Total Mayhem 1.37 for all game versions
Oh thats alright was just wondering since it was confusing haha! Will look forward to the update!
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U Uveso referenced this topic on
Hello @Uveso i have problem with this mod today i've downloaded it (since i didn't even bother to check at any time if this mod was still being updated) and i've noticed that sorian ai (2.1.2 i play steam version only) once upgrades their land factory to level 3 they just stop producing units in the land factory. Air and naval factories worked fine and they were the only one producing engineers the T3 Land factories just stayed on idle and did nothing leaving the late game to just air naval or experiemental fights, so im curious if this is a known issue or if there's a fix to that. The previous version i used worked fine without issues (1.21 from mod DB). I've verified my game files just in case, there was 123mb to download but that didn't fix the issue either
this error seems to pop up whenever a t2 factory gets upgraded to t3
warning: Error running lua script: ...\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\brainconditionsmonitor.lua(566): access to nonexistent global variable "EnemyUnitsGreaterAtLocationRadius"
stack traceback:
[C]: in functionerror' ...alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\system\config.lua(53): in function <...alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\system\config.lua:52> ...\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\brainconditionsmonitor.lua(566): in function <...\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\brainconditionsmonitor.lua:564> (tail call): ? ...forged alliance\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\builder.lua(531): in function
...forged alliance\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\builder.lua(569): in functionCheckBuilderConditions' ...forged alliance\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\builder.lua(483): in function
...alliance\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\buildermanager.lua(484): in functionGetHighestBuilder' ...e\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\factorybuildermanager.lua(730): in function
...e\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\factorybuildermanager.lua(636): in function <...e\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\factorybuildermanager.lua:619>here's the full log (the game was run on Fields of Isis with just 2x resource mod and total mayhem on Sorian AI Rush): -
@uveso said in Total Mayhem 1.37 for all game versions:
That's easy to explain, I screwed it up.
Total mayhem requires the AI Uveso Mod to be installed as I accidentally used a platoon former only available in AI-Uveso.
Without the mod you will get some error in the log related to this former.
This is not gamebraking but can cause lag because of the error spam.The next update of Total Mayhem will fix that dependency.
For now, just ignore the errors.
You try to install the AI-Uveso mod (even if its not working with steam)
The mod must be switched on, but don't use the AI.If you still have errors go to your total mayhem directory:
and delete the 2 files:
TotalMayhemBuilder.lua TotalMayhemDefenseUpgrade.lua
In this case you don't need the Ai-Uveso Mod, but you can't use the
mod in multiplayer this way. it will desync the game.Please report back!
Hello Again @Uveso! Sorry For The Late Reply I've Downloaded The Newest Uveso AI From The Faf Launcher but when enabling it and launching the game it just crashes, so i've deleted the two lua files and the T3 Factories started producing units, Thank you so much!
Also Out of curiosity will there be a big diffrence with ai when those 2 lua files are deleted or no?
Thank you once again! -
Without the Platoon former the mod cannot carry out point defense upgrades,
and the builders for Heavy Assaults (tech 1 land experimentals and gunships) are also missing.
And the AI will not send those tech 1 experimentals to the enemyA special function of Total Mahyem is also missing, which is that the AI builds the cheap over-tech tanks
(when you upgrade a factory to tech 2, then you have a upgaded tech 1 tank available, also with tech 3)Btw, thanks for the log! (always helpfull)
This is the AI error:warning: Error running lua script: ...\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\sim\brainconditionsmonitor.lua(566): access to nonexistent global variable "EnemyUnitsGreaterAtLocationRadius"
That means the AI does not know the buildcondition "EnemyUnitsGreaterAtLocationRadius".
But we can add this buildcondition to the mod instead of deleting the platoon former that is using it.Download this zip archive:
hook.zipcopy the file "UnitCountBuildConditions.lua" to "\Mods\TotalMayhem\hook\lua\editor".
(you need to create the "editor" folder)This should add the missing buildcondition to the mod.
@Uveso Alright I'll put it in the mod thanks again for the reply!
Good afternoon. I would like to ask the author of "Total Mayhem" mod. Can I copy and use the 3 vehicles you created in my mod?
.Google translate. my english is bad - sorry. -
Unit ID brot3bt doesn't contain the AMPHIBIOUS category, but has a motion type 'RULEUMT_Amphibious' (i.e. to be in line with FA categorisation of units I'd expect it to have the AMPHIBIOUS category)
@uveso said in Total Mayhem 1.37 for all game versions:
You try to install the AI-Uveso mod (even if its not working with steam)
The mod must be switched on, but don't use the AI.Just so we're clear; we are supposed to play Total Mayhem with AI-Uveso mod installed, but not enabled? As in we play with vanilla AI, but keep the mod installed in the background?
Referencing a bug reported earlier in discord regarding the building animation of two aeon units (BROT3BT and BROT3BT2,) :