@black_wriggler Oc mostly already kills reclaim, with its aoe even that of units that were not killed by it, Oc will never leave reclaim from t1 units and usually not from t2 either
RE: Smol ACU Adjustment
RE: Ythotha, time for a change
imo both the gc and Ythotha need sligth range nerfs
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
i dont play 1 vs 1 ladder because the only person i can blame for losing is me and thats scary
RE: The worst experimental in the game: the bug
@vinyl117 doesnt rly feel out of place for a faction using walking boats imo, also seems way easyer and direct to implement then whatever your idea is, espically considering that for a playtest you dont even need a walking animation. that can be added at a later date similar to the stomp feater or the gc claws that had been disabled for quite some time.
RE: The worst experimental in the game: the bug
@vinyl117 you all keep saying its imba but that really only holds up in a vacuum, the same way fatboy should be imba because "it got so much range and dps", turns out its quite hard to get adequate value for it because it so easy to counter using air or t2 arti. also you heared of manual targeting ?
RE: The worst experimental in the game: the bug
@arma473 it dosent make sense how figthers would ignore a litterall mountain walking on the ground or a gingantic ship or an unmoving building. because faf is just a game with game logic, when we would involve logic the asf becomes the undeniable best unit in the game because of its mix of cost, hp, and dps and no real reson why it wouldnt fire its guns on pretty much any target.
maybe then the better idea is to make the bug a ground unit that can fly to appease this laughable talking point.
RE: The worst experimental in the game: the bug
@zeldafanboy while the atlantis isnt very good either its still of some use in the uef arsenal as they dont get an aircraft carrier or any good submarine units otherwise and thats also besides the point.
no what really interests me is how it would be too strong ?
The worst experimental in the game: the bug
its current use seems to be exclusively to showboat or a comically large hammer to smack you outta the game.
but i also belive that one simple change could potentially "fix" it, allow it to land on the ground no longer beeing able to targeted by antiair weapons, but beeing able to fire all its weapons still, make its movespeed slow down on the ground.
with its current stats and cost it acts like a megalith with monkeylord range and stealth, sligthly less hp sligthly cheaper then the mega which seem like somewhat balanced stats, also is a good nod to its name since bugs also sometimes walk on the ground. -
RE: The SCU Rebalance
@ftxcommando maybe theyre ability to chain react does not help them as combat units
RE: cybran t3 navy
@spikeynoob i wanted to give myself an advantage knowing ill be playing ppl double or triple my rating, give me break okay, an advantage btw containing to a single of 4 factions and the removal of which will enable radar jamming of uef frigates as a counterpart
RE: cybran t3 navy
@spikeynoob i rly wanna use shieldboats they are an integral part of uef navy and what imo makes use of bc over bs viable, when you want to use stealth that badly we can make normal fog of war basic radar coverage the terms of engagement, wanted to do this when it is clear that under previous rules cybran cant compete but if thats the only way to make this happen im willing to try.
@Exselsior a tempest can beat an infite number of frigs when it submerges, i can also do this to bs since it outregens the torps fairly quickly.
RE: cybran t3 navy
@giebmasse on the base of changing patches and copious amounts of cheese, mental breakdowns, and player skill and eco imbalances, this is why you experience is biased and hardly basis for actual analaysis if u wanna prove me wrong fucking do it using a test istead of telling me my lack of experience makes anything i say invalid because im telling you my lack of experience makes these points more valid
RE: cybran t3 navy
@giebmasse then tell me how do you suppose to fix this ?
because until you got an alterantive that is scientific and replicatable this is the best anyone in this post has shown so far. -
RE: cybran t3 navy
you want proof and replays then come let us make some tests.
