The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (The Ambassador & Blackbird)


Good player might not be that affected y jamming but for a mid/low player that can be very impactfult. I remember a game where i didn't engaged into uef frig cause i saw over 10 of them while in reality he had like 2/3.

Well, the game has a steep learning curve. But knowing what advantages one faction has should help in countering it when facing it.

I'm tingling to shitpost about sera buff, like giving them Ras, T3 gunship and buff othuum so it become more like a percy but in better

I always found it a little unfair and/or weird that Sera doesn't get RAS coms, or why certain factions get ARAS / more economical options...

As for units, The Othumm isn't meant to go on par with the Percy - the Percy is far more expensive. The Othuum is way more similar to the Harbinger.

But these are topics for another post, haha.
Go post them if you wish, I support you!

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Good players will see the jamming on radar so the first strat rush will be seen coming from long away, hurting the strat. It's possible you could mess with people by sending a spy plane with jamming.

Well, the ability is togglable - and it should be off by default - only turning it on when the player deems to do so.

As for Spy Plane with Jamming, well.. an experienced player would be able to identify it as for the speed of the signatures, too. So, it goes both ways.

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@comradestryker said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):

I beg to differ that Cybran has weaker land stages, as to me, all factions have quite equal strengths - for the most part.

It certainly does.

  • The ACU has very few options for combat at T2 and T3 stages compared to other factions, save for T4 stage lazer + cloak.
  • Arguably the worst T2 tank. Don't have Pillar's amazing HP to mass ratio, doesn't have Ilshie's range, doesn't have Obsidian's close range DPS and tankiness. Misses half the shots depending on balance patch. Is saved somewhat by medusas being great at T2. Amphibious tank after HP nerfs is a T2 lab and useless for anything but raiding.
  • Stealth is alright and deceivers + hoplites are good, but UEF and Sera have long range counters to them and Aeon have the gun, so they're not OP.
  • Beetles are a meme.
  • Worst DPS per mass T2 PD. Designed for fighting T1 rather than T2.
  • Loyas somehow became weaker than Titans after balance changes and have a meme ability no one ever uses.
  • Bricks are good, but no mobile shields to protect T3 armies from strats hurts.
  • T3 mobile arty used to be OP, then deployment time rebalance happened. No mobile shields = no protection from air = dead arty.

I think Stryker thinking Cybran t2 land isn’t weak as hell just shows off how little he knows about the game. Plus your reason for the buff being “UEF doesn’t get picked as air role” is also terrible. I’ve have to yet see a game where UEF loses games because they don’t have air experimental or some extra quality.

FAF Website Developer

@javi said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):

I think Stryker thinking Cybran t2 land isn’t weak as hell just shows off how little he knows about the game. Plus your reason for the buff being “UEF doesn’t get picked as air role” is also terrible. I’ve have to yet see a game where UEF loses games because they don’t have air experimental or some extra quality.

It’s not about UEF losing because they have no air experimental so much as other factions winning because they have one.

Other factions can gamble on an air win, especially early on in t3 stage, and then do an all in gamble on an air t4 with minimal infrastructure which can then suicide onto the enemy in a crippling manner. UEF has no capacity to do this.

And that’s why it was dumb that UEF strat was given shittier stats than Sera strat in the last patch, that’s literally the only thing UEF has to do any sort of remotely equivalent all in gamble through air to win the game if everything else is falling apart.

If you want quick and aggressive playstyle, pick a faction that does that. If you like building sandcastles, pick UEF.

@xayo said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):

If you want quick and aggressive playstyle, pick a faction that does that. If you like building sandcastles, pick UEF.

Did you get ur rating playing dual gap mid? UEF literally has the most aggressively focused t3 land stage lmao

@comradestryker said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):


stealth has no functional impact on cyb air stats beyond making air units cost e to run the ability.

So, you don't think hiding a powerful unit is functional?

I'd argue that Stealth is absurdly strong - more than jamming or anything else, but that's a topic for a different discussion.

~ Stryker

It isn’t about it being powerful. It’s about counterintel capability not factoring into the balance of Cybran t3 air vs other faction t3 air. You remove the ability for Cybran to use stealth and they’re still equal to other factions on a statline basis. The only exception is their spy plane being strictly worse as it takes 1-2 less asf shots to kill.

