Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hello everyone,
its time for an new Development Update of this Project.I want to present you 3 new Toys for the Cybrans.
"The Stinger Mark-1" Tech 3 Heavy Point Defense
Basically an Stationary Defense with an Scorpion Tail.
Armed with an Microwave Laser Beam
Status: Available in Early Access on GitHub (Commander Survival Kit: Units)
"The Kings Stinger Mark-12" Experimental Point Defense
A large Stationary Defense which is armed with the Advanced Microwave Beam of the Experimental Scorpion. This Structure has Access to four Proton Cannon Turrets, which usually appear on the Megalith and 4 Airpads which are useful for Air Staging
Status: Available in Early Access on GitHub (Commander Survival Kit: Units)
Currently in Development
The first two cyborgs for the Cybrans will become experimental units. This is the first cyborg based primarily on the Cybranasaurus Rex from Supreme Commander 2. However, with a design that fits the Design Style of Forged Alliance more. The design is rounded off with further details and additional features based on my concepts. This unit is currently in development and will be added in the upcoming Early Access Update for Commander Survival Kit Units.Of course, we will also have some cyborgs in the lower tech levels available in the future.
Stay tuned for the Second Experimental Cyborg and for more updates.Best regards
Hello everyone,
for anyone who likes Air Units with alot of Guns or a large Bomb I have something for you.
The UEF has gotten two new Air Units in this small Development Update, which are currently in their Testing Phase.'Knockheed C140' - Tech 3 Advanced Strategic Bomber
This Air Unit is based on the Lockheed C130 and drop an Blu-3000 Heavy Napalm Bomb.
The Bomb is currently callable from the UEF Special Section of the Fire Support Manager in the Commander Survival Kit.
However its time to make this Weapon usable in the Game directly by an Unit.'Knockheed A140' - Tech 3 Patrol Gunship
This Air Unit is based on the Lockheed A130 Gunship.
It is armed with 2 Gatling Guns and 2 Gauss Cannons on one of its Sides.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
its time for an new Development Update of this Project.I want to present you 2 new Air Units for the Cybrans.
And ... well I think you will need an Gaint fly swatter to deal with them.
But see for yourself..'Meganula MKI' - Tech 2 Advanced Gunship
A Dragonfly with an powerful Rapid Fire Proton Cannon on its Tail.
An additional EMP Laser Blaster is installed between the two Claws.
'Meganula MKII' - Tech 3 Advanced Gunship
An improved Dragonfly with an powerful Microwave Laser on its Tail
Several Nanite Missile Launchers and a Proton Cannon are installed on its Claws
Both Units in an Squadron:
Both Units will be included in Commander Survival Kit Units.
Since I'm on holiday over Christmas next week, you can expect further updates much more often.
So stay tuned for them.
Best regards
This is pretty awesome but I think you should do something to make them visually more different, perhaps even just making one significantly smaller than the other?
The Meganula MKII on Tech 3 is actually an improved Version of the Meganula MKI from Tech 2. So they have similarities and a few small Differences in the Design. (Additional Weapons and the Spikes on Tech 3 as an Example.)
But yeah I will look into it.
The Change of the Size for one of these Units can be changed easily in the Unit Blueprint File. Model Changes to make them look different can be done as Well. Maybe an different Wing, Body and Tail Design on one of the Models will make them more unique from each other visually. -
Model Improvement/Change
'Meganula MKI' - Tech 2 Advanced Gunship:
'Meganula MKII' - Tech 3 Advanced Gunship
Size Change:
Hello everyone,
its time for an new Christmas Development Update of this Project.Lets see what is new:
The Introduction of Underground Units:
CSK Units will introduce an new type of Unit, which are able to Move below the Ground Layer. These Units have an Toggle Button to switch from Surface to Underground Mode and backwards. To Counter them these Units are targetable in Surface Mode usally, but we will see Ways to Damage them in Underground Mode too.The first functional Units are two mechanical Worms for the Cybrans, which have been added to the Mod for Early Access. Compared to other Units in this Concept these Worms are not able to Move in the Surface Mode.
