Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hello everyone,
its time for a new Development Update of this Project.
This time I have these following new Toys for you:"Gipsy Omega" - UEF Experimental Assault Mech
A large bipedal Mech, which marks the tip of the UEF Robot Engineering.
This Mech is Designed for three Main purposes:
To Destroy enemy Defense Lines and Armies
To Destroy enemy Experimental Units
To fight against large organic Creatures (Kaijus)Primary Weapons:
2x Super Heavy Hand Plasma Cannons
8x Chest Anti Matter Artillery GunsAccess to the new Weapon Random System:
If you build this Mech it will appear in 3 other additional Variations:
One will have access to 2 Tactical Missile Launchers (8 Silos in Total)
The another one will have access to two Long Range Artillery Cannons.
The last one is the Base Configuration with the two Primary Weapons only
A fourth one is planned to appear as well but this will be revealed later.The Design of this Mech is based on these References:
Iron Man (Marvel)
Gipsy Danger (Movie: Pacific Rim)
Striker Eureka (Movie: Pacific Rim)
Barga (Earth Defense Force 5 and 6)
Walking Fortress Balam (Earth Defense Force 4.1)
"Nix" - UEF Tech 3 Multifunctional Assault Mech
CSK Units will introduce a new type of Tech 3 Unit for all Factions, which has access to the Weapon Random System and the Jetpack Ability. The Nix is one of these Units for the UEF and appears only once in the Buildlist.
Each Mech will mostly get an different Random Weapon Layout after being build but similarities are possible as well.
This System is actually more pratical compared to introduce several different Versions of the same Unit into the Buildlist.
So the Nix appears only one time in the Buildlist and prevent it to overflow it with its different Variations.Currently these Weapons are supported by the Weapon Random System:
- Gauss Cannons
- Plasma Cannons
- Gatling Gun
- Plasma Gatling Gun
- Flamethrower
- Missile Launcher (SAM)
- Dispersal Artillery (shots 6 Shells with low Damage)
- Artillery
- Heavy Anti Matter Artillery
Planned Weapons:
- Plasma Shotgun
- Missile Launchers
- Maser Cannon
- Plasma Beam Cannon
The Design of this Mech is based on the Powered Exoskeleton Mech "Nix" form EDF 5 and 6.
Both new Units are now available in Early Access on Github
Included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit: UnitsStay tuned for next Development Updates.
Best regards
Are you sure they also aren't inspired by Thunder, from Super Giant Robot Brothers?
I didn't use any References from Super Gaint Robot Brothers.
Regarding to the Gipsy Omega. I currently think about it to make an new Design for the Head of the Mech, which will have angular and round Elements. The Gipsy Omega is a further Development of an another Mech, which has an more angular Design. This Predecessor will soon also be available in CSK Units but at Tech 3. More information about this unit will be presented later. -
Small Change on the Model of the Gipsy Omega:
After getting several Feedbacks about the old Head of the Gipsy Omega, which doesn't really fit its Design. I have decide to create an new Head which has angular and rounded Elements. I have use the Head of Optimus Prime as an Inspiration for this new Head Design for the Gipsy. Hope you like it. -
I actually liked the old heads better, I thought overall it was still recognizable as a UEF unit
This is amazing work.
I'm so happy you keep adding more and more.
I'm surprised you haven't run out of ideas yet!
Keep it up! -
This is generally a matter of taste. Personally, I think both Head Designs are good. I Still also have the old head in an older version of CSK Units. In principle I could add the old head to the model alongside the new one in an Head Random System. So If you build the Mech each will appear in the game with either the new head or the old one. But would be a purely cosmetic feature. -
Glad to hear you like it.
More is coming soon. -
Hello everyone,
a small new Development Update.First of all the mod has get a new UEF Tech 3 Landunit.
"MRS: Epsilon" - Tech 3 Mobile Armored Railgun:
The MRS: Epsilon is an advanced Tankhunter armed with an concentrated Plasma Railgun.
It has 60 Range and causes 6000 Damage. Additionally it has access to two Secondary Machine Gun Turrets.
The Design of this Unit is based on the Epsilon Armored Railgun from EDF 4.1, 5 and 6.
Is now available in Early Access on Github.