I don’t even think jamming is that relevant for anything here. I don’t even consider stealth to be that big of a deal for Cybran air, including strats. It can be kind of annoying when you are macroing on a large map but it doesn’t determine game situations and the reason people love Cybran strat is the aoe not the stealth.

The relevant part of Cybran stealthed air is the ASF stealth which can allow optimal air engagements against a needlessly aggressive enemy. Likewise, this would be the only relevant part of t3 air that has jamming. Dudes that think it’s OP just haven’t had to deal with competent Cybran air play. I wish Aeon and Sera had their own counterintel aspect to put on their ASF to make spy plane management and intel a more relevant part of t3 air play. Right now it’s only really a thing against Cybran.


Once again, the game is currently balanced around the UEF having the least powerful late game air. As you say the lack of a true air experimental to leverage after winning air is a bigger factor than the effectiveness of their standard T3 air units (which are completely average).

The fact that UEF has no real air experimental is an intentional design decision just like Cybran has no mobile shield.

As for the UEF having a weaker strat bomber than the Seraphim, the Seraphim has no T3 gunship which is why their strat has a slightly more optimal aoe to damage ratio. Overall I would say that UEF and Seraphim T3 air is roughly equal, Aeon is a little better, and Cybran is the best.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

The t3 gunship reason is irrational when Cybran has the best strat, an air t4, and a t3 gunship that isn’t really any different than broadsword. That reason makes no sense and it’s why next balance patch is reverting that.

The whole talk about superior air is pointless when Sera is the strongest late game air purely due to washer. Which is the whole reason them having a better strat is incoherent.

I don’t see any reason that jamming makes UEF objectively more powerful, just as stealth doesn’t make Cybran objectively more powerful. There’s more margin for misplay against Cybran which requires better play from you, but the units themselves are identical.

I think if we add this in there might be good reason to add it to other uef units to complete the theme.

@ftxcommando said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):

The whole talk about superior air is pointless when Sera is the strongest late game air purely due to washer.

Maybe at the late late game, but early T3 (where T3 air is the most impactful) is far more important and the AOE and stealth of the Revenant makes it the best at killing T2 mexes by far. On many maps it can still often vet even after the mass killed requirements were increased.

On the whole the Gemini is the best ASF and the ASF dominates all other air units.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

@zeldafanboy said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):


My whole point was that if UEF T3 air was as good as Cybran it would make UEF unbalanced. It already has the best T3 naval (Neptunes are anti meta because they are good against frig spam) and the best T3 land that synergistically fills in the weakness of its siege T4 land unit. The game balance is supposed to be holistic, every faction isn’t supposed to be equally powerful in every arena at every tech level…

Also just wanted to quote this cuz I almost forgot about it. Nowadays UEF is definitely not the best t3 naval. UEF t3 navy is honestly quite hard countered by Aeon t3. Both exodus/shields or Omen are brutal against neptunes and Tempest is very painful for summits to properly deal with, especially since tempest kills all shieldboat protection in one volley.

That isn’t saying UEF t3 navy is trash, really every t3 navy stage is decent and has varying situations they’re solid at and it’s up to players (and maps) to make it possible to make those situations happen. Summit for example is horrible early on (slow, takes forever to shoot, easy to dodge) but is the best bs in terms of production scale combined with the shieldboat to compensate for their inability to dodge. Only tempest spam can really compare. But this is a highly specialized segment of navy combat that requires situations like sentons rather than something like Point of Reach or even Metir for navy combat where you rarely see more than 5 battleships per side. That’s where other factions are superior. When it comes to neptune, they’re fine (so long as no sub spam) but that comes at the cost of UEF t2 stage being total trash so you’re forced to rush them or slowly lose.

I also don’t see why UEF t3 land is the best for the same reasons just reversed. UEF needs to do enough damage with titans to either win the game through them or build up a snowball that then allows local advantage in the form of percy, t4, or SACUs to win. As it currently stands snipers win any sort of stagnate t3 game and therefore Aeon/Sera have the significantly easier to use “passive buildup” t3 stage. If you don’t pressure with UEF or Cybran, you’re just dead.