There are only Movable in Underground Mode."Model: C-57" - Tech 3 Cyber Worm:
A mechanical Worm, which is designed to move behind enemy Defense Lines for Surprise Attacks. It is armed with an Microwave Laser Beam"Model: C-1000X" - Experimental Cybrer Worm:
As the tip of the mechanical WormΒ΄s of the Cybran Army. This large Worm is armed with an massive amount of Weapons:
A Powerful Microwave Laser, some Missile Launchers and 4 Proton Cannons. A really deadly Experimental excelent for surprise Attacks.New Land Unit:
"Cyrox 3000" - Experimental Attack Cyborg
The second Cyborg for the Cybrans has been added to the Mod as well.
This one is clearly based on the famous japanese Kaiju Godzilla and is like the original really Deadly. The basic Weapons of this Cyborg is an poweful Photonic Beam Laser and two Nanite Missile Launchers. Note: This Cyborg as well the four Legged Behemoth Experimental Support Cyborg have an functional Idle Animation to make it more realistic.However that is not all the cyborg has access to two Ablities:
Instable Photonic Laser Projectile:
This Ability/Weapon is inspired by the new Atomic Breath of Godzilla in the Movie Godzilla Minus One. Godzilla is causing an large Nuke Explosion by using his Athomic Breath in the Movie. The Weapon causes an nuke Explosion on inpact and has an Maximum Range of 60 and an Minimum Range of 30. So anything between these two Values will be Destroyed. However keep in Mind this Weapon can Damage ally units as well. So use it wise. To make it Balanced this Weapon has an long reload Time as wellPhotonic Shockwave:
Similar like Godzilla in the Monsterverse from the Movies of Legendary Pictures. The Cyborg is able to unleash an Photonic Impulse Shockwave to Destroy Enemies around it. This Ability doesn't cause any Damage to ally Units. The Size of the Sphere Effect and the Radius increase from 0 to 30 The Damage of this Shockwave has been set to 15. However with each Interval the Shockwave Increase to 30 the total Damage is 500 at the end. This Ability doesn't has an Reload yet and is designed to be used manually for Emergency Situations (Defense Purposes).Hope you like it and stay tuned for more Updates.
I wish you all a nice Christmas Celebration and see you soon.Best regards
What the heck, underground units! That's so damn cool!!
Godzilla in GAME nice
Really amazing work. But can an underground unit go under the seabed? Iβm assuming it canβt surface through water?
Yes of course
The two Cybran Worms are already able to Move below the Seabed. So yes each Underground Unit will be able to Move below the Seabed in General.
On Land you will See that If you Move them in Underground Mode:
However If they Move below the Seabed you will Not See the Decal and the Movement Effect. Only the Selection Box and the Strategic Icon is visible here. I'm still trying to make the Decal and Movement Effects functional on Seabed at the Moment.
Hopefully a future of FAF at some point, keep up the good work!
Hello everyone,
I Hope you all had an nice Christmas.
I want to present you 3 new UEF Lightning Defenses.
"Zeus Mark I" - Tech 2 Lightning Cannon:
A basic Tesla Coil which fires Lightning on Enemy Land Units.
The Lightning is able to stun enemy Land Units for an short time. Can be upgraded to the "Zeus Mark II". Tech 3 Advanced Lightning Cannon.
"Zeus Mark II" - Tech 3 Advanced Lightning Cannon:
A improved Tesla Coil which fires Lightning on Enemy Land Units. The Lightning is able to stun enemy Land Units for an short time. This Defense has access to the Anti Air Mode:
That means you can Switch from Ground to Anti Air Mode and backwards with an Toggle Button. This will make is possible to use the Lightning against enemy Air Units. Can be upgraded to the "Zeus Mark III". Experimental Lightning Cannon.
"Zeus Mark III" - Experimental Lightning Cannon
A large Tesla Coil which fires Lightning on Enemy Land Units.
The Lightning is able to stun enemy Land Units for an short time.
This Defense has access to two Abilities:
Anti Air Mode:
That means you can Switch from Ground to Anti Air Mode and backwards with an Toggle Button. This will make is possible to use the Lightning against enemy Air Units.Electrical Shockwave:
Works exacly like the Photonic Shockwave on the Cyrox 3000 Experimental Attack Cyborg.
