Supreme Computer Cup

@swkoll i cant download some of the mods show as they dont show up in the faf launcher is there another place i can download them from? [mods in question
6.Sorian AI (creator Sorian): Adaptive and 3. Skouby AI (creator Skouby)]

Instructions for the tournament:

  1. Join the #computercup irc channel, you can do this by clicking the "+" in the chat window and typing "#computercup"
  2. Check what group you are in (below), this will determine which maps you play vs which AI. This ensures every AI plays each map a somewhat equal amount of time and players get different maps each game.
  3. Starting at 15:00 UTC, everyone is going to start playing their games vs AI using this chart below from top to bottom. Everyone's first game is vs RNGAI, then AI-Swarm etc.
    alt text
  4. Each AI mod will need to be downloaded from the vault (guide). Some AIs will require AI-Usevo to be active to work (RNGAI, AI-Swarm, Marlo's Sorian AI edit). If AI-Usevo is on please enable "Ai Map Marker Generator": "Autogenerate Always" in settings. (guide) Sorian AI is built into the client and does not require downloading.
  5. Host each game, all games should use default spawns (slot 1 vs slot 2), you can pick whatever faction you would like, AIs should be played on random, except for DilliDalli and Marlo's Sorian AI edit whose faction picks can be found in the chart where Yellow is Seraphim, Green is Aeon, Red is Cybran, and Blue is UEF. (hosting guide)
  6. Play each game and report the result in the #computercup channel (ie won vs Sorian AI)

Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
Group 5:
Group 6:
Group 7:
Group 8:
Group 9:

@iamtheplokokiopo Sorian AI is built into the client and doesn't require downloading, Skouby's AI is actually called SACUAI and the post has been updated to reflect this.

Here's the list of games played:

edit: not all games have the right name - I forgot to edit them in between at times

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Replay IDs for my games (AI lost them all):

A couple of points that struck me in particular while playing:
DilliDalli - I first played on the map with it as Sera (forgot it was meant to be Aeon) and the Com charged to an island alone allowing an easy kill with air.
Tried again with them as Aeon thinking it was just that it shouldve had hover units to support, but it did the same thing

SACU AI - the AI appeared to send all (or most) of it's land army out of the way to attack one wall segment that my Engi had built on an island before it died (there was nothing of value of mine nearby and I had no units there)

PoR - RNG AI -
Saltrock - Swarm -
Theta - SacuAI -
Emerald crater - dili dali -
Crossfire - Uveso -
Poalr depression - Sorian -
Open palms - Sorian Edit -

Imo the one with most potential is dili. Could see it kicking ass of some -200 - 300 rated players in ladder.

AI Map Replay comment
RNGAI Open Palms forgot to turn on markers the first time, so this is the second attempt
AI-Swarm Summer Duel
SACUAI Cobalt Valley
AI: DilliDalli Point of Reach
AI-Uveso Saltrock Colony
Sorian AI Theta Passage
Sorian Edit Emerald Crater

Damn Femto, fancy

Screenshot 2021-06-26 133534.png

Some things I noted while playing

SACU AI might've actually competed with me had it done any reclaim, it had ample opportunity but didn't

Sorian Edit didn't build any hydro plants

DilliDalli was VERY aggressive - I liked that, too many new players including myself have to learn to be aggressive and the AI generally aren't aggressive enough to teach that

AI Swarm gave me the most trouble and if it weren't for the 45 min time limit, it would've been a loss for me
I might've done better with a different faction(aeon probably) but regardless, well done to the dev

Also, I copied the graph from FemtoZetta-Very Nice

AI vs AI game results are as follows:

Place AI Points
1 RNG Standard 47
2 DilliDalli 43.5
3 Swarm Terror 32.5
4 SACU AI 22.5
5 Sorian Adaptive 19.5
6 Uveso Adaptive 16
7 Sorian Edit Adaptive 8

Head to head results:
(AI by row, opponent by column, points are "for the AI, against the opponent")

AI\Opponent DilliDalli RNG Standard SACU AI Sorian Adaptive Sorian Edit Adaptive Swarm Terror Uveso Adaptive
DilliDalli - 4.5 6.5 7.5 9 7 9
RNG Standard 4.5 - 8 8 9 8.5 9
SACU AI 2.5 1 - 5.5 7 3 3.5
Sorian Adaptive 1.5 1 3.5 - 7 1 5
Sorian Edit Adaptive 0 0 2 1 - 1 3.5
Swarm Terror 2 0.5 6 8 8 - 8
Uveso Adaptive 0 0 5.5 4 5.5 1 -

Raw (JSON formatted) results as output from my script: results.txt


Congrats to RNGAI by relent0r and chp2001 for winning the overall tournament and AI vs AI with 47 points total!

Additionally, congrats to AI: DilliDalli by Softles for winning the Player vs AI portion of the tournament with 1 point!

An honorable mention goes to AI-Swarm by Azraeel for being the only other AI to score points in the player vs AI portion of the tournament and for coming in 3rd overall.

Overall results:

  1. RNGAI
  2. AI: DilliDalli
  3. AI-Swarm
  5. Sorian AI
  6. AI-Uveso
  7. Marlo's Sorian AI Edit

AI vs AI Results:

  1. RNGAI
  2. AI: DilliDalli
  3. AI-Swarm
  5. Sorian AI
  6. AI-Uveso
  7. Marlo's Sorian AI Edit

Player vs AI Results:

  1. AI: DilliDalli
  2. AI-Swarm

Thanks to everyone who made AIs to participate and to all the players who showed up to help benchmark the AIs.

Thanks for organising Swkoll! and the players for providing some interesting replays to ponder over (and whoever did the twitch cast as they pointed out where the AI's were failing by comparison to the humans they were fighting).

Damn, Uveso did much worse than I was expecting to be honest. Props to RNG though!

@relentless Swkoll also did the twitch cast!

oh nice! didn't know his voice, in which case 2x thanks!

and Utopian Uveso would have done better but there was a little communication break down as to which variant of Uveso was used, the one selected was more suited to turtle game play than his rush one is. Next time it'll do better.

Finally, someone made a AI that can teach new players the need to be aggressive?!!?!?!

I am excite!

I failed to eco and got completely surprised when Dilli Dalli expanded so fast. It probably wouldn't happen a second time but it was at least a pleasant change from easily winning against the Adaptive AI.

Former Board Member - March 2021 - March 2022

Thanks for motivate me to do some work on my ai 😄