RCIII - Civilians ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200

This post is deleted!

Most Bo3 matches will have:
2 10x10 maps and 1 20x20map
1 land, 1 water and 1 mixed map.

Map Balance tests:
Will always use AIx: RNGAI for human team simulation,
and the AI to be used in game, in the AI spots.


Thanks for including my AI, "AI-Swarm"
I recommend you add AI-Uveso, and RNGAI. Both provide an awesome challenge.
"AI-Swarm" Requires AI-Uveso anyway for markers and such so.

Developer for LOUD Project | https://discord.gg/DfWXMg9
AI Development FAF Discord | https://discord.gg/ChRfhB3
AI Developer for FAF

Community Manager for FAF
Member of the FAF Association
FAF Developer

Will ladder rating be accounted for?

frick snoops!


On what multiplier will the AI be?


About AI: - - -Check back for updates.
To learn more about AI-Swarm, read Azraeel info here:
To learn more about AI-Uveso, read Uveso info here:
To learn more about RNGAI, read relent0r info here:

3 Sub AI's:
-AIx: Swarm Terror : ------This is your Standard Swarm AI.
-AIx: Swarm Eternal : -----This one cheats harder as the game goes on and Cheats harder when its losing.
-AIx: Swarm Test :------- For Testing Purposes

5 sub AI's:
AI: Easy; -----------Builds a few units and does not attack the enemy base. But it will defend its base.
AI: Adaptive; -------Balanced AI, builds Land, Air, Naval and Experimental units.
AI: Rush; -----------T1, T2 and T3 unit spam with fast tech upgrade and few experimentals.
AI: Experimentals;--- Builds a few units and is focussing on building experimental units.
AI: Overwhelm;----- Like AI-Adaptive, but increases cheat+build factor by 0.6 after 35 minutes and again by 0.6 after 60 minutes.

IS designed for 5km and 10km maps
IS designed for early tier focus.
It will not put out higher tier units that it doesn't have the economy for.

About AI and the Tournament:
Alx Sorian will only be used in Round 1 of the Tournament.
It is the 'easiest' but it does slow down the game a little.
The 3 AI mod's in this tournament Do Not slow down the PC as much,
and will be used exclusively from Round 2 till the Final.
Each round will introduce a little more difficult AI.

how do i register?

I'm in, where do we sign up?

Inspektor_Kot(R: 1756G and 1800L) is entering to crush faces

Signing up
Vaginator_ (1576G;1320L)

Signing up
Magnetic (Global: 1642; ladder: 1570)

singning up
hurzer99(g1709; l 1715)

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Signing in!
Global: 1564; Ladder: 1384

Sign me up
Global: 1605; Ladder: 1557

sign me up!
archsimkat global 1900 ladder 1900

Sign me up
Global 1850 ladder 1300

@Chimera5433 said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

how do i register?

Just leave name in this thread and say "I'm In!"
And list the higher of your 2 ratings, global or ladder.

@Matri said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

I'm in, where do we sign up?

That's it! You are Now signed up, GL.