@stormlantern said in Please show rating changes in replay vault:
The fact that most popular games hide exact rating and use a league system probably means its the right choice. Still, its completely valid to personally dislike changes in that direction. That said, I do wonder whether FAF has enough active players to warrant having leagues for 4 different matchmakers.
Those games have more people between silver 4 and silver 3 than FAF has players. I agree with what you're saying, though I don't see how the league system has any benefit for FAF, but want to point out the truly massive gap in scale between FAF and any of these large and popular games that use a league system now.
Those games, starting with Riot and LoL years ago and then spreading to most other major competitive games, implemented an abstraction on the underlying rank to get people to play more. What would happen is if you hit 1600/platinum and then lost a game dropping to 1590 then you immediately also lost plat. Or would just be considered a 1500 or whatever. With the abstraction though you can now hit 1600 and plat, then lose several games, but still stay plat. Now people are less scared to keep playing at this point since they're not a single loss from losing their shinny new rank.
I have no confidence whatsoever this is impacting anything on FAF in any meaningful way, which means I also seriously doubt this is a real justification for the league system for FAF.
Maybe people like the idea of being plat more than 1600? I suppose that's possible, but it feels like a stretch to say that's going to actually have any noticeable change.
Going back to my first comment about scale, there's a glaring issue with purely having a league system. We don't have enough people to have leagues that are as meaningful as rating is currently, and rating is already questionable outside of 1v1s (even then). I don't see how this does anything other than exacerbate the issue. Even games like SC2, as far as I know, include the MMR along with the league rating for this exact issue.
We already have leagues, and we also already have ELO showing directly. I'd be all for having both showing as it currently is (was?), but getting rid of the ELO/MMR ranking in FAF or even just hiding it away more isn't the move.
Anyway, this became longer than intended but I've had strong opinions on this for a long time now.