I agree it's never great and I never get it basically, but there is a use case in holding a hard point under static shields.
RE: Chrono Dampener is not great.
RE: Bug: Entire map revealed for a leaving dead player
@zoodoo4u If you think allowing live replay viewing is a bad idea why do you think having the entire map revealed doesn't matter?
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
Last time I tried to play ladder I was slapped down on Canis River and the enemy com walked into my base minute 2:30.
5x5 maps existing means I'll probably never play ladder.
RE: tml miss?
Also had this issue today, can provide more replay IDs if necessary but the above comment looks like it should be solved?
Posting Restriction for Balance Discussion
[Actual serious post, please consider for at least 2 seconds before explaining why my continued existence is a detriment to society]
So I've been browsing the balance discussions on discord for a few months now, and reading the latest few pages it actually struck me how much discussions had degraded. Sure, it's not like discord balance threads were ever a pinnacle of rational discourse, but the early to mid threads used to have a fair bit of engagement from higher rated players, developers, and otherwise relevant parties. I mean sure, you could say that most of it were people coming in to shit on whatever position FTX happened to be taking, but the important thing was that it generated useful discussion to work off of.
I was reading the latest thread and this is what it looked like.
[Image removed to prevent witch hunting]
You might think that this is a biased sample, but that post has 200+ posts and the entire thread, without exaggeration, is that cycle of comments the whole way through. And it's not like this is an isolated incident. Every thread in the last few pages looks like this or has 0 comments.
[Though to be fair to LoliNekoTrap, he is the OP]The point I'm trying to raise is that despite the certainty that many of the lower rated players in these discussions are trying their best to contribute, they are simply incapable of doing so. The threshold of having an original, nuanced, and relevant opinion on any given subject is a phenomenally high one that I don't think most people are capable of properly appreciating, and I think that the prevalence of these useless, derailing, "helpful" commentary from 1ks are driving away actual potential contributors who don't want to scroll through 300 comments to see if Tagada or Farms said anything that requires them to add onto.
At the same time, I think a lot of minor, niche or otherwise creative ideas come from lower rated players who are viewing a problem from a fresh angle, so here's the proposal:
Anyone should be able to create a balance suggestion or discussion post, provided they pass whatever minimal criteria already established.
From there, only people above a certain threshold (whatever may be established idk) can actually comment on the discussion post.
As to the logistics, allow a simple automated system allowing people to declare their credentials to comment and filter out anyone who breaks the rules, rather than try to individually admit players into the discussion, to minimize moderator workload.
This measure is less about stopping lower rated players from participating in these discussions, and more about allowing higher rated players to once again feel that these discussions have any meaning whatsoever that won't be drowned by the absolute cesspool of idiocy that drowns out any insightful posts and responds not to reason nor argument. I truly believe that this is the largest reason of balance discussions being perceived as a useless meme channel, and the major deterrent to improvement.
This is for discord because I don't know how this forum works with regards to restricting posting access, but could work here too.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk (aka what not having aeolus does to a mf)
RE: Reworked Mercy, how do you like it?
I only used it a few times but it seems to have no utility whatsoever.
Either it does damage faster, or it does more damage total. Right now you just walk out of the cloud and receive like 100 damage dealt.
RE: Don't Remove Unit Intel When Ownership Transfers
Unfortunate. Okay, thank you.
Don't Remove Unit Intel When Ownership Transfers
I suspect this might be a bit of a tricky ask but I was wondering if it could be possible if intel on units can be kept upon transfer of ownership.
This is most commonly an issue in full share games where someone dies, but even in this example below I accidentally transferred my navy while trying to give a mex and the enemy team's diligent scouting intel went straight up in flames because of this interaction, which seems both unintuitive and unfair.
Just a quality of life / gameplay improvement suggestion. Thank you.
RE: Option for Logarithmic Scaling in the score board
This is great. How do we use it, is it just a post game option?
Don't Destroy All Units Upon Recall
Simple suggestion to change the "Recall Vote" function so that it doesn't destroy every building on the losing side's game.
Example of destroyed bases after recall.
It makes it sometimes difficult to analyze what exactly was going on before the game ended, up to a point where you end up taking the last few minutes at simspeed -2 swapping between perspectives looking at what everyone was up to since you can't swap perspectives without sim speed until the end of the game, and at the end of said game when you are freely capable of doing so nothing remains.
Thank you.
RE: Wreck hp could be buffed
Is that even true? I thought wrecks had the same hp as the unit.
RE: TMM Queue Same Game Opposite Team
wtf does custom games have to do with anything I just said?
TMM Queue Same Game Opposite Team
Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but I am stealling wafflez' idea for an option where if you all queue together you'll be guaranteed on the same match but could end up on opposite sides of the team, so it doesn't take 70 minutes to find a match but you can still play in the same game together.
Thank you.
RE: Humans can use factory attack move but AI's can't?
Quickly ban penguin before he does something we will all regret
RE: Add upgrade t2 shields for aeon
I think this would be a great quality of life change. Nerf it if you really must.