AI-Uveso (v116) - AI mod for FAForever
found the bug why civilians are not attacking the units from uveso AI.will be fixed in version 109.
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update 27.Feb.2023(v110)
- Opt: added ghost map for units that are under the fog of war
Update 17.Feb.2023(v109) (only released for developers)
- Fix: added missing threat values for hover movement layer in target manager
- Fix: removed CanPathToCurrentEnemy function that requires a navigation mesh.
- Fix: UnitUpgradeTemplates are now a subtable from UpgradeTemplates
- Fix: StructureUpgradeTemplates are now a subtable from UpgradeTemplates
- Fix: fixed a bug that prevented the score screen from showing
- Fix: Pathing function was missing map threat
- Fix: OnDefeat function updated to the latest FAF version
- Fix: added missing baseLayer to AddBuilderManagers hook
- Fix: Fixed a bug where civilians would not attack AI units
- Opt: increased speed of pathing function.
- Opt: scout will now check for already scouted areas
- Opt: engineer will now use the hover instead of the amhibious layer for pathing
- Opt: removed temporary map-path table from marker generator
- Opt: naval factories should no longer overbuild units
- Opt: AI should no longer build to much sonar
- Opt: platoons are now using the target manager more often
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
@Uveso Here's a log from a recent game I played. If you've got the time can you see if the error was in the AI or something else. The other mods enabled were Brewlan, Extreme Wars, the BlackOps mods, and Total Mayhem. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled both FAF client and the game on steam along with running the sfc /scannow CMD prompt. game_19408063.log
there are 2 errors in your log:
warning: SND: Error playing cue 1 on bank 48 [ursstream] XACT: Invalid arg
This sound error will cause gamecrashes, please fix!
* AI-Uveso: AIExecuteBuildStructure: All checks passed, forcing enginner TECH1 AEON sal0119 to build TECH1 T1Resource uab1103
This is a warning and tells us that unit sal0119 has no build templates and the AI does not know how to handle this engineer.
It is also possible that unit sal0119 is incorrectly configured as an engineer with no ability to build structures.At least we should check the unit sal0119 and check why its causing this error.
don't know what mod this is from - maybe a BrewLan unit.For now, i would suggest you fix first the sound problem,
then we can continue to check / fix the engineer is some help to configure you sound system: configuration is correct if you no longer have
XACT: Invalid arg
errors in your log. -
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U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Hi there!
First of all thanks for the amazing work. I wanted to ask are there any specific circumstances where the AI half way through the game after a few tech 2 unitsProduced. Stops producing them and ONLY pours out t1 spam? Is there something I need to do or install?
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U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Since last update, Uveso (and Swarm) no longer work for me. Did update break something for all or only for my install ? I tried reinstalling AI but its still same. Commander just stands still and doesn't move.
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update 11.Jul.2023(v111)
- Fix: fixed some issues with the new FAF game version
(Thanks to Relentor for providing this fix)
- Fix: fixed some issues with the new FAF game version
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update 23.Aug.2023(v112)
- Fix: fixed an error in unit upgrade function
- Fix: added unit templates to upgrade support factories
Hey @Uveso , I've been having crashes when running only AI-Uveso alone with no other mods. As well, when I seperately run total mayhem without AI-Uveso (Because Uveso crashes), there is no icon support. I have downloaded both mods through FAF vault. I also got a notification each time saying "failed to save dump file to... (temp directory)"
can you provide me a game.log?
U Uveso referenced this topic on
I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature; but the AI seems to deploy units to the front line in a rather strange pattern. The AI sends their land units in a single-file line towards their enemy, where they are easily picked off since they are essentially marching into the jaws of death one by one. This results in the map overview consisting of lines of units going from Base A to Base B, without much in the way of maneuvering, formations, or basic unit structure.
Is this intended behavior, or have I messed something up on my end? Only other mods I am using are Total Mayhem and the BlackOps collection. All mods downloaded through the Vault.
Hi @Uveso
Does your AI support units from Brewlan mod?
And maybe you know, what other FAF standard/custom AIs (except LOUD) support this mod -
Update 19.Nov.2024 (v113)
- Fix: Fixed some typos in upgrade templates
- Fix: Marker print to log
- Fix: Naval factory template names
- Fix: Land factory template names
- Fix: Add safeguard for function ComHealth(cdr)
- Fix: CategoriesHash indexing
- Fix: Resolved bug in AddFactoryToClosestManager function due to missing LocationType.
- Fix: Removed unused funktion GetMarkerGridPositionFromIndex
- Fix: Added helper function for missing named indexes in MASTERCHAIN.
- Opt: Scouts no longer create a path; they now fly straight to the destination.
- Opt: Replaced self:GetBlueprint() with self.Blueprint for improved performance.
- Opt: Cached position for GetHeatMapGridPositionFromIndex
Update 14.Dec.2024(v114)
- New: Platoons will now merge if engaged in combat and nearby.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where RepeatBuild could potentially cause a stack overflow.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where the BuilderName was deleted after using the AirUnitRefit functionality.
- Fix: Added an upgrade mechanism for Tech3 factories when the economy is fully saturated.
- Fix: The hover platoon former will now only be created if there is no land path available to the enemy.
- Fix: Fixed tactical missile not targeting Heavy Assault units from the Total Mayhem mod.
- Fix: Fixed a bug in attack function when a platoon unit is dead.
- Opt: Increased the priority of panic builders.
- Opt: Units constructed by panic builders will now push aggressively into enemy lines.
- Opt: Introduced a new former for managing Total Mayhem spam and panic situations.
- Opt: Units fighting near corners will now maneuver around corners if their line of sight is obstructed.
- Opt: The Ecomanager will no longer pause the construction of strategic missile defense systems.
- Opt: Strategic missile defense systems will now automatically begin construction if a nuclear submarine is detected.
- Opt: Updated formers specifically for the
Total Mayhem
mod. - Opt: Added builder for transport needed and transport wanted.
- Opt: Engineers will now assist only if mass storage is over 50% to prevent eco stall.
- Opt: Naval expansions will now build a factory first instead of defense.
- Opt: Reduced the number of naval base builders to prevent double builds on the same spot.