New Website Bugs/Feedback

leaderboard not working, there are only 2 players

On page of the password reset, captcha is not located in center


Good Work, Javi!

This post is deleted!

I cannot select found player names in leaderboard


@marcspector you need to press enter, they aren't meant to be selectable (even thou that would be a good idea)

FAF Website Developer

I must say i hate the "description" of the factions. I get that you wanted to be kinda funny there but imagine reading that as a new player. Sounds like some sort of meme game

@eternal said in New Website Bugs/Feedback:

@xiaomao literally "We cant afford it, but BAR can do whatever they want"

I can say this from user's side as well, I despise websites that force videos and especially gifs (which should have been banned from existence ever since million+ times more space efficient video formats started existing imo) into them, even large pictures sometimes, because they cause website to take long to load and completely incapacitate you from using internet for anything else during it, not only because of server's bandwidth, but mine too, not everyone has cheap terabit internet speeds to waste on fancy trivialities that add nothing

Oh, I see that people think it's problem with the website, that is regarding to what I wrote. No it's not. It's exactly as Mach wrote, just cuz we can drop there a 50mb video that will play in background doesn't mean we should. The website should be fast, responsible and good looking.

Unfortunately we didn't manage to get a good looking video that would also be small enough not to chog up the bandwidth of the end user, especially ones with slower connection. Then there is also scalability issues etc.

Though if you are willing to pursue it feel free to do so, I'm by no means expert so most likely there is someone who can whip us a good video, that's small in size while still good looking. In that case I think Javi wouldn't be against having one on the website considering he(or maybe someone else) was looking into it.

@nuggets said in New Website Bugs/Feedback:

I must say i hate the "description" of the factions. I get that you wanted to be kinda funny there but imagine reading that as a new player. Sounds like some sort of meme game

We are aware of that, and are fully open to changing them when someone comes up with something good. Cuz not gonna lie, some of them were but a placeholders. cough cough sera one.

@xiaomao How about something like this:

  • UEF - Unite the galaxy using overwhelming force and powerful defences
  • Cybran - Liberate the galaxy with ambushes and trickery
  • Aeon - Cleanse the galaxy with highly specialised units each excelling at a particular role
  • Seraphim - Annihilate the galaxy with smaller numbers of advanced technological units

I think we've lost the page to change your username..?

@serpentor if you log in, you can rename, just need to hover your mouse over the nick

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

@magge as others have said, its hard finding a video that's sweet and short for this. I'm not opposed to having a video but I would need someone to create something of good quality and export it into something very tight (8mb tops). Making it a very difficult mission

FAF Website Developer

@javi I only got FAF downloaded a few days ago and linked my account (to steam) at about the same but every time I try and launch it, it asks for me to link my account and takes me to a 404 error link on the website. Any help would be appreciated. specifically that link is giving me a 404.

@randomm3rc2781 yes Im sorry, there was an issue with it, now it has been fixed

FAF Website Developer

@javi I'm actually still having the same issue, any advice? have cleared cookies but that's about it.

@randomm3rc2781 forget my last its working thank you!!!!

@randomm3rc2781 yeah it was just not released yet lol, don’t worry

FAF Website Developer