However this Shockwave is using an different Sphere Model and Texture.Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project.First of all I have created several new Models for these following UEF Vehicles:
'M20 Abrams' - Tech 3 Heavy Battle Tank
'M90 Assasin' - Tech 3 Tankhunter
'M720 HIMARS' - Tech 3 Mobile Rocket Battery
'Leopard 2000' - Tech 3 Heavy Siege Tank
'M88-AM Supplyier' - Tech 3 Ammo Tank
Of cause 4 new comers has been added as well:
New Units:
'Howitzer 4000' - Tech 2 Mobile Artillery:
An Howitzer/Artillery mounted on an Armored Truck.
'K280 Vigilante' - Tech 2 Mobile Tactical Missile Defense:
An Gatling Gun mounted on an Armored Truck.
Useful against incoming Missiles.
Note: Anti Air will be added later with an Toogle Button.
'M25F Scorcher' - Tech 3 Flamethrower Tank
An modified Abrams with an Flamethrower as its Main Weapon.
Flamethrower are still an Weapon in Supcom.
Even in the future Time Period.
Why? Well that is simple.
Flamethrower are cheap and still useful against Aggressive Flora and Fauna.'M15-A Sky Preventer' - Tech 3 Mobile Anti Air Flak Cannon
An advanced Version of an Flak Cannon mounted on an armored Truck.
Useful against incoming Anti Air Units.
Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Holy cow, this is amazing work dude!
The Cybran Worms especially, fantastic idea. -
Thanks glad to hear you like them.
We will See more Underground Units soon probably for each Faction. Of course with the Introduction of ways to Counter them. -
We Metal Fatigue now
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project, which is focused on the Underground Units.The UEF has get two new Units recently on the newest GitHub Early Access Update:
"Mole Mark-1" - Tech 3 Drill Tank:
This Massive Tank has access to an large Drill, which gives him the Ability to move below the Ground Layer (Underground Mode). If you order the Tank to switch to Surface Mode he will show his powerful Weapon Systems of an Improved Gauss Cannon Turret, Tactical Missile Launchers and Machine Guns. This is the Tech 3 Underground Unit for the UEF and a Second one on Experimental will be revealed soon.
"Ground Preventer 7000" - Tech 3 Seismic Defense:
The first Countermeasure for the new upcoming Underground Units has arrive. The Seismic Defense generates Earthquakes in the Area. Any Underground Unit will be damaged with each Earthquake Interval. Surface Units will be damaged as well but lower compared to the Underground Units. This Structure has access to an Ability to force enemy Underground Units in Range to switch from Underground Mode to Surface Mode and Backwards manually.
Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
its time for a new Development Update of this Project.I want to present you the Appearence of Tech 2 Laser Fences for the Aeon and Cybrans.
The Laser Fence is buildable by the Tech 2 and 3 Engineer. A Dummy Unit will be spawned between two Pylons which fills the Gap with Laser Beams. This will make enemy Units not be able to move through the Laser Fence. The Dummy which will be spawned between the Pylons is selectable by the player. You can turn On/Off the Laser beams between the Pylons with an Toggle Button. If you turn it off the Dummy will be removed and creates an gap between the Laser fence pylons. Units are able to move thought the Gap. If you turn it on again the Dummy and the Laser Beams between the Pylons will be respawned and block the Gap.Cybran Tech 2 Laser Fence:
Aeon Tech 2 Laser Fence:
"Gryphon" - UEF Experimental Gunship:
The Gryphon is the second Air Experimental for the UEF in CSK Units. This Gunship is armed with Plasma Gatling Turrets, Tactical Missile Launchers, SAM Missile Launchers and Gauss Cannon Turrets.Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project.
This time the Cybrans are getting two new toys.
Note: this is the first Wave of 2.Please give an warm welcome for these two new Units:
"Eraser Mark-1" - Tech 2 Shredder Drone
A automated Drone, which is designed to for Close Destruction. The Drone causes damage in the near of the enemy Unit by Moving. Order the Drone to patrol around an enemy Structure or Land Unit to cause damage to it. Multiple Drones increase the damage by moving effect so build a squad of 10 - 20 Drones for an Attack Run."The Gear" - Tech 3 Combat Scout
An special type of Drone in the Form of an large mechanic gear.
Its armed with two Rapid Fire EMP Blasters, an advanced Radar System and an Personal Cloak Device. This Unit will get access to a few additional Features in the next upcoming Updates.
Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards