👑THE KING of Seton's Clutch 2v2 66,6$ U4500

king of setons2.jpg February 5th, 14:00 GMT
Tournament bracket: https://challonge.com/c8eehtu3
Tournament system single ellimination
bo1 and finals bo3
Map: Seton's clutch FAF version
Rating 1400+, Team rating cap 4500 (global)

Settings: 2v2, fullshare on, 1500 unit cap, all mexes enabled

Rules Game mode Nomads. Each game should have different 4 factions. Teams choose factions in turn. Team 1 (ranked higher in the tournament bracket) first chooses 1 faction, then Team 2 chooses 2 factions for themselves and then Team 1 chooses 1 more faction. Team spawn positions are symmetrical. Team 1 chooses one position and Team 2 chooses the second.

Tier 1: Seraphim
T2: UEF+Nomads
T1: Cybran
T1: Rock
T2: Beach
Team 1 plays as Serafim+ Cybran, Team 2 plays as UEF+Nomads in Rock and Beach positions.

Prize pool 66,6$
1st 36,6 $ + NOT KING OF SETONS ava
2nd 20 $ + Faction face ava
3d 10 $ + Faction logo ava

Registration player1+player2
Registration closes 1 hour before start of the tournament
Maximum number of teams 16

Sign ups:

How is the tourney king of map and it is not a 1v1........

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Winning team has to play a 1v1 to decide who is the 👑

@archsimkat i think Yudis teammate will not agree with you ☺


Since Seton's is the holy place I feel the need to comment.

In my opinion "King of Setons" tourney should have no rating limit, you want the kings and not the princes and princesses, the best of the best, right?
Mixing in NOMADS with its own specific balance I feel dilutes the "Seton's" part. A King of Seton's tourney should emphasize on the Seton's gameplay and not who finds the best Nomads balance exploits?

This tourney with the current ruleset being honored with the "King of Setons" title feels a tad questionable.

Also on a bit of a side note: If you host a sentons tourney yourself it's fine, but if you title it "king of sentons" and release the king of sentons ava with it it feels more like an official faf tournament. So with that being said having the starting date of the tourney being russian primetime but fucking over most american players seems quite bad. Especially if you consider a lot of good/top sentons players are from burgerland.

I understand that it's way better for you to host the tourney at this time considering your audience is russian, and it would be totally fine if it wasn't titled like an official faf tourney, but i feel like it should be more fair considering it is.

@giebmasse i dont wana delete nomads from tourney, but about rating im afraid to make result predictable, when Yudi will play with Nexus for example. So let it be 4500 cap. About Nomads it need because im sure aeon will be last pick every time. And about time i can start 14 gmt maximum. Is it ok now?

Exactly what others have said, this isn't King's of setons clutch tournament and I have no clue who allowed for the avatars to be even used in a tournament that's not even trying to determine the best people on clutch. Not to mention the addition of nomads...

As much as I would love to watch it, I can't say I'm to thrilled about your usage of the "king of map" brand in a tournament that is anything but that...

King of Sentons has also traditionally been a 4v4 tourney.

If you don’t want OP teams then you use captain picking, rating caps just lead to picking the dude with 300 more 2v2 or 1v1 rating than global. Actually just saw that the rating cap pretty much just stops anyone in top 10 from playing with someone in top 10 so it basically doesn’t really factor in really. Could even have a BH and Petric team.

I also have issues with the avatar, king of setons might be the most prestigious there is. Would love to play a 2v2 tournament on setons without nomads though!

king of setons might be the most prestigious there is

huh 😀

Hey, Lenkin,

Sorry to do this but I think the 'King of' tourneys should be kept to their original form - at least for now. If you would like help creating new avatars or a name for this event I would be happy to assist.

Hope you understand!

thx everybody for your feedback, i just want to make interesting tourney. I dont want delete Nomads 2 reasons - its more interesting to watch for subs and do no pick every time aeon in lastpick

Basically the problem is the "King of the map" brand. Everything else looks more than fine. Sure the nomads might be controversial but as long as it's not "king of the map" there is nothing stopping you from introducing them.

Just host this as a standard non official tourney. Not king of, and not avatar of it for the winner.

We will reserve the real king of setons for its proper tourney status

Ras Boi's save lives.

your also playing on faf version of setons clutch not the original version which is blastphemy to most if not all setoners

Ras Boi's save lives.

@noonecares said in 👑THE KING of Seton's Clutch 2v2 66,6$ U4500:

your also playing on faf version of setons clutch not the original version which is blastphemy to most if not all setoners

It's 2v2 anyway the usual setoner BOs and playstyles won't work here x)

As for the tournament I'd like to propose the idea of seeding the bracket based on rating, or atleast having the format be double elimination. With random seeding you can end up with unfortunate matchups where the two strongest teams face off in round 1 and one of them is immediately taken out of the tournament. You could argue this gives lower rated teams a chance of contending, but at the same time it's a bit unfair for stronger teams.

If you just want to host some chill tournaments and don't want too many rules that's also fine, of course

frick snoops!

"The King of Dualgap", no one fucking cared.
"The King of Setons", the community goes raaarg.

fucking hilarious scrolling through these comments.

@Lenkin don't be discouraged by all the hate. I really like the format you chose. Taking a more creative and fun spin on the usual tournament settings is great. The 2v2 format on very popular team maps and the small but not insignificant prize pool match it well.

If anything I feel like a 4500 rating cap is still on the generous side. Was there a single team in the dual gap tournament that was above 4.5k total? This could easily be reduced by another couple hundred points.

@Xayo King of DG was not played on Nomads or U4100.

Also your talking about setons clutch not dual gap there is a difference.

Ras Boi's save lives.