Genuine question, compared to a year or two for example, is the number of players increasing/static/decreasing?
And what about the number of games played?
Just curious..

How is FAF doing?
Patch updates on joining a game
is it really the best time and place to force the patch updates when a player tries to join a game lobby? It's frustrating when I'm watching maybe 20 mins to see a game i want to join and then I get the update which maybe means the game fills up with players before I get into it.
Could we not have a banner appear on the game client intself so we can trigger the update to get it installed before we attempt to join a game? It much be a much appreciated quality of life improvement. -
RE: Pics for OnceHandsome
Pics for Oncehandsome who had a texture issue on latest version of the map. Very hard on the eyes playing like this, 1/10 would not recommend
RE: Where's the best beginner how to mod tutorial?
Politely bumping this again as i would like to make some basic sounds mods. I find the noise of the T2 mobile arties and Torpedo bombers to be like a drill in my brain. Nothing wrong with the sound as such but it's the constant incessant repetition of them is just absolutely brutal. As soon as anyone on the map makes a T2 arty unit and sets it firing at an enmy tmd, that's it, you are now hearing that noise for the next 20 mins on a loop. Brutal.
If I'm better asking somewhere else (Discord??) please let me know, thanks -
RE: Where's the best beginner how to mod tutorial?
How would i do a simple UI mod, for example making it so when I click on a radar the game does not play any sound?
Tiers of offensive words?
I've thought for a while that some offensive words & behaviour should potentially be punished harsher than others.
For example, vanilla insults like "F you" etc are somewhat indiscriminate verbal Diarrhea.
Whereas other use of language such as the N word or insults/comments towards Jews (ovens etc) strike me as a situation where the perpetrator is less likely to correct their behaviour with minor punishment measures. Stronger outcomes may actually help them potentially reconsider their life choices and lack of empathy. Perhaps consequences could escalate faster for these low IQ individuals?
Lobby titles rework suggestion
I've thought for a long time that lobby titles serve no purpose and are often used for generally offensive verbal Diarrhea.
I'm thinking it might well be an improvement if the title was simply autogenerated by the settings the host creates for the game.
So for example, the host must set Min and Max player ratings, or could tick an all-welcome box.
Other settings that could be used to create a more rational title could be a tickbox during game setup for:
- optimal
- full share
- noob friendly
- game mode (survival etc)
If the host needs to convey some key bit of information, perhaps an optional smaller subtitle could be used. If so, could the following words be automatically blocked and/or cause an automatic report of the host to moderators.
(There's a zip on this page with many words I often see in FAF lobbies) -
Where contact moderators?
I'd swear the links to do so used to be at the top of aeolus chat tab but they're not there now. I need to send a screenshot of offensive chat in the game lobby, where do i send it to? thanks
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
This thread needs closed as it has went wildly off course and has long since served its purpose
RE: are there 40+ years old FAF players ?
Over 40 here, don't have the best APM but being able to read the field of battle and strategise compensates for that (on a good day!)
RE: Why do people play Dual Gap so much?
Be the change you want to see, host other maps and promote variety
RE: why so many duel gap lobbies?
Due to the clear meta for each position. Definitely host some interesting new maps though!
Where's the best beginner how to mod tutorial?
I'm interested in making a mod but struggling to get started. These links:
have no content. I've found a decent video on youtube from 5 years ago by RobotnikFAF but his example doesn't work anymore.This page is ok but doesn't have a clear start to finish guide to follow's the best starting point? I really need a clear example or two. I'd like to modify some properties of units and eventually do a UI mod. Thanks!
Stop continuous redrawing of Game Quality
Here's a thread I've meant to do a million times, but I guess today's the day..
There's no need or benefit to the Game Quality stat being refreshed and
typed out
every single time anyone hitsX for ready
or a player leaves/joins. Could we just have it always showing? It's a real hindrance when you are trying to balance and some clown is rapidly hitting theirx for ready
as they think it will encourage others toX up
Just a thought
RE: Who is Paralon, shutting down lobbies?
I've also encoutered this dirtbag and the lobby seemed to have multiple issues then died