Recall from battle

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So, here we go again, I was playing seton's clutch and dude just was sitting afk and spammed "recall from battle" he tried to recall like 6 or 7 times in one game. So when he did it again, I was microing my units and therefore accidentally accepted it. So why do you even have this button in the game? My suggestion: delete it from full-share games as it makes no sense to recall! I want to play till the end and just give me your base and ctrl k your ACU. May be I do not wanna win but I want to challenge myself do hold as long as possible, whereas someone just wants me to give up? What is the sense of giving such an option? Or may be you change it by limiting number of recalling possibilites to 1, so that people just not sit afk and not spam this button? It is annoying, when someone is fighting that the dude is just spamming the button instead of leaving from the game or start fightning.

At the very least, I don't think the recall system should force live players who don't vote recall to lose and stop playing against their will. So, I suggest that recall is changed to only remove the players who voted for it when a recall vote succeeds. That way, those players are not forced to stay in the game and the remaining player(s) are not forced to quit.

pfp credit to gieb

At this point we can just go back to ctrl+k meta. Which fixes nothing, the Q is still gonna get clogged up with 1v4 unwinnable games as rest of the players wastes their time either playing a pointless game or outright just sitting in the Q doin nothing.

@gabitii so you waste the time of every other player just so you can see how long you hold? That’s not fun for literally anyone else in that lobby and holds everyone hostage so they can’t get a fresh game. This is why people ctrl k entire bases to stop that.

@exselsior why am I the one who is forcing? Allies can easily ctrl k their acus and play next, and the opponents shall win easily that for example 1 v 4. Against your argument, people force me to quit when I dont want to. I am new to seton's and for now I barely have experience how to push till the end when your opponent has no base but tons of ras sacu's. Of course you and other pro players in seton know how can you push everything out, but if I am in this situation against you, I will most probably loose, because I have less experience and I will spend my mass in somthing that will not work, whereas you will spend all your mass right and win me. So this button gives me no choice of playing very long games where the opponent does not wanna give up. And yes, I think, that if someone joined lobby, he has to be ready to play till the end. Like in chess, be ready to play a game which can last like 6 hours, just because your opponent does not give up, respect their decision.

the whole point of the recall is provide the alternative to having to ctrl-k its a more official way of wanting to leave . we are looking into making recall a option that the host can enable/disable in the lobby

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@rowey I gave you 2 suggestions, you rejected 2 of them and explained only 1 of them. Why cant you give an option to host to limit recall voting for player by 3, for example. I explained you the problem, the guy was just spamming recall vote till I accidentally accepted it, why can't you solve the problem?

@Jip / @Hdt80bro

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

imo keeping players in game against their will just because 1 (one) player wants a "challenge" is worse than that one player not getting said "challenge" that was never what the other players even agreed to or wanted when starting the game (to play the "challenge"), they were there to play the part before "challenge", the game itself

no one should ever be forced to do something they don't want, ever

I wonder if league of legends has the same discussions about their surrender feature

@jip said in Recall from battle:

We're looking into making it a lobby option, where the host can enable / disable recalling as he / she sees fits. It would be disabled by default. That way lobbies where it matters (2K+) can have it enabled, but lobbies where it does not matter that much can have it disabled. People can then just stay / leave as they see fit.

How does that sound?

I don't understand why the discussion is still on-going. We're introducing a toggle so that the host can enable / disable recall. It will be enabled by default for TMM.

As BlackYps* points out - we're not the only game that has such a feature.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I really love the recall feature and have been in about a dozen games where it was used, sometimes vetoed, sometimes it went through, and it did it's job amazingly well every time.

Most importantly I have not seen a single base ctrl+k since I have pushed for using the feature in all the games I have been in and even when the recall was vetoed the players who voted for conceding continued playing instead of just doing nothing or leaving as they probably would have done in the past.

Just look at this game where foley and me voted to recall at min 9 (because it really should have been lost) but got out voted by our allies. So we continued playing and it surprisingly was a real game after that point.

This is a huge success and would not have happened without the recall feature! Foley and me would have almost certainly just left at that point, and then no game would have happened at all.

So not only does the recall vote stop trolls from taking the game hostage, it also allows the whole team to stay engaged, even in bad looking games.

If you make it a lobby feature, please make it enabled by default. Everything that's such a huge improvement to the game should be the standard, not the exception.

Alternatively: Make it a lobby option to specify if all or only a majority of players need to vote recall for it to pass, but keep recall in all games.
This doesn't fix the "taking the game hostage" problem, but it does ensure that voting for a recall will become the default first choice for conceding instead of ctrl+k-ing, which is still a huge improvement.
Recall, even if it doesn't work, is still a team decision after all, the exact opposite of ctrl+k-ing.

Or phrased differently: Recall encourages a culture of teamwork and communication ("I think this game is over. What do you all think?") instead of the egocentrism that ctrl+k-ing incentivizes ("I think this game is lost. Fuck you and goodbye").

frequent surrendering is one of the many reasons i refuse to play league of legends. there is nothing more demoralizing than members of your team repeatedly announcing that they have given up. @CheeseBerry 9 minutes in is shocking, im glad to hear it went well after that, definitely not unusual in my experience.

its a fair point though, both options have their pros and cons.
more lobby options are always appreciated.

a failed vote to surrender is a clear indication of your teammates' confidence that continuing is likely to result in victory. when skills are relatively matched, it is often the team with the greater will to win who ultimately prevails. just gotta stick around and make it happen.

in league of legends (5v5 game) surrender can't be cancelled by 1 person (like FAF veto), it has to be at least 2 saying no or it will happen even with 1 player not wanting it, preventing them from keeping their team there against their will

League of Legends player spotted

Get 'em boys

Confirming recall bug is still present - all votes show green and nothing happens