1 - that time someone (petric?) dropped ACU on the seton's island but the landing spot was on rough terrain so the ACU exploded when it hit the ground
2 - that survival game where a player's billy nuke got redirected TWICE (by two different loyas) sending the billy straight into the MacGuffin that the players are supposed to protect, causing the players to instantly lose
3 - LotS on Point of Reach when Petric forgot about his ACU and died to T2 PD
4 - in one of Brnk's Phantom Roanoke games, a neptune's main weapon fired, ended up killing a nuke that was about to land
5 - any time SMD gets to 99% before nuke hits, or it gets to 100% just before nuke hits and the SMD fires its shot. This is epic whether the SMD shot catches the nuke in time, or if it doesn't catch the nuke in time.
6 - a match on Vya-3 with an early proxy behind the enemy base
7 - that time in a team game where someone tried to drop his ACU next to a friendly ACU. But the other player thought it was an enemy so he ctrl-k, ended up killing himself and his teammate (because death explosion killed the transport)
8 - Gyle casted a match on Dual Gap where one team made a paragon, but instead of making weapons to kill the other team, they made like 3 more paragons so everyone could have one. And when one of the paragons was sniped, it set off a chain reaction.
I can edit this to add links to the clips if they are online.