Aeon and Sera Eng Stations
Just dumb to give them faction diversity. Well, I think it’s dumb to make new engie stations in the first place but w/e. In teamgames I’m just gonna ask for an engie from the dude with the most efficient station. If that station is punished with shit range to the point i cant have a viable clump of like 20 stations for projects, then I’ll just use the next best one instead.
Giving every faction engie stations -> intended as a solution to late game buildpower bumper cars -> means every faction should have identical ones anyway as they are no longer a “flavor” unit but an evolution of bp.
If there was need to change something i'd give some analog of sparky to aeon... maybe with greater sacrifice capabilities... maybe long range, maybe something else...
and maybe give sera sacus greater base buildpower... but not sure if there is a need for that -
I pains me to see this community still incapable of thinking outside the box
This was the best you could come up with? Engineering station clones? Didn't even think about, I dunno, giving them an advantage in another gameplay arena other than buildpower that might allow them to win some games, did you? This is an awful change.
in the original TA there were rocket towers, i would love to see those make them attack the direct line of sight unless attached to a radar network
also in the original game there was the "F" key the commander could fire an energized beam using all available energy in storage (Sheilds drop out everything gets diverted) USed as either base attack on heavy installs or against experimental. One-shots to kill a spider two shots to kill GC mega etc --- capped at enough damage to kill a mega in one shot when fully charged....
what do you think oc is?
I think it's fine as is. Stations are ok, but I like investing in BP that can move. I mostly use the stations as assist targets to mitigate rolloff time. Not that it helps a lot, but it certainly feels nice.
Give hives an enormous range - it'll give Kibran something to get back into the water....
Just stop getting pushed out of the water by 5 frigates and voila, no need for cybran hover. Try scouting your opponent to not get owned by a "surprise fleet" of 30 ships that took 10mins to build. Hur hur hur hurrrrrrhyiebahahabaa
@Whatisbennis said in Aeon and Sera Eng Stations:
Just stop getting pushed out of the water by 5 frigates and voila, no need for cybran hover. Try scouting your opponent to not get owned by a "surprise fleet" of 30 ships that took 10mins to build. Hur hur hur hurrrrrrhyiebahahabaa
Stop talking shit. Air has to be blamed for something.
@KaletheQuick said in Aeon and Sera Eng Stations:
I think it's fine as is. Stations are ok, but I like investing in BP that can move. I mostly use the stations as assist targets to mitigate rolloff time. Not that it helps a lot, but it certainly feels nice.
Actually this going to be nerfed
raw SACU BP will be set to 20
engineer upgrade going to cost 1500 mass -
@advena How? What do you know?
Just put sera and aeon t3 engies bp back to 40 and leave there mass cost the same (to negate the bumper cars cost)
Create new game
Set game type to "FAF Beta"
See by yourselfI meant that moving BP (in form of SACU) will be nerfed
This post is deleted! -
great idea, feels kind of unbalanced when you can get lots of build power in t2 stage. Late game sacus build power is fine, but when you in t2 stage it feels kind of broken.
are we talking about for mods? I would support adding engineering stations to all factions as a way to keep things in line.