Vipers are mediocre against firebases after the TMD targeting improvements, it's just that the other MML are garbage. You need a clump of like 10 vipers to start chewing through a firebase at any reasonable speed and half of that can get deleted by just one T2 arty hit or some T1 bomber sweeps
Another brainstorm, maybe turn Fire Beetles into Amp Beetles, and have them also detonate on shields and disable them - 1.5k dmg to shields.
Or add T2 'Amp Ram' unit that has personal stealth, and it attack shields from somewhat small range - just big enough to stand outside Sera T3 shields (so you don't get the odd behaviour of it going inside a shield and then not doing anything xD).
On the topic of names... As already mentioned, original names are kinda all over the place, but two main themes are 'animals/mythical beings' (Mole, Mantis, Medusa, Rhino, Viper, Fire Beetle, Cerberus, Dragon Fly, Cormorant, Barracuda, Siren, Mermaid), 'professions' (Hunter, Hoplite, Loyalist, Deceiver, Disruptor, Guardian, Corsair, Renegade, Revenant, Wailer, Jester, Prowler, Soothsayer) and 'greek-stuff' (Zeus, Myrmidon, Olympus, Salem, Gemini, as well as some stuff from the previous 2 categories) which is also kinda all over the place in and of itself. Despite what many are arguing, there isn't actually any cohesion. You could say 'greek', but if anything there are more animals. But so are there plenty in say UEF.
Whatever the name, what I'm not liking is the current trend of 'a thing that breaks the shield', because they kill shields, but in reality, the purpose of the shield is more akin to walls and other fortifications. So yeah, if we are going the direction of defense-neutralization and in particular 'siege weapons', "Trebuchet" is already taken; "Ram" kinda sounds lame (though it does have the double source of both animal and siege weapon), "Scorpio" sounds very good to me (though again it was more of an anti-infantry weapon, rather than anti-fortification), "Catapult" doesn't seem fitting.
Anything ever come of this discussion? Anybody making a demo unit for this?
At this point in the balance structure, I kinda hope not.
Idea wasn’t liked by balance team so it died.
@ftxcommando we dont have a balance team, we have despots. it's easier to throw out cybran faction.
@noble_ice said in Absolver:
@ftxcommando we dont have a balance team, we have despots. it's easier to throw out cybran faction.
Hey, hey... No need to get mad at them.
They're fans of the game just like you and me.
They understand the game far better than any one of us.If they make a change, they share a reason why, and if it doesn't work out, they revert it.
Also, the Cybran faction has had some serious improvements over the last few balance patches. (2023)
Some notable ones:
- Salem range & HP increase
- ACU Regen increase + Nano upgrade
- Deceiver stealth range increase
- Brick & Wagner torpedo damage increase
- Brick range increase
- SoulRipper Rework
etc. etc. etc.
You can find the patchnotes for everything else here.
The brick and Salem range increase are the two I've felt the most.
@comradestryker what does cibran have to counter the FAVORITISM of the UEF team?
t1 units land sea air/ mantises, medusa (good when they hit) and jasters, but jaster only if you want to hit aggressive com on t1, everyone says they have good frigates, but i don't see that. labs are memes, good for the ghetto.
t2 land/ rhinos and snakes. these units are good
hoplite it's bad, only good 1 out of 10 games
Wagner's good unit
firebittles are my favorite units in the game and I want to use them in every game but it's hard very hard to do relevant damage
deciver is not relevant when the enemy just spams t1 scout, just a waste of mass and energy!t2 air corsair good for sniper, best sniper in the game (but that doesn't make him powerful)
t2 navy destroyer ok, they have a good range, they have a good buff, and that's it.
cruisers are not bad not good they have a range of 70 if i remember and similar damage to destroyers.
marmeide is a good unit but fails when enemy spam t1 scout!t3 land loyalist pls can't redirect billy nuke vtf but they are good to counter uef t2 governors
Brick good unit, flexible
trebuchet I don't see any use for this in a team game, but in 1v1 it can work. maybe it would be a good idea to change themGunter are too inaccurate, every faction has shields so it will never be good to invest in it, and they drop the range to 115. WHY? How do you defend against battleships?
t3 air is good.
monkey lord is cheap and good for its price, but not powerful.
HARRMS how can this be more expensive than a destroyer (how can this be balanced)? it was good to use a cloak of sacu or acu. gives you a chance to get back in the water. this was the ONLY thing uef had trouble countering. it was expensive but good, now it's just expensive and useless.
ACU good new upgrades, but not that relevant, they nerfed the laser and didn't reduce the mass or energy, and they will change the teleport, so good bye telemasor. why not give the acu an upgrade aa like on the sacu.
Hives destroyed it, kennels are better (mobile unit) can't beat a hive. they should give hives and upgrade to choose mobile upgrade. the old hive was good not this one and they are too expensive .this bothers me like champ yumi u lol .
