Imagine Novax has a defensive role. Remove the ability to hit ground targets. Give it TMD, and maybe even some AA, and keep the intel. Then use it in coordination with the Fatty. Maybe it spawns with the Fatty and dies if the Fatty dies.
RE: Satellite overperforming.
RE: The little things
Not a little change, but I really appreciate the PBR textures. The units just look so good now with proper map lighting.
RE: Clarkes Retreat map in 1v1 pool is broken
@StormLantern this is my bad. The map vault has the fix as v.6.
RE: 'Brigadier Fletcher' Mapping tournament
@thecrimsonknight you can grab the map from the vault and reverse engineer it. As far as the actual skybox, I used Gaea for the planet texture and GIMP to sphereize, fade it out, and add the star.
RE: 'Brigadier Fletcher' Mapping tournament
My tournament submission was kind of a last-minute spontaneous idea that I thought I could accomplish without the normal amount, i.e., fifty plus hours, of effort. The idea is several large artificial monoliths for base-building surrounded by water and maybe just a bit of natural-looking terrain, and it's predicated on the phenomenon that if the water level is the exact same height as the land you get to build and move land units as usual, but the water textures are also rendered.
Kings of Beta Ceti
No one now living knows where the massive columns, dubbed the Kings of Beta Ceti, came from, what they're made of, or the significance of their markings. But these mysteries are going to have to remain unsolved, at least for a while longer. The moon, officially named Beta Ceti E 44, is approaching its perigee with the super Jovian and the entire site is rapidly flooding. The UEF scientists are packing up and leaving, abandoning everything but their data. Even the exceptionally expensive Black Sun instruments will soon be submerged.
Site brief courtesy of UEF Advanced Special Programs Division.
Image from Novax pass 29:40:10 local time.
Final transport leaving Logistics Command. The floodwaters have reached the peaks of the artifacts.
Each spawn has about 1k mass reclaim. You can go first navy factory without moving if you wish.
Each civilian area contains about 2k mass reclaim.
The Black Sun wreckage was reduced to 15% of its original mass.
I'll get this uploaded to the vault in the next day or two. Thank you @Jip for hosting another tournament.
One final shot of some flooded structures.
RE: Base Layer Texture and Albedo Tiling.....5K and 10km map....need help
Export the stratum settings, open the file with a text editor, change 256 to 512, save and import the updated settings.
Edit, it's going to look like garbage unless it's an extremely high resolution texture.
Procedural Skyboxes
What follows is a brief explanation of a portion of the procedural skybox parameters. Note that procedural skyboxes are only available in Forged Alliance version maps, i.e., version 60.
A few examples of what is possible before we start.
To give this a try you will need: a text editor like Notepad or VSCode, FAF Map Editor, and of course Forged Alliance.
The FAF Map Editor can export procedural skybox settings in JSON format. Open the map editor and select the Lighting category. At the bottom of the sidebar are the export and import buttons. You will use these buttons a lot while experimenting. Export and save the skybox parameters as an .scmskybox file.
I'm not going define all of the parameters because there are several that, either don't do anything substantial, or I haven't tested yet. I'll cover what I use the most.
"HorizonHeight": -42.5, "HorizonColor": { "r": 0.6485937237739563, "g": 0.8204687237739563, "b": 0.8399999737739563, "a": 1.0}, "ZenithColor": { "r": 0.21999996900558473, "g": 0.4099999666213989, "b": 0.7199999690055847, "a": 1.0}, "DecalGlowMultiplier": 0.10000000149011612, "Albedo": "/textures/environment/", "Glow": "/textures/environment/", "Planets": [ { "Position": { "x": 2190.58056640625, "y": 570.74267578125, "z": -1020.002685546875 }, "Rotation": -1.5847588777542115, "Scale": { "x": 183.0, "y": 183.0 }, "Uv": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.5, "z": 0.5, "w": 0.5 } },
HorizonHeight - sets the position of the horizon with respect to the terrain, default value should be fine for most scenarios. It can be moved closer to zero for a more distinct horizon.
HorizonColor - sets the color of the lower portion of the skybox. I often start by setting these values equal to the Fog Color values and start adjusting from there.
ZenithColor - sets the color of the upper portion of the skybox
DecalGlowMultiplier - sets the glow value of the entities in the list of planets
Planets - sets the list of entities to be added to the skybox. Each planet has parameters that define its position, size, and rotation.
Position - sets the position of the planet in the skybox using the same coordinate system as the map editor
Rotation - sets the rotation of the planet from -2.0 to 2.0. Should be set to match the map lighting style and light direction
Scale - sets the size of the planet. In combination with the position values, can be used to create tiny distant stars, large near moons, and everything in between
After making some changes and saving the file you can import the changes into the FAF Map Editor. The map editor will give you a representation of the position, size, and colors, but will not render planets or clouds.
I'll update this post with the cloud settings as well as the planet Uv values when I get some more time.
Attached are the skyboxes for the earlier examples.
RE: Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Cooper's hawk is a North American bird hunter but the UEF already have a Cooper. Goshawk for the AA gunship?
RE: Weekly Discussion #29 - What would you like to see in the game next?
Decoy units and structures.
RE: Weekly Discussion #29 - What would you like to see in the game next?
Subs build underwater mass, hydro, sonar, and reclaim.
RE: Weekly Discussion #29 - What would you like to see in the game next?
First-person ACU perspective
RE: Balance Patch 3750 - Feedback
Give Mercy a mini chrono-dampener effect on impact.
RE: Weekly Discussion #21 - LABs and Land Scouts
Could give land scouts some residual vision like air scouts after they die.
RE: Novax needs to be nerfed, here's why.
It's obvious it's meant to fill the T4 air role for UEF but no other T4 air unit can hover indefinitely over your base. Add a method(s) to destroy it, e.g., SMD, nuke, another Novax, and balance it from there.
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Monkeylord gets egg drop as well. But instead of stopping to build a unit of choice, it automatically drops a Fire Beetle every
7.7 seconds if there is an enemy unit within maser range. The Fire Beetle is assigned the same target as the ML by default. -
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
I might have said this before. Subs can build underwater mexes and hydros.
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
@nine2 said in WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas:
@defiant said in WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas:
ACUs can be upgraded arms from dead ACUs.
That's pretty cool
Is this like a UEF com kills an Aeon com and then has access to the Aeon arm upgrades? Because that would be interesting.
RE: AI Development Guide and M27AI v74 Devlog
Stop making it better. It's getting too hard to beat.
I'm kidding. Your work is appreciated.
RE: how to detect sup com cloaked?
Your ACU could see it but I don't recommend depending on it. Only the Aeon ACU with enhanced sensors upgrade has omni range greater than the Cybran microwave laser range.