Increase vision & radar ranges of all units by some 10-20%

The fact that units can't see 5 meters in front of them is ridiculous. If there's 2 t1 land armies moving towards each other I'm pretty sure it's actually impossible to turn back in time once you see the opponent units even if you were to pay 100% attention. Not to mention certain (direct fire) units not even being able to use their weapons at max range, because they have old eyes or something. And let's not even get started on air...

Idk people probably take t1 scout spam and t1 radar creep for granted at this point, but it doesn't have to be this way. T1 scout spam in particular doesn't add any extra dimension to the game.

Yea, increasing vision+radar radius would make the game "easier" in some ways, but at the same time it would allow you to make more conscious decisions (=more skill) in some cases where you've lost your radar, rather than just retreating with tail between your legs. Imagine flying over your opponents base and actually being able to see the AA that is shooting at you for instance.

Btw, while the title says "all units", there's probably some exceptions and different units probably deserve slightly different treatment in general. The point I'm making is just the general design direction of increasing vision/radar ranges in the game.

Just get a T2 radar.

I'm in favor - it would make the game more approachable.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Let me illustrate the airgame experience.

I always add land scouts to a land army, air scouts to an air army, cruisers and carriers are navy radars.

No, build scouts. They are super cheap

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u


Vision drives me nuts in this game.

JusT bUiLd sCoUtS iDiOt

I like this suggestion and had similar thoughts in the past. The vision is even more annoying given how the engine works and things that are supposed to be in vision range actually don't show up or do so with a big delay.

It will nullify Cybran tech if you increase vision. Especially T2 mobile stealth and ACU stealth for kiting.

@edtjuh said in Increase vision & radar ranges of all units by some 10-20%:

It will nullify Cybran tech if you increase vision. Especially T2 mobile stealth and ACU stealth for kiting.

not really, because like Tagada said, things actually showing up in vision/radar range is extremely delayed. If anything, increasing the ranges would make it more like how it should be at the moment


Units leaving vision/radar range also have a similar delay, still appearing and able to be targeted. This especially will make dropping successfully harder as it means that much more time to lock fighters onto a transport as it leaves vision

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

What is the skill in having the big air blob, sending air around to find tiny enemy air blob, and then never losing intel so you always win the fight? Why is that more skill than properly managing spy plane intel alongside your air blob?

What about strat rush micro where you need several spy planes to give vision? Why is having to micro that rather than just a blob of asf that can see and catch anything that threatens the strat less skill?

I've seen players kill the critical air units with less ASF (air fights) or a few ASF (smart targeting on strat) which seem like vastly superior signs of skill than just forever having good intel so game reverts to even more macro scaling maximization.

maybe increase vision of SCOUTS? or maybe make air scouts same speed and turnrate as inties so you can use them together with inties...

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

IMO It's just actively the opposite direction I'd want the game to go in right now. Giving more intel makes the game even easier and simple unless it comes along with lots of counter-intel options so you can actually play around it. I don't get what skill more intel is supposed to allow for except for making it even harder to win with the lower mass concentration or make some units like mongoose and hoplite (and in turn snipers) more significant.


Good idea but that should be a toggle, otherwise you’re nerfing scout planes… but maybe now that control groups are better you can just tell a scout plane to assist an interceptor then just put your interceptors on a control key and micro that

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Let's change circles with unit pov direction, so he will see only what is in from of him xD

@ftxcommando said in Increase vision & radar ranges of all units by some 10-20%:

IMO It's just actively the opposite direction I'd want the game to go in right now. Giving more intel makes the game even easier


I oppose this change.

Scouting is already overpowered in FAF. Take a game like Age of Empires 2. There are no air scouts. If your opponent walls you can't even see what he is doing. You get only 1 scout for the early game and if you lose it then you are shit out of luck.

The only change I would make is to increase the water vision on t1 and t3 scouts. I sometimes fly a spy plane directly over a nuke sub/sub/commander and the plane doesn't even scout them. For some reason the water vision on scout planes is pathetic.

@accidental_aeon said in Increase vision & radar ranges of all units by some 10-20%:

I oppose this change.

Scouting is already overpowered in FAF. Take a game like Age of Empires 2. There are no air scouts. If your opponent walls you can't even see what he is doing. You get only 1 scout for the early game and if you lose it then you are shit out of luck.

The only change I would make is to increase the water vision on t1 and t3 scouts. I sometimes fly a spy plane directly over a nuke sub/sub/commander and the plane doesn't even scout them. For some reason the water vision on scout planes is pathetic.


If scouting is overpowered, then nerf scouts, not vision.