Telemazer - time for change?

телемазер отменять собрался ☠

@gabitii dawg teleport "being buffed" was a bug and is fixed in beta, meaning it's coming to the main game

frick snoops!

@waffelznoob said in Telemazer - time for change?:

@gabitii dawg teleport "being buffed" was a bug and is fixed in beta, meaning it's coming to the main game

It is already in the release branch, it is 25 seconds now again

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

epic instant response time

frick snoops!

@goodriddance said in Telemazer - time for change?:

телемазер отменять собрался ☠

This guy reads in English and answers in Russian in English topics. Sanity check?

@Melanol clown check

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— Steve Jobs.
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Guys need to do a uef t3 com tele

Just tele around the map making a t3 land factory at each mex and tele again. The factory will make some engines and cap the mexes and then build up raiding parties.


@veteranashe said in Telemazer - time for change?:

Guys need to do a uef t3 com tele

Just tele around the map making a t3 land factory at each mex and tele again. The factory will make some engines and cap the mexes and then build up raiding parties.


Tele billy nuke when?

Yeah why not giving then each faction such an op teleport, why only cybran has it? Why cant you tele billy ACU as UEF or ACU with advanced nano-repair and gun splash as sera? Then it would have made more sense cause anti tele would have been a "must". But if we do not have cybran in our team and the enemy does, we MUST spend 30K on anti tele which the enemy does not, and they have one exp more just because they have cybran in the team. I do not think this is a good experience for the game

@snagglefox what's the build time on billy nuke upgrade? I think it's fast enough that you can tele one way axe the tele for billy and go to town.

Telemazer is just easy to do

If telebilly existed it would put teleport on UEF tech arm so it would functionally be impossible to teleport in hostile zones to billy more than once. Everything critical would be protected by shields which can absorb a singular billy anyway, beyond things like bp around navy which would require 4-5 tmd.


Yeah why not giving then each faction such an op teleport, why only cybran has it?

Because factions do not have to be equal. If they all got similar abilities, they'd just be reskins of eachother.

we MUST spend 30K

Again with these arbitrary mass numbers you're seemingly pulling out of your ass.
Stop it. Get some help.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

See all my projects:

Again with these arbitrary mass numbers you're seemingly pulling out of your ass.

Stop it. Get some help.

Stop insulting, I have never said anything personal to you. Lots of people told you why on big maps it is very expensive to make telemazer useless. Ok one pd costs around 500 mass, to instantly kill cybran ACU so that it does not deal ANY damage, it will take around 20-30 pds, dependent on type of pds. It costs 15K mass. Then take minimum 3-4 places where cybran ACU can theoretically teleport. Thats how I take 30K mass. It is minimum, not average. If you do not spend minimum 30K mass, the telemazer will pay off.

I would add a teleportation alert. Something like "Quantum shift detected".