Small suggestions topic
I'm afraid that the toggle to disable the UI is part of the executable and the implementation doesn't allow you to toggle it.
Can you pause the game, make the pause/unpause disabled for the players to prevent interference then unpause the game and reenable the button for the players?
Right now, the option to expand the idle engies or factories menu only appears when you actually have an idle factory/engie, and - at least for me - the button is somewhat difficult to click because it's so small. In my opinion you should always want the expanded version of the menu, so my suggestion is as follows.
This is how it is currently:
This is my suggested version:
Excuse the bad image editing, but could you create a menu option to show expanded idle factories AND engies menu by default?
A UI mod can do that too, no need to embed that in the repository.
I was thinking of the flags in the game lobby that shows where we all live. If there was also a small icon showing if each player had indicated (somewhere) that they spoke/understood english that would be potentially helpful. I'm one of the (few?) people who types a lot in game, trying to rally or focus the team and I've often had games where no one responds lol so maybe they literally don't understand me meaning I'm wasting my time and it would be useful to know to stick to pings
I'm not sure about that last suggestion. I think the country flag is already a good indication whether you can expect someone to understand / speak english. And even then, sometimes people just want to be able to play in slience.
The real question is: Do we want to show the flags at all?
An idea I have which may need play testing and discussion is if you que engineers to build multiple building they can sometimes get in the way of the next building in the que. The build has wait until all units that are in the way to move. My suggest is have units that are in the way of the next build que move out of the way and avoid this location before it starts to be built.
Somebody link that clip of Yudi trying to move engies out of the way of a t3 pgen for a full minute.
@thecore said in Small suggestions topic:
An idea I have which may need play testing and discussion is if you que engineers to build multiple building they can sometimes get in the way of the next building in the que. The build has wait until all units that are in the way to move. My suggest is have units that are in the way of the next build que move out of the way and avoid this location before it starts to be built.
The simulation is not informed of the building until it starts building. We cannot sync that information to the sim - that would open a window for cheating. This is also why the terrain scanning feature is delayed.
@Deribus can you close this topic? We've got sufficient examples of small improvements for the next patch. Some of them are already part of the patch, see also the changelogs or the commits to FAF Develop.
edit: linky to the overview made by Deribus:
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Unlocked and relocked because Jip asked me to do it
List 2: Electric Boogaloo
Up to date to my knowledge
Implemented, woohoo!
Being worked on:
- GC beam targeting fix
- Easy to interpret lag information
- Change radar selection sound
- Give friendly/enemy nuke launches different sounds
- Display total score of each team in lobby
- Repeat hotkey improvements
- Full share unit gift prompt/notification
- Button to notify players to ready up
- Force rainbow cup colors (Not possible in custom games, but being worked on for matchmaking)
- Better CPU test
- Audible low power warning
- Matchmaking menu improvements
- Terrain heightmap overlay
Being investigated
- See friendly radar bubbles (May not be possible)
- Enable many "proplayer features" by default
- Global unit toggle (May not be possible)
- Display whether maps are rated
- Toggle factories to half speed (May need balance team feedback)
- ACU self-destruct confirmation
- Autobalance in lobby
- Automatic building of nukes in subs
- Allow group of engineers to build structures of the highest selected tier
- Allow queuing of the same structure on top of each other
- Micro-pause on disconnection
- Announce when players lose connection to one another
- Fix GC beam targeting
- Change SACU explosion sound (To what other sound?)
- Number formatting fix (1000 -> 1 000)
- Fix the mute players in chat
No official comment
- Prompt when draw is offered
- Icons for items under construction
- Cybran ACU Maser toggle
- Change selection priority of combat SACUs
Probably not possible
- Add unit to beginning of build queue
- Fix stereo sound issues
- Ability to set keybinds to mouse buttons
- Replay rewind
- Building from max range
- Pre-emptively move out of the way of structures
- Spread build
- Separate nuke load bar for nuke subs and battleships
- Wall auto-reclaim fix
- Lock factory waypoints to units
- Make the factory engineer attack not ending
- Option to unbind ctrl-click to select all of the same unit
Feature already exists or was purposefully removed
- Ship FAF with PD + Walls template by default (Similar feature already exists)
- Prevent pause button spam
- Target prioritization improvements (Old feature that was reworked)
- Allow reduced disconnection timer
- View share condition in-game
- Ability to name templates
- Shift-g reclaim orders (Purposefully removed)
- Deselect selected units
- Filter maps by size
- Custom template images
- Map version in lobby
- Engineer auto-assist on completion (Can be done via attack-move)
- Swap position in lobby request
Suggestion outside the scope of the thread
- Clear client search field (Client issue)
- A variety of UI improvements (Client issue)
- Toggle option for UI mods when watching a replay (Client issue)
- Highlight alternative game modes (Client issue)
- Merge all ladder queue chats (Client issue)
- Option to hide games by specific mod (Client issue)
- Portal/teleportation building (Rejected, better as a mod)
- Chat history (Client issue)
- Wyvern mod fix (Mod issue)
- Encourage optimal balance games; discourage leaving the game early (First is a large feature but may be looked into later; second rejected)
- AI improvements (Large issue)
- Floating Fatboy (Balance issue)
- Sera omni jamming (Balance issue)
- SMD in nuke subs (Balance issue)
- Convert support factories into HQs (Balance issue)
- Show map size in game list (Client issue)
- Total map reclaim count in lobby or map details (Would be a large feature if possible at all)
- Astro and Dual Gap matchmaking (Client/server issue)
- Show players in same lobby in chat window (Client issue)
- Allow premade teams in optimal balance (Large issue)
Rejected for other reasons
- Lobby voting system
- Gain rating for each player kill
- GC claw inconsistency (No issue)
- A variety of changes from redhotchilipper (First two better as mods, third probably not possible, fourth already exists)
- Construction tab reset issue (UI mod issue)
- Show mass extractors in UI (Already exists as UI mod)
- Idle factories rework (Better as UI mod)
- Language flag in lobby
- Scouting auto-ping
- Hotkey of build closest mex for engies
- Infinite build experimentals (Requires too much bookkeeping)
- Chat beep lite integration (Already exists as UI mod)
- Make air units bounce off map edges like wrecks do against shields (Better as sim mod)
- Semi-random faction choice in lobby (Possible but difficult to do)
- Chat taunts (Better as UI mod)
- Allow rebind of reclaim labels hotkey (Possible but difficult to do)
- Allow mobile factories to produce while moving (Possible but difficult to do)
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