What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?

@h-master I consider Dual Gap an interesting and dynamic map in the sense that many different strategies can lead to victory. As opposed to most other maps, Dual Gap does not have a defined meta. Ask a group of random Dual Gap players their favourite playstyle, and you'll be surprised with the variety in their responses that aren't simply ecoing up. If the players co-operate, they can easily beat the "stale Dual Gap eco meta" with quick T2 air plays into the main bases. Furthermore, strat rush, nuke rush, notha rush and t3 arty rush are examples of more strategies that can be found on Dual Gap. Not only this, but standard land pushes through middle (which can be done in many different ways) have shown to be exceedingly successful, along with attempting to attain naval domination and destroying the turtle bases from the sea.

Compare this to the generic t1/t2 spam + gun ACU gameplay you'll find on the more generally "accepted" teamgame maps, like Wonder, Canis, Hilly Plateau, and Pyramid. You'll find that Dual Gap is infinitely more interesting than whatever else everyone plays.

frick snoops!

Some players like a lower pressure match

@bulliednoob said in What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?:

Compare this to the generic t1/t2 spam + gun ACU gameplay you'll find on the more generally "accepted" teamgame maps, like Wonder

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Adaptive Wonder. The build orders are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of manual reclaim most of the eco will go over a typical GAPPERS head. There’s also our spam-based outlook, which is deftly woven into our LADDER-LIKE playstyle- our personal philosophy draws heavily from Sun Tzu literature and Nazi strategy, for instance. The 1300 (high ranked) pros understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the playstyle, to realise that they’re not just efficient- they say something deep about FAF. As a consequence people (just kidding GAP players aren't human) who dislike Adaptive Wonder truly ARE noobs- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the unit mix in my trademark side bo “5 tanks 1 scout 1 arty” which itself is a cryptic reference to Manstein’s usage of mass tanks in the blitzkrieg. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated GAP simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as my genius wit unfolds itself on their computer monitor. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

@black_wriggler said in What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?:

variety of maps you play influence the delta change on your rating

So you lose more if you play a map the first time?

@black_wriggler said in What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?:

but if they go back to astro / gap it would quickly rise again

And gain more on maps you always play?

How is that supposed to reflect your skill in general?
That's literally the wrong way around.

But map based rating is probably stupid anyway, as there are already 20 variations of astro/gap. So players could still get "variety rating" just because they switch between high eco, 6 Player or 8 Player Astro and stuff. And even if you actually wanted to keep your rating low, you would have to constantly look out which exact version you play. And then you would be underrated and kicked from Astro lobbies, because people think you are a smurf or manipulated your rating. And people who want to just gain rating to show off, but can only play one map, will simply create/search a "copy" of it and just gain more rating there.
without a fixed map pool a rating by map thing is impossible.

I played hundreds of games on Dual Gap as training basically. Each spot has a very clear identity and meta. As such the amount of things you have to worry about are drastically reduced. You really can focus on your map role as dictacted by your starting posititon. Only once did I get good enough at each position did I feel ready to branch out into other maps. I didn't want to experience the learning curve on constantly new maps. It really serves the purpose of a training map very well.

Gap just teaches you bad habits and makes you focus soley on your spot's role instead of how to be adaptive to fill multiple roles.

I’m pretty sure Dual Gap started out as a joke. Gap of Rohan was already considered a stale and turtley map by higher level players and the original version of Dual Gap was pretty shoddily made. Only people who joined FAF after like 2016 thought it was a legitimate normal map. I guess it isn’t as sterile as Astro Craters or Thermopylae/The Pass…

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

@snagglefox said in What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?:

Gap just teaches you bad habits

The "bad habits":

-Having a build order
-Balancing your economy
-Filling a role
-Working as a team

@arma473 @arma473

Can you give me a team map that doesnt do those things aside from mapgen not having fixed BOs

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

@bulliednoob said in What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?:

@h-master I consider Dual Gap an interesting and dynamic map in the sense that many different strategies can lead to victory. As opposed to most other maps, Dual Gap does not have a defined meta. Ask a group of random Dual Gap players their favourite playstyle, and you'll be surprised with the variety in their responses that aren't simply ecoing up. If the players co-operate, they can easily beat the "stale Dual Gap eco meta" with quick T2 air plays into the main bases. Furthermore, strat rush, nuke rush, notha rush and t3 arty rush are examples of more strategies that can be found on Dual Gap. Not only this, but standard land pushes through middle (which can be done in many different ways) have shown to be exceedingly successful, along with attempting to attain naval domination and destroying the turtle bases from the sea.

Compare this to the generic t1/t2 spam + gun ACU gameplay you'll find on the more generally "accepted" teamgame maps, like Wonder, Canis, Hilly Plateau, and Pyramid. You'll find that Dual Gap is infinitely more interesting than whatever else everyone plays.

Thanks for sharing. My view of Gap may have been a bit too turtly. I can understand the appeal it has. It has very different gameplay compared to more open maps, but that's what a lot of people prefer apparently.

Check out my maps here:

Madness 1 - 10
