Make repair cheaper

As for repair itself it would make sense if it didn't use mass for repair at all, but used more power instead. This would give alternative to just reclaim your damaged units and also add an option to use power overflow if it happened. Although would not let you quick-repair some expensive structures like nuke or game ender.

buff repairing acus 72f1d818-8564-4b5e-83f5-5bb891f6b273-image.png

frick snoops!

@arma473 said in Make repair cheaper:

The obvious problem with making repair more feasible (in terms of mass/energy cost, or build time) is that it makes it easier to snowball a win. So allowing cheap repairs on units might cause balance problems.

Isn't this the exact point of veterency?

Personally I'd rather the value in keeping a T4 alive be in that it can be repaired instead of the current status where repair is useless while veterency is very powerful (even though not quite as much as it used to be).

Repair will essentially never meet the return potential of current veterancy because by the time any critical unit (except air units) get back to base and repair, it’s too late to use them for anything worthwhile again. It requires you to build a forward bp facility which would likely cost a ton of mass and add additional cost to a t4 push since nobody wants 3 hives to repair an ml to full hp in 10 seconds similar to how air staging works in cost/value.

How about costing only energy instead of mass to repair? there's usually an overflow of energy in most cases.

@ftxcommando said in Make repair cheaper:

Repair will essentially never meet the return potential of current veterancy because by the time any critical unit (except air units) get back to base and repair, it’s too late to use them for anything worthwhile again. It requires you to build a forward bp facility which would likely cost a ton of mass and add additional cost to a t4 push since nobody wants 3 hives to repair an ml to full hp in 10 seconds similar to how air staging works in cost/value.

With perhaps three exceptions:

  • Ahwassa
  • ACUs (depending on cost)
  • T4 bots used defensively (but only if build power requirements are reduced massively from the current state)

@cyborg16 On maps like sentons it would absolutley be worth it to pull low HP battleships / battlecruisers back for repair. It would raise the skill ceiling for lategame naval fights higher.

Make repair cheaper and make engineering stations automatically repair units nearby is my suggestion

No. What if I don't want them to go on about repairing every shitty thing in the vicinity?
Though I'm still about making it at least a little bit cheaper.

Air Staging requires energy to repair aircraft with no cost on mass.
If you stall energy, air staging does not repair your aircraft.

Why can't the same be true for other types of repairs? A heavy(ier) cost with energy but with little to no cost in mass with repairing?
Obvious exceptions would be with experimentals and maybe economical buildings, but using a lot of E to repair structures like factories and standard units should be okay like so.

This could also give energy a tad bit more utility since it already tends to be overflowed when repairs matter most.
Yes, repairing should cost mass, too, but maybe not as much as it currently does.

Repair time is on a similar story, as it should definitely be shortened, too. Makes certain repairs like ACUs kind of awkward.
Now, I'm not saying you should make ACU repairing absurd, either - just a little faster.
At the moment, does repairing an ACU even help? 100 Hives seem to make no difference whilst still drawing resources.

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Because then 20 hives with an ml is impenetrable