[Discontinued] Ethereal FAF Client 1.0
Check check
Now you can host any kind of map you want without even having it locally
You removed Grimplex from your foe-friend list, but besides that: looks great
. Is it still as responsive as you set it out to be?
@jip said in ★ Ethereal FAF Client Highlights ★:
You removed Grimplex from your foe-friend list, but besides that: looks great . Is it still as responsive as you set it out to be?
Yeah and i am sure i can speed it up a lot of more, but it will require some better knowledge
Currently it has lack of connectivity control with lobby, i have no control on reconnection system right now xD Maybe next week i will fix it
You can try it now, i think it is stable +-
https://github.com/Eternal-ll/Ethereal-FAF-Client/releases/tag/v0.00001-beta -
@Eternal Personally I would not download any ting from that link I assume you have a Github that you can do a release on which would be a more recognised site for people to download from?
@rowey Fixed
Nice work, the menu is really shaping up to something special..
@photek xDDDDDD Sorry, it is AD from website. I have ability to hide it, but it is kinda complicated right now
@Eternal What in the flying heck? There are ADs in the client? Are you kidding?
yeah,was about to say,there're ads in the client?
I mean, those aren't client ads. It's the client showing a website that have ads.
It's literally this site being showed there: https://kazbek.github.io/FAF-Analytics/ -
@deletethis @Rezy-Noob it is ads from embedded analytics site. It will be removed with next release xD
@Eternal I tried running this but nothing happened. Is this just supposed to be unzipped and then the application run? I see no output or logs when run from the command line.
@sheikah yeah it is portable self packaged version, do you run it on windows? Oh command line? Linux?
I dont think it is support Linux right now
Yes I am running from windows, when it didn't do anything after just being clicked, I tried running from cmd to see if there was any output but there was none.
@sheikah Oh, then something i did wrong
@sheikah You may try this debug version, https://disk.yandex.ru/d/GLEDEsRpCkVGgg. Cant say if it even launches. If you want, i can publish this as release.
When we tested with MarcSpector, the problem was a directory issues in code