These are actual, healthy areas of the game where it doesn’t come down to “this faction is autowin at this stage” but instead it comes to forcing game states through play of the game. This is much healthier than something like being forced to rush neptune since players actually have an advantage to play for at that tech stage.

It’s also why I get sick of reading dudes say one faction “deserves” to autowin something (hello cybran frig) because of “holistic” balance when that’s just terrible game design. This situation of a faction “deserving” a shittier strat for “holistic” reasons is the same.

This in turn is why I would want all T3 air to have unique counterintel aspects, because you can’t make one faction “stronger” or “weaker” when they all basically have the same units barring the unique Aeon ones. If you gave ASFs counterintel you can then make some weaker or stronger forced depending on the air force size, or if not, then you at least introduce spy plane dynamics into air fights and punish lazy players that just make two blobs fight.


To be fair, this could be taken either way. Seems to me that for you - there is no issue, but to me, the fact that UEF is least picked is detrimental - we want to see more races on every slot, no? Cybran's Stealth just greatly overshadows every other faction.

Looking solely at T3 air do I prefer Cybran over other factions? Yes
However, your thread/theme is "problems with the UEF". If all 3 factions are inferior at T3 air stage to Cybran, that's not a problem with the UEF, and if it was considered a problem that Cybran strat and asf are considered preferable to all other factions, the solution should be one relevant to all the other factions (rather than just giving a 'make your own thread on the other factions' type response).

I also dont understand the rationale for the problems/units focused on in the later parts of your problems with the UEF series. While I'm preempting the thread slightly, the UEF has a real difficulty with the T2 naval stage thanks to Cooper and Valiant - it has a weak destroyer, and the weakest anti-sub naval options, yet it sounds like you'll be focusing on the shield boat (a unit that is very useful in some scenarios)

@ftxcommando lol how would ahwassa or Czar make you win air and let’s not even count the bug because it is awful. Some dude invests 40k mass into an ahwassa, just invest 20k mass into ASF and you should clearly beat them. You yourself said it takes like 20 ASF to kill 1 ahwassa. Sounds very easy to kill one before it does anything with 40k worth of mass in ASF…

If you lose due to enemy having air Exp and you not having one, it’s because you didn’t invest enough into air.

FAF Website Developer

Your first mistake is assuming you need to be an air player to make a washer. A sera player on any slot can at any point devote their eco into a washer because it requires like 2 t3 pgens to rush. You cannot counter it as an air player because the enemy air player is still making ASF and the mirror of the washer player can't counter it without investing half a washer of mass into t3 air infrastructure which will only finish once the washer is already up. The only real counter is winning through land or navy prior to the washer being created or just hoping the team can shield and sam up everywhere important so you don't lose the game.

Aeon and Seraphim both have the capability to do this and win a game, Cybran less so due to the fact a Soul Ripper can be countered fairly reasonably via flak and doesn't output much crash damage/immediate damage. UEF has no possibility to do this at all because they need to set up t3 infrastructure to do any late game air damage which any faction can counter.


Ahwassa is balanced.

@ftxcommando you are telling me some dude spent like 45k mass in ahwassa + T3 pgen and your ally couldn’t build anything meaningful? Sounds more like a player issue rather than a balance one. Easily can make 50 ASF and just suicide them into enemy ahwassa with a 45k mass budget

FAF Website Developer

Ahwassa is overpowered if you’re even remotely competent when using it and at the very least needs to cost more e. Ftx is completely correct about that. It’s entirely too easy to have a single bomb drop + wreckage from the washer to win the game. Also it takes far more infrastructure to ramp up enough asf prod to offset a quickly built washer.

There have to be a ton of replays of a team slowly losing due to putting mass into a washer and then the washer just turns the tide and wins the game in a way no other exp does outside of the game enders like Mavor.

I think I saw this somewhere in this thread but sera strats definitely do not need a buff or shield or whatever. Sera air is already very strong.

@javi said in The Problems With The UEF - Part 4 (Ambassador & Blackbird):

@ftxcommando you are telling me some dude spent like 45k mass in ahwassa + T3 pgen and your ally couldn’t build anything meaningful? Sounds more like a player issue rather than a balance one. Easily can make 50 ASF and just suicide them into enemy ahwassa with a 45k mass budget

maybe don't act arrogant if you don't know what you're talking about