RCIII - Civilians ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200

Team Selection:
Teams for this tournament will work through a Captain Pick process.
Players will be seeded by their highest rating, regardless of global or ladder.

The highest 12 will become Captains.
A Captain is given the right to pick "draft" a team,
out of the registered players "draft pool" to play with during the tournament.

The Captains themselves will also be seeded according to rating.
Meaning the 12th Captain will have the lowest seed of all 12 Captains.
However, this 12th Captain will have the right to -
draft "pick" the 1st player during the Team Selection stage.
The drafts then goes up sequentially from 11th Capt. to the 1st Captain.
This procedure is repeated for the 2nd player, from 12th Capt. to 1st Capt.

The Following Players have registered:
A "c" denotes Captain.

Team............Captains..............................................1st round draft.................................2nd round draft

1 - [Nexus-.................................2510-c]...+...[BloodOath ---------1715]...+...[Protect--------1632]= 5.86K
2 -[Fremy_Speeddraw....2361-c]...+...[csoller-------------1772]...+...[AntronGolden--1730] =5.86K
3 -[AchievedJaguar8.......2318-c]...+...[Evan--------------1762]...+...[BRNKoINSANITY -1360] =5.44K
4 -[Blodir..................................2308-c]...+...[Koiskix-------------1921]...+...[Wesh----------1777] = 6.01K
5 -[Tagada..............................2250-c]...+...[Picco--------------1712]...+...[GingerbrdMan-1564] = 5.74K
6 -[Espeperant......................2243-c]...+...[Eternal------------1822]...+...[Auriko---------1619] = 5.68K
7 -[DeTandlarts.....................1660-c]...+...[EcoNoob----------1988]...+...[BlInChIk------- 1976] = 5.62K
8 -[Paralon................................2170-c]...+...[LgMaleBennis------1886]...+...[Magnetic------1642] = 5.70K
9 - [Swkoll.................................2070-c]...+...[Inspector_Kot------1801]...+...[Sladow --------1691] = 5.56K
10-[ZLO.........................................2029-c]...+...[Wifi_--------------1900]...+...[Neytron-------1528] = 5.64K
11 -[NushHoob.........................1998-c]...+...[archsimkat---------1915]...+...[LimeZ3--------1750] = 5.66K
12-[F-Odin..................................1978-c]...+...[BigBang -----------1792]...+...[Tersto---------1976] = 5.75K

Players Picked in Draft......................Draft #.............Captain
Tersto....................................1976 -------(13)------F-Odin
BloodOath............................1715 -------(12)------Nexus
Sladow...................................1691------- (16)------Swkoll
Auriko......................................1619 -------(19)------Espeperant*
Neytron.................................1528-------(15)------ ZLO
Lucied.....................................1514 -------(19)------Eternal-

Un Restricted Stand By List:
(Any player below will be able to substitute,
. . . . . No matter the rating differential)

grimplex.................................1485-------(Sub)-----DeTandlarts team

Restricted player standby list:
(The players on this list may Only replace players
. . . . . with a higher rating.)


Map Pool:
There will be approx. 20 different maps for the Tournament.
No Game will be the same.
Each map will have an ID number, and is assigned to the
Match Number associated with the online tournament bracket,
found here: https://challonge.com/eatiasiw

10 x 10 maps:
Adaptive Tournament Decision.....................Matches: 1-4............................Game 1.............Map 1
Waters of crater........................................................Matches: 1-4............................Game 3............Map 3
Adaptive New Canis..............................................Matches: 5-8 ..........................Game 1.............Map 4
Adaptive Ivy Valleys SE16...................................Matches: 5-8............................Game 3............Map 6
Adaptive Twin Rivers.............................................Matches: 9-12, 15+16............Game 1.............Map 7
Adaptive Mars-Mangala Fossa.....................Matches: 9-12, 15+16............Game 3............Map 9
Africa Ultimate...........................................................Matches: 13+14, 20................Game 1.............Map 10
Adaptive Algun..........................................................Matches: 13+14, 20................Game 3............Map 12
5vs5 Tabula Rasa v2..............................................Matches: 17+18........................Game 1.............Map 13
Abyssium.......................................................................Matches: 17+18........................Game 3............Map 15
Adaptive Fields Of Pheonix................................Match: 19.....................................Game 1.............Map 16
Adaptive Canis Revenge....................................Match: 19.....................................Game 3............Map 18
Adaptive Hilly Plateau..........................................Match: 21.......................................Game 1............Map 19
Adaptive Slices..........................................................Match: 21......................................Game 3...........Map 21