Included in the Mod Commander Survival Kit: Units
3 UEF Tanks have get a new nice looking Design:
'M20 Abrams' - Tech 3 Heavy Battle Tank
'M90 Assasin' - Tech 3 Tankhunter
'M720 HIMARS' - Tech 3 Mobile Rocket Battery
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
here is a new Development Update of this Project.First of all Please give an warm welcome for three new Units.
"Proteus" - UEF Tech 3 Super Heavy Assault Mech:
A large slow Moving and heavy armored bipedal Mech. It is armed with two Gauss Cannons and an Hellfire Missile Battery Turret. This Mech is buildable outside of the Land Factory with an SACU or Tech 3 Engineer. It will get access to the Enhancement Upgrade and Weapon Random System. The Design of this Unit is based on the Proteus Mech from EDF 4.1, 5 and 6.
"E671: Jupiter" - UEF Tech 3 Super Heavy Assault Tank:
A large armored Tank with an Heavy Anti Matter Gauss Cannon as its Primary Weapon. Buildable by Tech 3 SACU and Engineer. Two additional Rapid Fire Gauss Cannon Turrets are installed on the Main Turret of this Tank. The Tank will get the Jamming Ability as Well, thanks to his integrated Jamming Device. The Design of this Unit is based on the E671 Titan Tank from EDF 4.1, 5 and 6.
"Illumination Class" - Aeon Tech 3 Advanced Battleship:
This Battleship is armed with an larger amount of Oblivion Cannons.
Additionally it has access to 4 Quantum Secondary Cannons, Anti Air Missiles, TMD, Torpedos and an Anti Torpedo System.
All three new Units are now available in Early Access on Github.
Included in the Mod Commander Survival Kit: UnitsThese three UEF Vehicles have get a new Design as well:
'M10 Bradley' - Tech 3 Combat Scout
'K280 Vigilante' - Tech 2 Mobile Tactical Missile Defense
'Howitzer 4000' - Tech 2 Mobile Artillery
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
here is a new Development Update of this Project.4 new Aeon units and 1 new UEF Unit has been added into the Mod.
Lets Start with the new Aeon Toys:"Deroy (Short Leg Variant)" - Tech 3 Assault Tripod
The Short Leg Version of the Deroy Tripod is an really Dangerous Walker for enemy Land Units or Structures. It is armed with an single Oblivion Cannon on its Head, which works similar like an Artillery Cannon. The most Dangerous Aspect comes from the 3 Legs of the Walker. Several Rapid Fire Laser cannons are installed on the Legs, which gives the Deroy an Dangerous Appearence in Close Combat Situations. However the lack of any Anti Air Defenses can be used to counter them directly.Information:
Both Deroys are buildable by Tech 3 SACU's and Engineers.
Both Deroys will eventually get access to the Weapon Random and Enhancement Upgrade System, which gives them additional Weapons primary located on the Head Section of the Tripods. The Design of both Deroys are based on the Deroys from EDF 4.1, 5 and 6."Deroy (Long Leg Variant)" - Experimental Assault Tripod
Basically an Improved Version of the Short Leg Version of the Deroy with longer Legs and additional Leg Laser Cannons."Royal Guardian" - Experimental Quadruped Fortress
A large 4 legged Walker, which has access to an small Hangar for Air Units. That means this Land Unit can Transport (not build) a small Squadron of Air Units similar like an Aircraft Carrier. The Walker is armed with two Heavy Long Range Oblivion Cannons and several Pulse Secondary Turrets for Close Combat The Design of this Walker is based on the Quadruped Fortress from EDF 4.1. This Unit is buildable by Tech 3 SACU's and Tech 3 Enginners."Calypso" - Tech 3 Heavy Walker
An advanced Tripod, which has access to several different Weapon Systems. So this Unit will later get access to new Abilities, the Enhancement Upgrade and the Weapon Random System in the next upcoming Updates. The Design of this walker is based on the Science Walker of the Hierarchy from the Game Universe at War. This Unit is buildable by Tech 3 SACU's and Tech 3 Enginners.
New Design for the M720 HIMARS
The UEF Tech 3 Mobile Missile Missile Battery has get an new Design.
Now it looks more like an futuristic Version of an Missile Battery Tank from Reality.
"MA45 RAM" - Tech 3 Mobile Anti Air Missile System
This Tank uses an modified Version of the previous HIMARS Model.
But with an reworked Turret to fire Anti Air Missiles to enemy Air Units.
All new Units and the new HIMARS Design are now available in Early Access for Testing. They are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units.
Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
The Deroys look really creative, I love the leg laser beams
Hello everyone,
it's been a while since the last update
Now its time to present you an Massive one with a lot of new Toys.Since our last Update Report 8 new Units has been added into CSK Units:
Lets check them out:"Enforcer" - Tech 3 Ambush Droid
A 4 Legged Walker armed with two powerful Oblivion Cannons and two Rapid Fire Laser Cannons. This Droid is Amphibious, so it can move below the Water Layer. However its main Feature is the access to the Teleport Ability, which makes him more dynamic in terms of Re Position on the Map to start Surprise Attacks or Fast Support Tasks. Design and Model was created by @Saver So special Thanks goes to him to create this Nice Unit for the Project.
"CX:64 Tarantula" - Tech 3 Armored Support Walker
A large 8 Legged Mechanical Spider armed with an Nanite Cloud Cannon and Tactical Missile Launchers. The Nanite Cloud Cannon can generate Nanite Clouds on the Map which Damages enemy Units or Repair Ally Units over the time.
"C6 Lockdown Mark I" - Tech 3 Sniper Tripod
A 3 Legged Walker armed with 4 Laser Cannons for long Distance Combat. Its Head Turret will begin to Rotate in a loop if the first Cannon fires. So the other 3 Cannons will face their Target as well. The Design of this Unit is based on the Octuptarra tri-droid from Star Wars.
"C8 Lockdown Mark II" - Tech 3 Heavy Sniper Tripod
Basically an larger Version of the "C6 Lockdown Mark I". But with access to additional Tactical Missile Launchers.
"MB23: Skull Breaker"- Tech 3 Devastator Truck
This Tank is actually an Advanced Mobile Bomb.
It is armed with an Single concentrated Anti Matter Bomb to cause a lot of Damage to Enemy Units if Detonated.
"CG-167: Sphire" - Tech 3 Mobile Missile Battery
The Cybran Counter of the UEF HIMARS.
This Missile Battery is armed with 2 Long Distance Photon Missile Launchers. It can fire 12 Missiles per Salvo. The Design is based on the Hailfire Droid from Star Wars.
"CB-1: Ganit" - Tech 3 Advanced Mobile Bomb
This 4 legged Spider Bot is Designed to cause a lot of Damage by its Suicide Weapon. It comes with an Ability to Switch into an Stationary Mine Mode. The Walker will use its Drill to stabilze itself into the Ground and activates its Cloak Device. So you can use this Unit as Mobile Bomb or as an Stationary Mine.
"Terminator Mark I" - Tech 2 Tank Bot
The first Unit of the Cybran Tank Bot Series has arrive.
This Vehicle is armed with 4 Rapid Fire Laser Cannons.
It has more Health compared to an regular Tech 2 Tank.
All new Units are now available in Early Access for Testing.
They are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units.Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
I was about to say, some of these Cybran units look familiar!
@zeldafanboy What units were in the xbox version that are not in the PC version??
Great looking mod and models. Looks like a lot of hard work. Dare I ask if any Seraphim units are on their way?
Glad to hear you like my Work
Of course each Faction will get new Units in CSK Units.
So yes new Seraphim Units will be included in the Mod as Well. -
Cybran got a T1 scout sub, Aeon got a T1 static artillery, and UEF got a T3 anti arty shield
daaaaaamn....nice units.
I really REALLY like the point system, wish I had something like that for my hero units in my survival instead of enhancements & veterancy...
Gonna check your code out, I'm really curious how you did it.
Good work man. -
Glad to hear you like it.
If you want to Check it Out I recommend to Download the Development Version of the Commander Survival Kit on my GitHub Repository. This Version adds the new Command and Tactical Centers. These two new Tech 2 Structures generate additional Points for the Reinforcements and Fire Support Manager. They have thier own new Lobby Options as Well. So you could deactivate the Automatic Point Generation of the two Managers and Play Games with the two Centers only to get the Points for both Managers. The other Thing which this Version adds is the Naval Reinforcements Manager. So you can call Naval Reinforcements on the Map now. So I think this will give you more Interesting things to explore to improve your Mod as well.Both new Features will be included in the next upcoming official Version of the Commander Survival Kit. The new Units will be included in the official Standalone Unit Pack of this Project which is called Commander Survival Kit: Units (CSK Units). That means the new Units are Not included in the Commander Survival Kit with the two Managers. If you have any Questions or Suggestions let me know.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards