WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas

Why are there walls on land and not on water?
I need water walls

  • there are no t2 walls either, this is an omission

Cartographic plant.
Best cartographer of Basania 2021.
2nd place in the maps contest in Genzalia 2022.


Aside from recklessly modifying the game in a huge way (not terrible imho), this would be interesting to see with mexes as factories for little mass-storages-on-wheels that make their way to the base to get reclaimed (so keep the supply lines but ditch the engineer fetching).

  • Allow Aeon T2 Shields to Upgrade to T3 Shields, however make it less efficient than reclaiming an existing T2 and rebuilding a T3 over it's wreck.

  • Give Seraphim support commanders a RAS upgrade path.

  • Add a "Hive" equivalent for both Aeon and Seraphim - ideally, they're worse than the Cybran/UEF versions, but it seems an immense oversight that in order to be effective in team games everyone spams the Cybran/UEF player(s) asking for donation T2 Engies.

Remove all damage dealing units and structures and replace the ACU with a command center. You win when you capture, reclaim, or destroy the enemy’s command center.

I vaguely recall there being a SupCom 2 campaign mission that’s sort of an engi battle like this.

Give cybran cruiser toggle ability to make them airborne assrape gunships

Remove collision between units, they only collide with buildings now. Is this a balance change? I don't know, but it would probably improve per, and make unit navigation much less annoying.

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Add the 3 Xbox Exclusive Units and Sera Campaign crystals as buildable units

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

@dragun101 said in WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas:

Add the 3 Xbox Exclusive Units

👍 👍 👍

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

@dragun101 said in WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas:

Add the 3 Xbox Exclusive Units and Sera Campaign crystals as buildable units

What are those three units again? UEF had a t3 anti artillery unit if I remember correctly.

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Madness 1 - 10


Commander can stomp over small units and crush them.


Cybran had a T1 scout submarine and Aeon had a T1 static arty

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

All units with an engineering suite (except perhaps the Cybran cruiser and mantis), when they aren't actively building/assisting/capturing/reclaiming, will automatically use their engineering beam to reclaim any enemies or buildings in range without slowing down their movement or their ability to fire a gun. So regular ACUs get a little more DPS during fights. A T2 or T3 ACU will have a lot more DPS just from that. SACUs will be more useful in combat and engineers will be more able to protect themselves against enemies like LABs. Idle factories can reclaim nearby enemies in a small range.

Atlantis has a dive/surface/fly toggle.

Land unit can be dropped on the sirens air staging platform and attack from it.

being able to actually build the majority of a base underwater like TA.
Imagine Setons with a base tucked away in the corner

IE- power gen , mass/e storages, proper underwater torp defenses, anti sonar tech (ala stealth field gen), floating cloaked limpet mines, being able to seed low cost sonar perimeter lines trigger when crossed (single use), underwater walls that can't reclaim/destroy barring a nuke (no rust in this universe)

Hydro plants upgradable to T3 with a small shield

Limited amount of mass/e storage (10?) to build underground but costs 3x current storage

T2 torp boats are trash, make them subs

I like arma's suggestion, engis on patrol can reclaim to inflict damage

Delete engineers

5 vet units can upgrade into next tier unit (mantis into rhino then brick etc)

Make a second type of strat that can carpet bomb an area.

Check out my maps here:

Madness 1 - 10


SMDs deal splash damage, which would make it bad to "stack" nuke subs