@Caliber I just think those are extremely rare cases that just have to be dealt with. If one person develops a reputation for that then they probably find it harder to get into a lobby...or they get in and people purposely rush them to teach them a lesson but its just super rare.....no different than in an actual combat scenario if you lose a major asset early you still have to fight the battle. Its not suppose to be easy.
RE: Reduce T2 Air Snipes
RE: Reduce T2 Air Snipes
@IndexLibrorum I agree its skill issue. I like to play air a lot in 1.2k+ games meaning I am the low rank on my team and I find it so funny when higher ranks are insulting and blaming me for getting sniped or for their army getting destroyed by air meanwhile they have ZERO flak of any kind 15+ mins into the game...I swear the first t4 of every game gets sent in with no scouts or flak and gets sniped by gunships in the enemy base and they blame me for not defending it lol.
I am a career 1.3k type player but that doesn't mean I cant recognize how many higher ranked players have serious skill issues over simple things lol.
I personally dont think t2 air snipes are an issue. There are always those random players who do it but overall players would rather use their air advantage taking out eco. Snipes do have their place and should never be nerfed imo. If your front is being pushed hard with enemy acus then sniping one of them can sure take the pressure off even if it does hand a nice base to their higher ranked player...one problem at a time.
If you get an acu drop in your base you will sure be happy that t2 air kills acus....because if t2 air is nerfed then I will probably acu drop every single game from now on...will be fun.
Another Novax conversation
So lets make one thing clear. I dont really care if anything changes with the novax (or any other unit for that matter)
I was trying to fall asleep last night and was thinking about FAF because I am a complete loser with no life.
For some reason a thought entered my brain and the half asleep sad version of myself thought it was a good idea so I'm going to present it here because I have seen so many tears about the Novax since I have been playing FAF
The common argument seems to be that the Novax is unbalanced and has no counter.
My suggestion is simple. Give the satellites the capability to target each other.
Novax is suppose to be a defensive unit (based on its name) and this change I believe would allow it to function more like that.
I believe this change would force players into winning an advantage before they can punish their opponent.
Land, Sea, Air all require an advantage to be won as battles must be fought and won before you can start to punish your opponent so this would mean that you would have to win a Novax battle in order to be able to abuse them over enemy battle space.
If you make a Novax you would have to decide if sending it to your opponents base is the right move knowing that you can be shot down having to re build a satellite in the ground station.
If you were under siege by say 4-5 Novax then you could start making your own under shield cover and send them over to enemy battlespace (knowing you couldn't keep them in your base as they'd be shot down being outnumbered)
Now the enemy has to decide to send their satellites back to their base to engage the sats you are sending or not.
If this is considered than I would recommend that sats are not able to fire or be targeted until they reach altitude so that they cant be insta killed as they ascend to orbit from the ground station.
Pretty much any in game scenario I can think of where Novax are used seems to have a simple resolution if Novax can target each other and the more I think of it the more intriguing the scenarios seem to be with this adjustment.
If this is a bad ide it wont hurt my feelings. So many times ideas seem so great until they are subjected to peer review so thats the point here.
RE: Why do I keep crashing
thanks I never even saw that was an option.
I just crashed again now for same reasons. I was dead but watching the match and the game froze as i was zooming in and then back out again. It happened at 14:00 exactly for me.game_24520703.log
RE: Auto-build hidros and mexes
Install the mod "Hover over deposits"
Welcome back to FAF!!!
RE: Why do I keep crashing
Ok, I may not be as dumb as I think I am. but when I paste the log I get an error as it exceeds the character limit of the forum. How else do I share?
RE: Why do I keep crashing
Yeah...that may seem like a simple task...but I need someone who can tell me where that game log is. You mean replay id?
Why do I keep crashing
I have been trying to troubleshoot this on my own but I am at a loss and need help. I have been playing FAF for 7 years now and have never had crashing issues but since about December I have been getting regular crashes in game that seem to be getting worse.
What happens is the game just freezes at random times. Sometimes it unfreezes and keeps going but every 10-15 games it will not and the only thing that solves it is to hold the power button on my pc to reset the system. (alt+tab, ctrl+alt+del, ctrl+esc...none work...only hard reset)
One time I watched the replay to see how the game ended and at the moment I crashed it showed a desync from another player but the game was still rated so it wasnt an issue I guess?
Every few times when I have to hold the power button a window will come up to cancel the reboot (while it waits for programs to close) and at the same time everything resolves and the game unfreezes but I cant press cancel fast enough.
I have a really good system and have reinstalled EVERYTHING twice including windows to try and solve this. I run a lean system so no background programs should be interfering.
I tried turning down graphics even though I can run everything max no issue usually. I also tried running without any mods
I don't know how logs work or anything so can someone who knows please tell me what and how to post the log? I can build a computer just fine but even the most basic programing that my dog could do is beyond me but if I am going to be kicked from lobbies I want it to be because I am a noob and/or someone hates me, not because I got known to be a crasher.
