v162 Update
13 changes, including:
Fixed an issue with nuke targeting where it could understate the damage it expected to deal from a missile, and mae it more likely to fire when loaded if the enemy has T3 arti
M28 should be more likely to get a game-ender if the enemy has multiple T3 arti
Various improvements to the bomber logic, including no longer having strat bombers suicide into any enemy that gets within 300 of its rally point (quite how that logic lasted this long before I noticed it I dont know!)
Added some fixes and redundancies for an issue where TMD woudl be insivible to M28 when firing at a mex that it detected when mid-upgrade.
1 mod specific change (adding slight support for T1 torpedo bombers)
Radde – a number of replays on Xander Adaptive against v156
Azraeel – Spotting a replay where M28 failed to win despite a strong eco lead, and spotting a typo made in a v162 commit before I’d even released v162!