Can we please stop the smurfing in tmm

@caliber I agree that a big factor for me in 2v2 is the fact that I'm 1600 1v1 but like 1k 2v2 tmm so I always match with 1k players and its just a crush everytime. Maybe 2v2 and 4v4 tmm could take like 1/2 of global rating and pre-apply it before people play?

FAF Website Developer

@Femboy That sounds like a good idea to me.

TML is a meme

As far as I know TMM rating is already seeded from global, it just applies a greater uncertainty to your first couple of games.

I thought it already used global rank for matchmaking and team balance purposes if the person hasn't played any TMM before? I.e. although they're displayed as 0 rank they're not actually 0.

For example the first game I played when it came out I was displayed as 0, but immediately after that first game I shot up to more than 1k due to my global rank

@archsimkat @maudlin27 Perhaps this is correct, however there is still a large imbalance as the global score can be accurate for most players excluding gap and astro players so there should be no need for any uncertainty by starting them of lower than they should be and giving them 10 or so easy games to begin with.

TML is a meme

Yeah dude, except there’s a shit ton of astro and global players and giving them a way out of the trap of playing a singular map and creating a positive feedback loop for themselves in global is good.

It’s not a “who cares LOL” issue.

@caliber How are people getting 10 or so easy games to begin with in TMM?

Smurfing is rating manipulation, such as intentionally losing games or making a new account

Trying something new is not "smurfing"

Especially when it is something that the FAF administration WANTS players to do. People are being encouraged to play TMM.

@FtXCommando there are two sides of this coin, you can choose to either punish gap/astro player types or players who play traditonal games, either way someone is lucking out.

seeing as the astro/gap players choose these games it would seem thay would have less interest in tmm

@maudlin27 for an example a 1500 global player wins their first game they get given about 800 rating then next game 900 rating
the 1000 then 1100 or so so there first few games whilst leveling up they will play under their skill level.

@arma473 i used the word smurf as a general expression for people playing under their skill level, maybe i i should have titled it, stop the noob crushing in tmm instead? although it is not the players fault but the system that applys the effect.

TML is a meme

Dude, be smarter. Play unranked games, return to TMM after years of unranked games and fuck them all

@caliber Your figures seem wrong - I was around 1.5-1.6k global, and checking the replay of my first TMM game it looks like I was treated as 1.1k rank (it displayed as 0 rank in-game); that game was a loss for me.

You're also assuming global rank is as valuable as TMM rank. I'd rather a 1.1k TMM player than a 1.5k global player as a teammate.

The figures were just to get the point accros and where in no way suppost to be accurate.

Would you like to play against a competent 2000 player who is rated as a 1200 in tmm?

TML is a meme

Can you give some examples? Which games that you played were super unbalanced because of "smurfs"?

i have had too many games to find them all but this is the most recent
replay id 18033363

im not going to put names here as i do not want to seem like im accusing anyone of anything, like i said its not the players doing anything its just the way the system is.

but in that replay there is a 0 player whos tmm score is a think 900 but shown as 0 as its there first game i think in tmm, although their global is 1349

its seems that most players i come across who have just began tmm have been playing faf for a while and are accuratly portrayed by there global skill level and there is no reason to demote them in the tmm.

TML is a meme

People being shown as 0 in their first matchmaker game is a visual bug caused by the client. They get matched with the correct tmm rating - 900 in this case. This bug will be fixed when we display league divisions instead of rating in matchmaker games and hopefully stop the confusion

@blackyps said in Can we please stop the smurfing in tmm:

This bug will be fixed when we display league divisions instead of rating in matchmaker games

Don't do this

"We're taking away your ability to see a ratings number, it's for your own good"

What am I, in kindergarten?

We're at the same time giving a different "skill" metric. There is basically no change in what information you get. People will just have to get accustomed to the new brackets

Is there scope for making it more informative/helping clarify what a rating means? For example, you mouse-over the rating icon by a player on the score-card (assuming that's how it gets implemented) and a tooltip pops up saying 'In the top x% of players' (with the x% varying based on the bracket)?

It wouldn't even need to be specific to the bracket (e.g. just give the % for gold rather than gold 1, gold 2 gold 3 etc. if a % split by the placement within the wider bracket is thought too close to giving us something like the current rating score).

@blackyps said in Can we please stop the smurfing in tmm:

We're at the same time giving a different "skill" metric. There is basically no change in what information you get. People will just have to get accustomed to the new brackets

Is it just going to be the same problem though where people would rather play at the top of the bracket below where they should be vs. the bottom of the bracket they're in? Like, if I'm the worst of 100 people in my bracket, why wouldn't I just throw a few games so I could be the best of 100 people in the bracket below it?

He's saying Silver III becomes 50th percentile and Silver IV is 55th percentile or whatever when you hover over it.