Wish-A-Mod Foundation
@magge I don't think so either, but I tried another approach of listening in on the OnCommandIssued event. This would not include every single click, but maybe that is a good thing? Curious if you or someone else can see something I don't here, before I go too far down this road.
This is a simple test, but it does correctly logs the current APM over the last minute. Multiple commands given at once counts as one action, but we could still aggregate that data and a lot more, if it could be interesting in the statistics.
APM_1.zip if you want to try, but this is really all it does right now:
INFO: Current APM: 6 .. Total actions: 6 .. Total commands: 20 INFO: apmlog: { INFO: - 21.650968551636: { INFO: - - AggressiveMove: 1 INFO: - } INFO: - 4.588408946991: { INFO: - - BuildMobile: 1 INFO: - - None: 1 INFO: - } INFO: - 6.1044588088989: { INFO: - - Move: 1 INFO: - } INFO: - 6.5816397666931: { INFO: - - Move: 1 INFO: - } INFO: - 5.6394691467285: { INFO: - - Move: 1 INFO: - } INFO: - 9.7966756820679: { INFO: - - BuildMobile: 13 INFO: - - None: 1 INFO: - } INFO: }
I wish a mod that allows for hotkeys to choose:
- Nearest transport (empty)
- Nearest transport (with any number units on the board)
- Iterate though units in the transport, i.e. choose the first one in the transport, the second one and so on. Without needing do to it with the mouse for multiple drops like now
A mod that draws a radius for every known enemy SMD when you press launch on your SML to choose a target. And maybe also draws a wide line from your SML to where your cursor is that becomes red when it obviously crosses an enemy SMD's radius.
A visible cooldown for Billy nuke on your com. Otherwise you have to look at the in-game timer and remember the cooldown duration.
If a 1st factory is assisting a 2nd factory, and you have selected a 3rd factory and order it to assist the 1st, it should automatically start assisting the 2nd instead. Would help when you are building a lot of factories, and the "king" factory is very far away.
A mod that doesn't allow cancelling a current order in an assisting factory after you have CTRL+SHIFT-clicked (cancelled) its assist order so that it is allowed to finish its current unit under construction 1st.
@Kilatamoro said in Wish-A-Mod Foundation:
A mod that draws a radius for every known enemy SMD when you press launch on your SML to choose a target. And maybe also draws a wide line from your SML to where your cursor is that becomes red when it obviously crosses an enemy SMD's radius.
There is a mod called SMD ring that I use religiously both for marking all the SMDs on my team and the enemy team. I also use a straight edge to make sure I can thread the needle between smds. You can also see the line the launch order makes to ensure it doesn't cross over an SMD ring and move the target to bring the line away from a ring ... This is how to do it. I think having a mod that automates this is not good for FAF but that's my opinion.
@Kilatamoro said in Wish-A-Mod Foundation:
A visible cooldown for Billy nuke on your com. Otherwise you have to look at the in-game timer and remember the cooldown duration.
The ACU model has a small animation for the missile hatch closing depicting the reload time. It's not visible at a distance, but it's good to know about. It also reloads in 30s and rebuilds in ~30s with T3 suite (or 3 T3 engis) so those numbers match up.
For a shielded units there is a special icon when the shield is manually disabled.
I wish a mod that add a special "reload" icon when shield is recharging (after losing all its hp)
Sercammus faf mod to not break all cycle type hotkeys (e.g. for factories or templates). In this mod I like the ACU info card, construction prediction times and mostly ECO stall predictions on constructions.
A mod to play as Nomads in the Co-Op missions. If there is another way to accomplish this outside of a sim mod, let me know!
is there already a mod that allows you to ban units for ai but not human players? if not i think that would make a fine addition.
Allow a dead team mate acu to respawn from quantum gateway.