Thank you in advance.
RE: Rating Reset
I am no expert but I don't believe it can be done. All you got to do is just start grinding and your rating will correct itself pretty quickly. Don't worry about anyone in game who might have a problem with it, most people don't care. If you think your rating has to come down a bit then just host some all welcome 1v1 custom games and you'll get knocked down to size really quick.
Welcome back to FAF!!
RE: Friends / Foe list location
Seems like a good time for a fresh start
RE: Game randomly crashes.
I know nothing about these things really but recently I've been troubleshooting my own game crashing a lot and what fixed it for me was turning anti-aliasing all the way off in the graphic settings. I tried gradually turning it down from the maximum setting all the way down to 2 but I would still get a crash (as recently as yesterday) but when I turned it back to off I've played half a dozen games since then without a crash so fingers crossed.
RE: adjustable LOD cutoffs
I don't think this would be a good thing. I have an extremely powerful computer but recently (over the last few months) noticed I was getting in-game crashes after going years with none. The crashes would occur anytime I was zooming in or out really quickly. The game would just freeze and after some messing around turning anti aliasing off is what worked and I haven't had crashes for a few days now.
I know it maybe seems like it's not related to this thread but it feels like it is because I sthnk the overload of rendering when zooming so quick is what was causing the system crashes. Strange that it would all the sudden start happening but nonetheless it proves the point that draw distances are important.
I'd love to be able to see reclaim and such as I'm zoomed out more but with this game it just seems like you got to take what you get.
RE: Satellites Deserve Shells to the Chin
You can right click their ground stations with a variety of different weaponry.
RE: Why does faf chat constantly disconnect?
In limited use I have noticed client 2025.2.0-alpha-1 seems to keep chat connected.
RE: How to mod unknown unit icon?
@atomic8733 said in How to mod unknown unit icon?:
@Dorset hi Dorset, Yes, both my menu and lobby is enabled, and all other custom icon works but the unknown icon. I also tired the "Scale Strategic Icon" in the option but it scale all icons including the medium sized which make it too large. Does your unknow icon change when using custom icon?
I am no expert but what I have is the "Redux Strategic Icons Large" mod along with the "Redux ACU Icons"
I have these activated and my in game interface settings are all on except for scaling I have that off. One of the options is something like "on with tech marker" and the rest are all on.
I hope that helps.
RE: How to mod unknown unit icon?
Make sure the mod is enabled in the mods menu and in the game lobby window under the mods tab. Also there are settings in the options that changes the size of the strategic icons so play around with those as well
RE: Why does faf chat constantly disconnect?
I experience this as much as you say and it even has adverse affects of not being about to ping a player in a lobby who hasn't x because their chat is disconnected. I also experience disconnects from FAF while the client is open or when I am in a long lobby sim every hour give or take. It causes me to have to refaf mid lobby for no reason. Never get disconnects that effect me once a game is started though which is nice.
RE: 1v1 Ladder
@maudlin27 said in 1v1 Ladder:
My concern with combining the ratings in that way is that it's not possible to distinguish between someone who plays 1v1 winter duel only (and becomes very good on that map but is terrible in 1v1 ladder) vs someone who plays 1v1s on a variety of maps.
Having said that, I'm not sure if it'd be that big of an issue anyway - it'd make someone's 1v1 rating a bit less valuable on the face of it (due to the potential for excelling on a single map that doesnt translate well to others), but if they queue 1v1s when overrating they'd fairly quickly lower it, and it'd mean their global rating (which is primarily relevant for teamgames for balancing) wouldnt be impacted as much by how well they do on such 1v1 maps. Meanwhile for people who play 1v1s in custom (that aren't just on a single map) it'd be much easier to assess if a matchup is likely to be relatively competitive (since 1v1 ability can be massively different to global ratings).
But if these people are not playing 1v1 ladder anyways than doesnt the fact that they play 1v1 (custom tab ladder) means its a win for the 1v1 brand? As it stands right now there are many players that only play one map and inflate their custom rank.
I wont mention names but not long ago I played dual gap for some reason. Because I had a 33 min mavor and not a 31 minute mavor the entire team began the campaign of insults and straight up toxicity of what a noob I am.
So I challenged them to come join some mapgen custom games at the 1.4k+ level....one of the 1900 ranks did and he literally had ZERO clue how to play FAF.
If some 1v1 ladder ranking become inflated it just means they get crushed hard when they play "real" ladder players.
RE: Vision and radar of killed units.
Im a noob and so my point of view is I like this little ......whats the word....quirk. Imo it still costs apm to be able to take advantage of this so its a skill thing when it comes down to it. How many times I will be watching a scout, have to return to my acu/army to micro and then guess the timing of the crashed scout to switch back real quick in order to catch a glimpse. I do like the ideas and conversations about realism so the idea of slowing the wrecked scout down (and speeding naval wrecks up?) is intriguing but to me its one of the many nice little quirks about this game that have kinda become meta at this point if that makes sense.