20x20 maps:
Adaptive Turtle Beach..........................................Matches: 1-4..............................Game 2...........Map 2
Selkie Isle 5v5..............................................................Matches: 5-8............................Game 2............Map 5
Adaptive Hutts Clutch...........................................Matches: 9-12, 15+16............Game 2............Map 8
20x20 White Fire 8v8...............................................Matches: 13+14, 20................Game 2............Map 11
Selkie Mirror..................................................................Matches: 17+18.........................Game 2............Map 14
Toples...............................................................................Match: 19......................................Game 2............Map 17
winded path.................................................................Match: 21......................................Game 2............Map 20
How the maps are released:
AI positions shown, with AI type,
Closed spots shown,
Any remaining spots Not closed are open for players.
Close any un picked open positions, before game start.
Game options are on the right of screenshot.
Round 1
Matches 1-4 > Game 1

Adaptive Tournament Decision
01 Adaptive Tournament Decision.jpg
Uveso Easy, Is Not that "easy", it is a defensive AI that defends well, but does Not necessarily seek out and attack enemy bases.

Round 1
Matches 1-4 > Game 2

Adaptive Turtle Beach
02 Adaptive Turtle Beach.jpg
One of the toughest maps. You will be pressured from All sides.
5 open start slots to choose from, and AIx Swarm Terror.
(All Swarm-AI used is Terror = hence referred to as just Swarm)
Round 1
Matches 1-4 > Game 3

Waters of crater
03 Waters of Crater.jpg
Your land paths are blocked by the divided firepower of 2 AI Uveso bases.
Round 1
Matches 5-8 > Game 1

Adaptive New Canis
04 Adaptive New Canis.jpg
Uveso on sides with nice position and mass
Round 1
Matches 5-8 > Game 2
Selkie Isle 5v5

05 Selkie Isle 5v5.jpg
Uveso Adaptive* (omni off) has a well protected harbor and lots of mass.
Civilians may very well win this battle!
Round 1
Matches 5-8 > Game 3

Adaptive Ivy Valleys SE 16
06 Adaptive Ivy Valleys SE16.jpg
Civ RNGAI occupy the southern island., players have many opening spawn choices.
(All RNG-AI used is Standard = hence referred to as just RNGAI)
Round 2 & Losers Round 1
Matches 9-12, 15+16 > Game 1
Adaptive Twin Rivers
07 Adaptive Twin Rivers..jpg
Twin Rivers changes course and Uveso Civs has the high ground on both sides.
Would you put 2 players on the very wide main land or
2 on the side banks.
Round 2 & Losers Round 1
Matches 9-12, 15+16 > Game 2
Adaptive Hutts Clutch
08 Adaptive Hutts Clutch.jpg
RNG Bases are set up on islands in middle of a large lake.
Can they be contained?
Round 2 & Losers Round 1
Matches 9-12, 15+16 > Game 3
Adaptive Mars-Mangala Fossa
09 Adaptive Mars - Mangala Fossa.jpg
Swarm on the sides ready to reign terror
Semi Finals & Losers Round 1
Matches 13+14, 20 > Game 1
Africa Ultimate
10 Africa Ultimate.jpg
Uveso Rush will try to lock down their corners
Semi Finals & Losers Round 1
Matches 13+14, 20 > Game 2
20x20 White Fire 8v8
11 20x20 White Fire 8v8.jpg
Swarm first navy battle, and Players have a choice of starting slots.
Semi Finals & Losers Round 1
Matches 13+14, 20 > Game 3
Adaptive Algun
12 Adaptive Algun.jpg
RNGAI in corners and Players choose start spawns.
Losers Round 2
Matches 17+18 > Game 1
5vs5 Tabula Rasa v2
13 5v5 Tabula Rasa v2.jpg
Swarm Civies have no admirals, but they do have lots of Land and Air.
Losers Round 2
Matches 17+18 > Game 2
Selkie Mirror
14 Selkie Mirror.jpg
RNG Civilians have No multiplier on this map, and a unit cap, but they have lots of land and mass.
Will Our Commander's allow Civs to control the middle?
Losers Round 2
Matches 17+18 > Game 3
15 Abyssium.jpg
Uveso Rush will attack fast and the Air slot players right flanks are open!
Losers Round 3
Match 19 > Game 1
Adaptive Fields Of Great Pheonix
16 Adapive Fields Of Great Phoenix.jpg
Uveso Experimental base in the back, protected up front by powerful Uveso Adaptive.
Players have to fend off civilians to the North and
make play for the southern island.
Losers Round 3
Match 19 > Game 2
17 Toples.jpg
RNG has no navy, and Not much room to expand.
What will it do?
Losers Round 3
Match 19 > Game 3
Adaptive Canis Revenge
18 Adaptive Canis Revenge.jpg
Swarm in corners, Players have choice of 4 open slots.
Losers Round 4
Match 21 > Game 1
Adaptive Hilly Plateau
19 Adaptive Hilly Plateau.jpg
Uveso Rush on sides. Players have choice of spawn sites
Losers Round 4
Match 21 > Game 2
winded path
20 winded path.jpg
RNGAI is on your side of river in this Large wind carved canyon.
Losers Round 4
Match 21 > Game 3
Adaptive Slices
21 Adaptive Slices.jpg
Uveso Civilization is going to try to control the corners and create Experimentals.
Match 22 > Game 1
Adaptive Dark Liver
22 Adaptive Dark Liver.jpg