1 vs 1 me navy 100k mass vs 100k
Rules: no fog of war(this is a disatvanage for cybran since they lose stealth but if wanna claim thats why you cant win, i think your argument is shit), no more then 25k mass of submersiable units (this allows fielding a tempest and hopefully prevents winning by submarines only[this isnt a test to show who has the best subarmines], also limits the amount of seraphim destroyers), only units of one faction, no units produced from land factories, no air units, no nukes, no engineers(no acu or sacu). Before we start i need your army list and need to check the math. Ill be comepeting using uef and not use bs. if this test turns out to be too biased im open to changing the rules and faction i compete with. ill keep track of results and post them alongside replay#. anyone is welcomed to participate or run theyre own tests (i can only participate 1 match at a time). lobby is open for or running the next few hours. -
RE: cybran t3 navy
@randomwheelchair 2 year old account first game plyaed 5 months ago, played vanilla 8 years ago and not since, made faf account and started playing again because of community casts, dunno if that makes me not new. i stared looking at unit stats in the client to understand navy, that plus cast led me to posting this, then watching replays reeinforced my sentiment.
u made some sick tests today aswell, testing how many tac defenses you need to confuse the missile or that cybran aircraft carriers cant hit spyplanes, guess they really do suck ?
and hey you playing 5 games in the last year makes you ontop of the meta rigth ?
RE: cybran t3 navy
@banan3 i think scepsis is warranted, even welcomed but when im in the wrong there has to be a better way to show it then to say "this is more complex so your example is invalid" and some ability to disproof my assumption/case, this so far hasnt happened.
RE: cybran t3 navy
@randomwheelchair imagine that some replays have a symbol for when random is picked, that matchmaker games dont have that yet ppl i stalk the replays of play a different race every game and wow great addition to the conversation again, doing gods work out here. also Haachama again seems to have no problem playing navi with the other factions.
RE: cybran t3 navy
@turinturambar i cant convince someone that does not want to be convinced, when your not open to discussion or willing to admit i, or anyone else for that matter, has a point why even have a forum to discuss matters of balance, so pls do tell me what is a convincing argument in your eyes, because your own attempt to prove an argument with a replay leaves alot to be desired.
Haachamachama's replays are interesting because he has recently stopped playing cybran navi entirely:
#16265740 what is navy t3 frigate best navy into para
#16259097 he dosent go t3 navy enven when he could
#16220286 comdrop
#16085870 plays eco instead of navy(top pond bc vs bs but not the best example because of number diff)i dont know why but maybe he is willing to share
@FtXCommando popular wisdom is often wrong history and gaming in particluar has tons of examples (lots of things like "its too difficult to execute" in figthing games until people managed it despite difficulty, basketball and the 3point evolution, 7seconds or less offense, moreyball come to mind, in sc2 byun and his reapers). the line that leads to evolution in thougth goes: “my experiments run contrary to natural results, why?" also there are economists that have predicted every financial crisis of the last 100years rarely the same and all for different reasons but conflicting opinions of experts just means there is more to it then currently known (im not claiming expertise in this case, i have no basis for it). on the other hand everything we take for a fact can be recreated in some form of test or experiment, highligthing or showing the causes of it. i wont ever hit 1800 because im not good at videogames, i will try to get 1k regardless.
me learning is not the goal but a bonus on the side.
RE: cybran t3 navy
@exselsior i kinda got proof by watching about 30 replays of cybran navy and coming to the conclusion that they dont win navy once both sides have a t3 hq. i was asking before for a replay showing that cybrans winning t3 navy and got one where other factors impacted the scenario so much that it cant be used as an example.(a good example would be about even eco, both sides hitting t3 navy at similar times, 1 vs 1 navy, not too significant involvment by an air player for either side)
i agree that an isolated test is not realistic in the grand sceme but can be an indicator or reason for further testing or even attempts to apply the results to real games and build more likely scenarios as a result.
one of the reasons i really wanna see the replay that spikey offered to produce
RE: cybran t3 navy
@randomwheelchair so i should stop trying to proving that i have a point and just do what everyone else does yeah ?
so far im really enjoying this post because it has been kept fairly objective and the worst outcome is for me to learn navicomposition, but thanks for calling me delusional and adding nothing to the conversation.
@Exselsior you referenced my previous test for bc vs bs "So the Cybran bs lost vs a greater mass force with zero micro?" the mass difference was 300mass the frigate was the only cybran naval unit fitting into that limitation and i made the point that a frigate wont matter. the test is exactly, that a test for a direct comparison, in reality yes there is alot more going on but as @FtXCommando said before "UEF BC -> kill anything not a BS" the bc will perform better vs other naval units then any bs (aside from subs where one can say the galaxys more hp with same dps will be more effective but using any of those units vs subs is suboptimal anyway)