I feel like Czar's crash is more important than its' weapons

Given the relative effectiveness of endgame anti-air, I have noticed that the Czar becomes little more than a very expensive bomb. I don't know if this is due more to the power of anti-air compared to PD, the Czar's lack of mobility compared to Bug & Ahwassa, or some combination thereof. I think the T3 air rush as a meta needs addressing, but that is another discussion. The focus on using Czar for its' crash just seems very silly.

@Immortal-D This will depend on the map, but having the washa drop bomb + crash is often used to crush enders or acus. This works well because the washa is also pretty fast, which is something the donut can't do as well since it is so slow.

Either way, what I wanted to say is that using air exps for their crash damage is perfectly normal and has been used for a long time (and as an aside, the bug crash damage is pitiful so it's another reason it doesn't see much use).

Of course, if you have won air you can do whatever you want with any of them without needing to crash them.

To put it simple: Because Czars are not used primarily against land units. Due to the range of its AA, it can kite ASF without getting damage.
If your opponent attacks with ASF, you groundfire and all the ASF get a huge amount of damage (Stack 2 czars, groundfire and every single ASF will die by flying through the beam).

It's a nice-have against land pushed and indeed does have impact there, but see it more as a combination where it can decide ASF-fights as well.


@deletethis said in I feel like Czar's crash is more important than its' weapons:

@Immortal-D This will depend on the map, but having the washa drop bomb + crash is often used to crush enders or acus. This works well because the washa is also pretty fast, which is something the donut can't do as well since it is so slow.

Ahwassa chrash is pure cancer and op. its so fast, its hard to intercept. u have to c it in the building process, and sams will not kill it till its selfdestroys. the chrash it self is way to powerfull.

Czar is in a really good spot, it's kinda like the Fatboy. You build it and keep it on your side to whittle down the asf at long range. The enemy can engage but the fight will be over your sam's and you get the asf reclaim and the czar reclaim. It's like a huge gunship you can go around killing armies on your side or even a little outside if your paying attention to the other air player.

The washer can be played the same way picking targets of opportunity or defensively and can also be ctr k bombed

@sladow-noob said in I feel like Czar's crash is more important than its' weapons:

If your opponent attacks with ASF, you groundfire and all the ASF get a huge amount of damage (Stack 2 czars, groundfire and every single ASF will die by flying through the beam).

Pretty sure that was nerfed back in 2015, patch notes for 3650 mentions it.

It was nerfed so 1 czar can’t autokill any ASF that flys under it, it still does damage to ASF even with the armor. Stack like 3 czars on top of each other and it’s basically the old effect.

I've seen some people just flying around the czar with asf instead of clicking attack to get around the beams, seems to work ok

@sladow-noob said in I feel like Czar's crash is more important than its' weapons:

To put it simple: Because Czars are not used primarily against land units. Due to the range of its AA, it can kite ASF without getting damage.

That is true for the first couple of seconds, but Czar has such a slow pickup speed (0-60 if you will) that actual kiting is not feasible. If I'm trying to kite the enemy ASF cloud, I would much rather have equivalent mass of Restorer than a single Czar.

Single Car have way higher range than restos. It also deals enormous damage when groundfired. Meaning that your ASF can then just mop up the fight and you have total air control. And if not, then you can keep on pinging the enemy ASF and use Czar like a defensive gunship.

Or just yeet it at enemy. Whatever you prefer.