For the First time All 3 civilians commanders have gathered on same map.
Azraeelian Angels' and his Swarm Terror doctrine are on the Front Left.
Uvesos' Adaptive Army and Strong Navy are on the Front Right.
Relent0rs' Army and Air will set up in the Rear.

Match 22 > Game 2
Games 2 and 3 maps will be chosen by the Captains as follows:
Each Captain will send list of 8 map numbers, from the map pool to veto.
The remaining maps will be vetoed 1 at a time until 3 maps are left,
and then high seed Captain will pick "Odds or Evens"
The winner of the "Odds or Evens" roll, will then choose the map
to play for Game 2.
Odds or Evens will be decided on Aeolus by using the command - !roll -.
If a game 3 is needed, the other Captain,
will choose one of the remaining 2 maps to play.
(the 3rd remaining map will be used if a Tie Break is needed.)
Match 22 > Game 3
(See Above)
Match 23 > Game 1

*Final Match 23 only used if tie break is needed.
The 3rd map remaining in the Finals selection will be used if tie break is needed.

I dont understand any rules, tourney dates, something else... but i am in...


This post is deleted!

Most Bo3 matches will have:
2 10x10 maps and 1 20x20map
1 land, 1 water and 1 mixed map.

Map Balance tests:
Will always use AIx: RNGAI for human team simulation,
and the AI to be used in game, in the AI spots.


Thanks for including my AI, "AI-Swarm"
I recommend you add AI-Uveso, and RNGAI. Both provide an awesome challenge.
"AI-Swarm" Requires AI-Uveso anyway for markers and such so.

Developer for LOUD Project | https://discord.gg/DfWXMg9
AI Development FAF Discord | https://discord.gg/ChRfhB3
AI Developer for FAF

Community Manager for FAF
Member of the FAF Association
FAF Developer

Will ladder rating be accounted for?

frick snoops!


On what multiplier will the AI be?


About AI: - - -Check back for updates.
To learn more about AI-Swarm, read Azraeel info here:
To learn more about AI-Uveso, read Uveso info here:
To learn more about RNGAI, read relent0r info here:

3 Sub AI's:
-AIx: Swarm Terror : ------This is your Standard Swarm AI.
-AIx: Swarm Eternal : -----This one cheats harder as the game goes on and Cheats harder when its losing.
-AIx: Swarm Test :------- For Testing Purposes

5 sub AI's:
AI: Easy; -----------Builds a few units and does not attack the enemy base. But it will defend its base.
AI: Adaptive; -------Balanced AI, builds Land, Air, Naval and Experimental units.
AI: Rush; -----------T1, T2 and T3 unit spam with fast tech upgrade and few experimentals.
AI: Experimentals;--- Builds a few units and is focussing on building experimental units.
AI: Overwhelm;----- Like AI-Adaptive, but increases cheat+build factor by 0.6 after 35 minutes and again by 0.6 after 60 minutes.

IS designed for 5km and 10km maps
IS designed for early tier focus.
It will not put out higher tier units that it doesn't have the economy for.

About AI and the Tournament:
Alx Sorian will only be used in Round 1 of the Tournament.
It is the 'easiest' but it does slow down the game a little.
The 3 AI mod's in this tournament Do Not slow down the PC as much,
and will be used exclusively from Round 2 till the Final.
Each round will introduce a little more difficult AI.

how do i register?

I'm in, where do we sign up?

Inspektor_Kot(R: 1756G and 1800L) is entering to crush faces

Signing up
Vaginator_ (1576G;1320L)

Signing up
Magnetic (Global: 1642; ladder: 1570)

singning up
hurzer99(g1709; l 1715)

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Signing in!
Global: 1564; Ladder: 1384

Sign me up
Global: 1605; Ladder: 1557

sign me up!
archsimkat global 1900 ladder 1900