This post provides an overview of the current stages for each faction, focusing on team games and players ranked around 1300-1500. While using the units well is important, we haven't assumed perfect execution. The lists are organized by stages rather than strictly by tech levels. For example, the T4 stage is not only referring to T4 units but to a typical lategame army including T4 units. Note that they vary from list to list.
The color coding offers an idea on where your faction should focus on and which stages you should only remain on for as long as necessary before transitioning.
Dark Green: The tech stage is very strong, it's often recommended to stay on them for a longer period of time or to transition to them quickly if possible.
Light Green: While still being a decent stage, it is not one you should rush to.
Yellow: It's an acceptable stage to remain on temporarily but weakens over time.
Red: These are stages you should aim to transition out of as soon as possible. However, this does NOT mean to skip them entirely; for instance, skipping Aeon T1 entirely isn't possible. Instead, aim to build the minimum necessary and progress to the next stage.
This was made in collab with the trainer team
The lists above do NOT rank each faction. For a chart which directly ranks the factions in each stage, I'll refer to the list FTXCommando made: