Naval Transports

@zeldafanboy Hi,
First essay models appeared as t2 and t3 mobile sea factories for AEON . alt text
alt text

![alt text](image url) UEF T2

Just why honestly why come up with this idea.

Use air transports or make hover its what they were designed for

Ras Boi's save lives.

@in_omnia_paratus said in Naval Transports:


Because it's fun.

You must deceive the enemy, sometimes your allies, but you must always deceive yourself!

@kalethequick said in Naval Transports:

@in_omnia_paratus said in Naval Transports:


Because it's fun.

Which is no excuse for adding them to the base game. Even more when they are by no means necessary.

It is literally just asking for more bugs

Ras Boi's save lives.

Bugs always are and will part of any modification. If this kind of thinking would prevail, FAF never FAF would exist!

To be clear, Naval Transports fundamentally do not work with the game code. A transport always pathfinds to the transportee (that a lie not always. If your close units will pathfind to transport) but that means a naval transport ends uo being suoer micro heavy. A Hover/Amphibious transport in theory worm

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

@dragun101 Sorry, Ive tested long range landings of Cybran, Sera and UEF without any trouble. I will do again and will send pics.

…what? The transporter will generally go the transportee. While transports hold positions.

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

It still a useless unit.

Ras Boi's save lives.

@dragun101 I beg your pardon, but Ive tested yesterday the 3 models disponible of t2 naval transports through a complicated patch map and all is ok, without any micro management.

Can you make it into a mod?

@veteranashe The mod exist.Its only to talk with the author .

The Naval Transports, which can be seen on the Screenshots above are part of my Mod: FBP New Techs.
The Mod itself is still in development but it is available on my Github Repository as an Early Access.

I already know that Naval Transports are not really supported by the Game itself.
There are a few Issues which makes them a little bit tricky to made.
For Example if you want to unload your Landunits from these Naval Transports.
It can happen that a few Units will be located below the Land / Ground Layer of the Map and will be destroyed. It is not perfect at all, but overall these Naval Transports exist.
Even the Landtransport from Brewlan has this Issue sometimes and is still a really cool useful Unit
But for the Issue itself there is no way to fix this as far as I know.

I have several other Concepts in my archives for Naval, Hover or Landunits, which I want to try out in the future.
Maybe these ones will work better in general. But since my main Development Progress is currently focused on FBP Orbital (a new upcoming Space related Mod with Spaceships, Spacestations and more) these Naval Transports are the only ones.

Of course Air Transports are very useful in several aspects of the Game.
But even in Real life there are many other Variations of Transports. The main reason why I have add Naval Transports is to add more Variety to the Game.
Basically Air and Naval Transports have thier own Advantages and Disadvantages and are useful on different Situations. The next point was the topic of the addition of Naval Transports into the Game is old and starts after the Release of Supreme Commander. And the last thing is why not it is still the decision of the player to use them or not.