working towards it as an end goal and likely lose the game well before it can even launch.

You play a Cybran player, and now this nuke is sitting next to a 30 hive brick and you now can even force a 2nd SMD from each player just because of the sheer potential of you rushing faster nukes with the hives.

On all these maps where 3+ SMD are forced btw, that's just the result to prevent an auto game loss. A nuke is still getting positive utility simply nuking forward bases, reclaim piles, BP like naval yards, loose mex expansions (4+ t3 mex) and so on. I genuinely struggle to think of a game where a nuke cannot find a 10k+ mass target to kill. We're not even getting into the reality that nukes help stagnate late game pushes because the risk of a nuke being used defensively forces you to split the army/navy.

With that all being said, I wouldn't even mind a change for t3 arty to cost like 135k BT and 80-85k mass and game enders to be 30-50k mass more expensive in general.

@ftxcommando said in FAF Beta - Feedback:

With that all being said, I wouldn't even mind a change for t3 arty to cost like 135k BT and 80-85k mass and game enders to be 30-50k mass more expensive in general.

Would just make the game take longer for no reason without incentivizing anything interesting to happen. Unless fabs and ras bois are interesting, I guess u might see more of those.

No? You need more time actually seeing the lump sum of infrastructure for t3 spam paying dividends. It's pointless to pay 15k mass in factories for an eventual 40k mass in units because the return on payment in t3 arty or nukes is insanely quick.

i know it's been talked about before but it would be nice if someone from the balance team gave an update on the mercy, any plans to change it and any difficulties with that

I'll present some alternative Mercies to the balance team tonight or tomorrow morning, after some fine tuning.

I am not entirely sure why crash damage is getting a rework.
As to me energy increase is actually a must since air t4's were getting spammed too often without a real penalty, and with the rework they will become sort of another atlantis where you literally make them vs navy/land spam and that's it, the base breaking potential is so beyond unreasonable that you'd just want to make an arty or something.
however i find nukes to be still op and i'd nerf them even harder and double the mass needed per missile alongside the existing changes.
is there a reason why the crash damage (which is quite a good feature) getting a drastic nerf?

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

@rezy-noob also, not to be rude or anything but this looks like a big meme image.png

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:


On Ahwassa the forward momentum along with insta ctrlK means you have 10000 shield piercing damage with 10 AOE even in the presence of heavy enemy AA. The only game ender that can survive that is Yolona Oss. 48,000 mass to kill 200,000~ mass is a no brain equation

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Crash damage abuse is about equivalent in cancer levels as using air to kill nukes mid flight.