TMD is already incredibly cheap for what it counters and making it cheaper won’t solve the issue of getting locked out of TMD if your T2 HQ gets sniped

RE: TMD could be cheaper
RE: Scouts and labs should not break tree groups
What if it’s made of a super advanced light material
RE: SACU Rebalance
100 dps is useless at that stage of the game, might as well disable the gun until it’s upgraded
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
The vast majority of the playerbase doesn’t even read the forums, so I think it’s silly for people to use negative sentiment on the forums as an accurate bellwether of the playerbase. Moreover, treating the majority of the playerbase as largely indifferent to any changes so just cater to what the highest level players say isn’t a necessary corollary to this. Why not actually have polls on the client news page for potential changes?
RE: Blast from the past, Cybran Vulcanizer!
Personally I think upgrades should be for commanders and sacus only but it’s your mod
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
That’s bizarre and I don’t think that’s how steam works
RE: Adjustment to the reclaim rates
Stop reducing the volatility of the game. Volatility is not bad
RE: Soul Ripper
Soul Ripper exists to inefficiently leverage an advantage elsewhere in the game like a lane win or eco advantage into a strategic air asset that can tip the scales in a future clash or to punish experimentals that aren’t given air support. Feel like it’s not stellar by design. The best advantage it has is that you don’t need T3 Air fac to make it, just T3 engies
RE: What can be done to make 1v1 more popular?
Ladder is decently active but you see a lot of the same people at whatever rating level, not terrible but it’s definitely dependent on if certain people are queuing multiple times in a row
RE: Please show rating changes in replay vault
Anything that makes this game more similar to Overwatch in any way is bad
RE: Make obsidian shield regen useful
I don’t actually think the Obsidian’s shield is intended to recharge in real games, notice how it’s much stronger than the shields for the T3 units. The Obsidian’s movement speed is also very slow along with shield recharge which doesn’t facilitate pulling it in and out of battle with micro. I always took it to be a unit which is incredibly tanky but can be circumvented if you cause your opponent to power stall via destroying pgens or forcing bad economy balancing
RE: Disconnect tele effect
I like the idea but then people with coms about to die would just close their games instead if the situation called for it. Like if you have an allied low hp ACU near yours
RE: Username rules updates
It's annoying when people are referring to someone in chat by their previous name and I have no clue who they are talking about, sometimes even impeding teamwork, but thats not really the fault of the person who changed their name, but the people who expect everyone to know everyone elses identity in their clan or whatever
This change sort of mitigates that, but doesn't really eliminate it, and the year duration is really onerous...
RE: Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Cybran got a T1 scout sub, Aeon got a T1 static artillery, and UEF got a T3 anti arty shield
RE: Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
I was about to say, some of these Cybran units look familiar!
RE: Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
The Deroys look really creative, I love the leg laser beams
RE: Teleport makes Cybran ACU wide?
Ohhhhhhhhhhh he thicc
RE: Mines?
As far as I’m aware, isn’t the “no new units” policy still in effect? I know the Aeon T3 Shield Disruptor is being transferred to the Cybrans but that’s not really a whole new unit
RE: Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
I actually liked the old heads better, I thought overall it was still recognizable as a UEF unit