First of all, Mr. Uveso must be thanked for his work, without him we would never be able to play this classic mod again on the FAF platform, but now I have to point out one of his little mistakes in UAA0310 (T4 Experimental Aircraft Carrier CZAR).
Let 's fix a bug in BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed
In the mod, CZAR loses the shield but has a second weapon, the comment in the lua code reads “Button pressed, czar cannot build or store any units, enable new weapons take extra damage, use the DoTakeDamage function and a self.damageMod = 1.0 self.damageMod = 1.2, unit.lua line 781”, and then the CZAR morphs to resemble a blooming flower, thus unleashing a much more powerful more powerful attacks. However, in the file “BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed\hook\units\UAA0310\UAA0310_unit.bp”, there is an error that prevents this morphing animation from being played correctly.
At line 140 of the file, the code
“AnimationActivate = ‘/hook/units/UAA0310/’,”
incorrectly references a location that does not exist, resulting in the morphing animation of the CZAR not being played correctly. We should change it to
“AnimationActivate = ‘/mods/BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed/hook/units/UAA0310/’,”
Yes, @Uveso has done a great job; but he has not been online on FAF since January this year. There are a few bugs that I have identified in other posts, but have not really been responded to. So fixing this bug and others would be much appreciated by the lovers of this mod.
@blackrobe If you have found any bugs in blackops, please tell me and I will try to fix them XD.
@zbc BUG report: The AEON experimental siege weapon (BAL0401) in the blackops MOD will summon 8 meteorites from the sky to attack, if you command the unit to stop or move when the 8 meteorites are halfway summoned (e.g., 3 or 4), The unit would be completely stuck here, unable to attack, unable to move, unable to give any commands.
@zbc Thank you very much for your work, and there is another bug about totalmayhem that I reported before, if you are interested
Re: Total Mayhem 1.37 for all game versionsReferencing a bug reported earlier in discord regarding the building animation of two aeon units (BROT3BT and BROT3BT2,) :
@zhanghm18 Oh, and this issue came up yesterday when I was playing with a friend, but at the time we agreed that it was a setting of this unit XD.
I'll be checking this out again.
@zhanghm18 Please hold off on the other mods for now, I'm not currently deep enough into playing them to know exactly how they were supposed to work.
I tested this unit over and over again yesterday in a custom game and didn't encounter the problem you described. When you issue a stop or move command during summoning, the unit will stop summoning (play an animation that retracts the turret) and then execute the command; when you issue an attack command again, it will start summoning the meteorite again (play an animation that unfolds the turret), and I didn't encounter any problems with it getting stuck.
Did you download the latest blackops mod from Uveso's github page ( instead of the FAF repository?I've noticed that a lot of the mods in the FAF repository don't get updated in a timely manner.
Sometimes, the issue arises not from a single MOD but from conflicts between different MODs. It is advisable to capture a screenshot of the MOD manager list or show the F9 tracking reports for comparison and verification.
@zbc Thanks for the test. I will try the latest version from github. The blackops I use are downloaded from FAF vault, maybe that's the cause of the problem.
In addition, if you are interested in, I found that several small bug about totalmayhem posted on