Nobody uses the mobile factory aspects of units except for maybe T3 aircraft carriers. I would allow Fatboys to construct units whole moving for example, and buff Megalith buildrate

RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
RE: 150€ King of Crazyrush Tournament
Fanart, can't wait to watch the tournament.
Soul Ripper should have stealth
Every Cybran T3 air unit has stealth, even free stealth in the case of the spy plane. The Soul Ripper is the most lackluster air experimental that doesn't really do anything interesting. I've never seen a cool play with a bug, unlike a CZAR or an Ahwassa ctrl+k. Giving it stealth, for free or at a constant energy cost, would give it more of a niche without really buffing it all that much. Thoughts?
RE: Smol ACU Adjustment
100 DPS is already nothing for T2 units, you need OC to be able to safely handle more than 2-3 T2 tanks. Halving ACU DPS will just make it comically easy for T1 spam to kill it. If you wanted to make T2 stronger you should nerf OC not base shot damage
RE: Is it OK that engi stations can eat experimentals?
a worrying amount of people hate fun
RE: Adjustment to the reclaim rates
Stop reducing the volatility of the game. Volatility is not bad
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Cybran had a T1 scout submarine and Aeon had a T1 static arty
RE: Redux Strategic Icons
The fact that each faction gets their own ACU icon is very cool
RE: Seriously when are you guys going to undo the Scathis changes
Race science and shitty balance takes, this post has it all.
The Scathis, Mavor, and Salvation are pretty unique but they all need to have very long range to be useable at all (due to their buildtime, cost, and low hp).
Asking to make a game ender arty short range for faction diversity is like asking for one faction to have slower ASF. It will make the unit useless.
RE: Aeon T1 addition: heavy tank
T1 land doesn't need any more new units. Save your effort for T1 naval.
RE: Developers Iteration I of 2023
Do people realize that this won't affect how 95% of structures look? They will be placed on flat ground anyways and will look the same. On the other hand this could reward creative placement of point defense
RE: Title: A Time For Change: FAF Community Balance Team
It's called Forged Alliance Forever, not Forged Alliance Remixed or whatever. The job of the balance team is to make sure that each faction and the capabilities available to each aren't overpowered or underpowered in real games on most maps. The game isn't stale because the balance patches are too conservative (they aren't) or infrequent. The game isn't stale-- you are playing stale maps.
RE: klutz writes an out-of-season april fool's balance patch
Cybran T3 Engineers can build Salems on land like tiny experimentals
RE: Small suggestions topic
Is there a way to mute the in game voice clips people spam they’re annoying. Can an option be added to disable them if that doesn’t yet exist? I haven’t seen anything related to muting them in any options menu.
RE: Players asking for engies using markers without stating their name
Please don't remove colors from markers as 9/10 people play with normal color settings and its helpful
RE: Scouts and labs should not break tree groups
Honestly I would also like this change so that I don’t break my own tree groups and therefore don’t have to path scouts and labs around unbroken forests
RE: Shouldn't T1 Torpedo Launchers have some advantage over T2?
T2 torp launchers are awful for the mass cost, and honestly at at the T2 stage they get owned by destroyers and torp bombers
What would you even build them for? You can rush a T1 torp def to stop a t1 sub rush.
They have better stats than the T1 torp launcher but they're worse in the current metagame
RE: FAF Beta - Feedback
Ok just make it able to be targeted by TMD on return if possible. It's a small tactical missile, and loyalists can deflect all tac missiles no matter how expensive or destructive
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
HARMs is a stalling unit. Getting rid of its stealth AND lowering its range AND gutting its hp all compound to make it too easy to be bursted down. The GitHub comment even says that now T2 destroyers would have a chance against them. Why should T2 mobile units have a chance against T3 static defense? It should be 2 out of the 3 nerfs— lower the range and hp but keep stealth seems fine, or lower hp and remove stealth but keep range etc. Halving the build time just makes it easier to HARMS creep or use them offensively with underwater SACUs which is annoying enough to deal with