also in the original game there was the "F" key the commander could fire an energized beam using all available energy in storage (Sheilds drop out everything gets diverted) USed as either base attack on heavy installs or against experimental. One-shots to kill a spider two shots to kill GC mega etc --- capped at enough damage to kill a mega in one shot when fully charged....
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RE: Aeon and Sera Eng Stations
posted in Balance Discussion •
RE: Aeon and Sera Eng Stations
posted in Balance Discussion •
in the original TA there were rocket towers, i would love to see those make them attack the direct line of sight unless attached to a radar network
RE: Unit Creation Tourney #1 (October of 2020)
posted in Tournaments •
needs a name change ...... Redback
RE: FAF Doesn''t Work
posted in Game Issues and Gameplay questions •
I played this game since the original TA, the focus on smurfs wrecked this game totally. I once forgot my login and with 3 pcs in the house and 3 copies of the game used the wrong account on the wrong pc. The ban and the bs that went with this (over 8 years ago ) still shits me off. If anything simplifies the login and link to Facebook or Google or something easy. Make thing simple and easy and you might get new blood...