I can't hear some of the Audio or other Sound issue. What should I do?
keybindings are safed in your game.prefs file. In general, its a good idea to have a backup of that file, especially if you need to delete it. Than you can copy paste your keybindings from the old to the new game.pres file.
This post is deleted! -
@deletethis and @tastsu, i believe the "enable audio enhancements" box should not be ticked
Hello everyone, unfortunately I have a BUG in the COOP Campinmode. All FIX sounds and music are played, but no dialogs. This bug is purely related to Supcom 1, not in Forge Allience. pls help.
you mean you're not playing via FAF? -
The dialogues are skipped due to copyright issues. FAF doesn't check whether you have base Supcom, only FA and therefore the original campaigns skip all cutscenes/voice dialogues.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung. Ich habe beide Spiele, Supcom und Addon. Beide sind auch installiert. Supcom auch nur wieder, um den Bug auf den Grund zu kommen ^^.
@tatsu ich zocke schon über FAF. Den Coop Mode zocke ich, um es einem Kumpel näher zu bringen. Daher bin ich auf mein Problem gestoßen.
@angelofd347h, in den Missionen wird doch in jeder Map einige Dialoge eingespielt (diese meine ich) da wie gesagt, habe ich leider nur eine Audioausgabe forged alliance.
yeah so as angellord said : functioning as intended.
if you really want those dialogues you're going to need to play it from steam.
for the cutscenes you can always use this playlist : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJlhxEWzGug&list=PLck9R7Suw5tTjEuxvXKYu2YitFhofsJ7R
Oh no, I mean the dialogues in the mission. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
yeah, functioning as intended, https://forum.faforever.com/topic/796/i-can-t-hear-some-of-the-audio-or-other-sound-issue-what-should-i-do/22
Wenn ich jedoch mit einem Freund im Coop -mode zocke, werden die Dialoge bei Ihm vertont und bei mir nicht.
Daher kam ich auch erst auf den Fall zu sprechen. -
it working for him is the bug then
it's not supposed to
Trotzdem Danke für die Unterstützung
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Hi this doesn't seem to help? I don't want to have to reinstall audio drivers just to play the game, and this just started happening after a week of continuous play, so what do i do?
If you are getting missing sounds when playing (sound plays once and that's it) then disable sound in Bios then restart, re-enable sound in Bios. See post 15.
I had no end of trouble getting sound right until i installed apo equalizer, and using the sfx/efx option when enabling it for the sound device, in addition to 16 bit and disabling surround.
Can also install companion peace GUI equalizer to control levels to get the effects tweaked.
Until i did this sounds would be missing or overpowered even in 16bit stereo.
@macdeffy if you don't delete Forged Alliance's config file in between each change there's no reason for your changes to have any effect on Forged Alliance.
deleting the Forged Alliance's config file is part of the fix it's a non-optional step. -
I'm aware of this. This is reproducible for me on a fresh install. Merely offering something that works for me in hopes it helps others.