[Discontinued] Ethereal FAF Client 1.0

Good luck to the crazy ones who will use the current version 😄

Next release of alpha will be not soon, but it would be much better. I am gonna change overall architecture for easier usage and developing.

Not died!

Added something cool.


  1. Added ability to select size of news per page
  2. Added ability to select different pages of news
  3. Emplemented forum API to read recent topics
  4. Added ability to select recent forum topic by catergory all time/daile/weekly/montly
  5. Added pages for recent forum topics

You can actually click on topic author / latest message author / read latest message






For future:

  1. Ability to authorize on forum thought client
  2. Added topics that you want to see firstly, useful for devs and etc
  3. Ability to send messages?)

Check check



Now you can host any kind of map you want without even having it locally


You removed Grimplex from your foe-friend list, but besides that: looks great 🙂 . Is it still as responsive as you set it out to be?

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip said in ★ Ethereal FAF Client Highlights ★:

You removed Grimplex from your foe-friend list, but besides that: looks great . Is it still as responsive as you set it out to be?

Yeah and i am sure i can speed it up a lot of more, but it will require some better knowledge 😃

Currently it has lack of connectivity control with lobby, i have no control on reconnection system right now xD Maybe next week i will fix it

@Eternal Personally I would not download any ting from that link I assume you have a Github that you can do a release on which would be a more recognised site for people to download from?

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@rowey Fixed 😄

Nice work, the menu is really shaping up to something special..
Screenshot 2022-05-03 100550.png

@photek xDDDDDD Sorry, it is AD from website. I have ability to hide it, but it is kinda complicated right now

@Eternal What in the flying heck? There are ADs in the client? Are you kidding?

yeah,was about to say,there're ads in the client?

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

I mean, those aren't client ads. It's the client showing a website that have ads.
It's literally this site being showed there: https://kazbek.github.io/FAF-Analytics/

@deletethis @Rezy-Noob it is ads from embedded analytics site. It will be removed with next release xD

@Eternal I tried running this but nothing happened. Is this just supposed to be unzipped and then the application run? I see no output or logs when run from the command line.

@sheikah yeah it is portable self packaged version, do you run it on windows? Oh command line? Linux?

I dont think it is support Linux right now 😄