Soul Ripper I don't want to talk about it. I'm disgusted with how he reworked, I want the old man back.
megalith very expensive unit, not a treat for uef. how can this be a similar price to the novax, when the novax is a far superior unit.
they say uef doesn't have such good t2 land air sea, so it's not true. they have a good list of military for every situation. None of the above is a threat to the UEF.
I'm not angry, I'm just dissatisfied with the way the team balances because they favor the UEF, it's obvious and there's no need for them to do that, it's the strongest army. they have everything they need to win every game, even those that are not in their favor.
... are you sure you actually read through the explanations of the patches?
@sladow-noob I have read it several times.
yeah cyb sucks cuz my 480 mass loya can’t redirect an 8k mass billy and make it invulnerable to tmd
i would take hives over kennels in 90% of game situations
cyb has the stronger t1 and t4 land, stronger t3 air, t2 air ig long term edge to uef though cybran has the boon of flexibility, stronger t1 and t2 navy which can leverage into an adv on t3 navy so long as the map isnt predisposed to getting 400 mass prior to any real navy investment (metir, senton)
A good suggestion, but people are adverse to change. For instance, logically I agree with you, whilst emotionally I recoil at your suggestion. So while your change makes sense and probably would be healthy for the game, might I suggest a palliative measure should your good suggestion fall through?This alternative remedy revolves around the loyalist. Currently it has some minor EMP on one of its weapons (the low damage one I think). What if that weapon also dealt additional damage (like the absolver) to shields? Give it a minor range increase as well. It's a fast unit, and combined with deceivers, it may be able to storm sniper blobs undetected, rapidly drain the mobile shields and kill the snipers. This might also help players get more use out of the loyalist. It still feels like an inferior titan, and a crutch to get to bricks.
The loyalist isn't great against t2 blobs either because of their mobile shield supports. It just simply lacks the hp to trade to drain the shields. Adding some extra anti-shield damage to the loyalist will also help it mop up the dregs of the t2 stage.
Side note to loya billy redirect. It should never have been able to make the redirected missile immune to tmd. That's what cause the ability to be removed. -
@ftxcommando I partially disagree. I would take kennels 100% every time, because they are mobile. We are not in a dual gap, so everything is close to the base.
experimental t4 land, how did you conclude that cybrans have better units?
uef has killer experimentala-percival.
fat boy in the range surpasses everything and if mikro will never kill him, because he has his own shield + parashield + factory. ,megalit and monkeylord cant cach up with micro fatboy, it outranges them.
novax every monklord and megalith will be destroyed by the satellite if you send it to attack outside base shilds -
@arran i've seen players using kennels mobility and t3 acu + bili nuke+ t 2 transport to rapidly target everything outside the base from multiple sides. while novas forces you to play deff. and you don't have time to build fast tmd everywhere. how is that not balanced?
the problem is that the uef with its army can compensate for its flaws, that is, one unit works well with another by compensating for its flaws. other factions cannot do that. uef is perfectly balanced with each other (with in itself balance).
now you can say that it's not true that cybran have deciver and mermaidd but they don't change the flow of the game much because they are easy to counter, you just spam scouts t1(chepp conter)
@noble_ice said in Absolver:
@ftxcommando I partially disagree. I would take kennels 100% every time, because they are mobile. We are not in a dual gap, so everything is close to the base.
experimental t4 land, how did you conclude that cybrans have better units?
uef has killer experimentala-percival.
fat boy in the range surpasses everything and if mikro will never kill him, because he has his own shield + parashield + factory. ,megalit and monkeylord cant cach up with micro fatboy, it outranges them.
novax every monklord and megalith will be destroyed by the satellite if you send it to attack outside base shildsmega is the best land t4 though you can also argue gc
percy is slower than all direct fire t4s aside from mega while also having less range and being vulnerable to aoe
fatboy dies to a third of its mass in t2 air trivially, same for tml or firebases while also being so ridiculously slow it will get to a frontline a minute later than a gc while still requiring yet another minute to break anything while also taking yet another minute because it’s also more mass -> this time is more than enough itself to set up the mass efficient counters even if your opponent made a gc first
spending 36k mass to do like 500 dps to a mega or ml just lol, nobody uses a novax for that
you dont need your bp concentration to be mobile, hives are more mass efficient while having zero risk of dying to externalities like aoe weapons. You plop 20 down in some empty area with a shield and can spend 200 mass on t4/smd/arty/nuke/shield/maybe a land or air fac or gateway
I like having an absolver in army of Aeon -
The suggested design for Cybran unit is ugly. I'm against that change as long as FAF gets proper unit design.
Also this IS adding new unit regardless of how FtXCommando calls it "moving" from faction to faction.
I believe there must be a community vote for this specific change.
While I'm ok with Cybran gaining a shield disruptor unit (per my post a long time ago in this thread), I really dont like the idea of also removing the absolver from the game, which seems to be the current plan.
FYI for those viewing this thread, there's a discord thread which discusses this aspect (the Absolver removal, as opposed to Cybran gaining a shield disruptor unit) further: