Small suggestions topic

Create separated match-maker queues for Astro Crater & Dual Gap.

There's little to no point in doing so. Global rating already works wonders for all your dual and astro needs.

@strate match-maker for DG wouldn't work as there are too many people in a single game (it's 6vs6 and we already run into similar problems with 4vs4 queue) causing it to lag too often.

Idk about how small change is, but it would be awesome if any production unit (such as Czar or t3 aircraft naval unit) could build units while moving and consuming other orders.

I would really like to be able to deselect specific selected units. I can't believe this feature isn't in the game.. or at least I can't find it.

@longhead said in Small suggestions topic:

I would really like to be able to deselect specific selected units. I can't believe this feature isn't in the game.. or at least I can't find it.

Several ways to de-select units:

1 - you can right-click on the icon corresponding to a certain unit type. This will remove all such units from your selection. I'm referring to the icons at the bottom of the screen in the "selection and storage" tab.

For example, if you select 10 tanks and 5 anti-airs, you will see a picture of tank with the number 10 and a picture of anti air with the number 5. Right-click on the picture of anti-air and they will all be de-selected

2 - while holding shift, you can left-click on a selected unit to de-select just that unit.

3 - while holding shift, you can click and drag the left mouse button to make a rectangular selection. If your rectangle contains only units that are part of the selection, they will be de-selected. If your rectangle contains any units that were not already part of the selection, then everything in the rectangle will be in the selection.

Edit: there are also some mods that affect selection, but I believe everything that I'm describing is part of the base game.

Units attacking from max range, but build/reclaim from min range. This is so strange & stupid, so if anyone could fix it - reclaim/repair & build from max range - it would be perfect

I'd need to look into that, but as far as I am aware that is engine related šŸ˜ž

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Change the upgrade behavior of hives to be consistent with other upgrades in the game.

If you give a hive an upgrade command, it will first finish assisting whatever it is assisting, before it starts the upgrade. This is inconsistent with (all?) other assisters that can upgrade themselves, e.g. acus, sacus, factories, kennels, which start their self-upgrade immediately.

It's also undesirable as hives automatically assist everything in range, so making sure they actually upgrade themselves when you want them to is a lot more annoying than it should be.

(Sidenote: Imo hives are dumb and should be nerfed to the level kennels are at, at least, but that doesn't mean they should behave inconsistently like this)

@cheeseberry I want to look closer into the balance of Hives and Kennels in the near future

@tagada Nice! Pm me if you need any testers or whatever šŸ˜„
(Or replays showing the problem, as they multiple times bailed me out of situations I really had no business winning since I started playing cybran on setons)
((Not that setons is the be-all end-all of balance, of course..))

Could we fix the mute players in chat please? Just does nothing at the moment. Bonus points if someone stays muted across all games forever once muted!

I would like to make a suggestion. It's more of a quality of life suggestion of the client than the game, but maybe someone on that team reads this list as well.

I would like the chat window in the client to prominently display the players in the same lobby as you. This is so you can more quickly contact them when needed. Right now you need to manually search for the player's names and then message them (e.g. to tell players to "x" or for the host that the lobby is full and in need of balancing, etc.). The way I'm suggesting would make this one step faster as the "players in (your) (current) lobby" are on top of the list in that chat window.

I would appreciate your consideration of my proposal and thank you for making all the effort.

@Leto_II you can right click on players in the game list and open a private chat.

Always thought it weird how engineers wont automatically reclaim destroyed walls when patrolling, could this be adjusted?

I would like an auto ping if one of your teammates scouts an EXP, nuke/anti nuke, T3Facts, T3 arty and Portals

Auto ping + auto marker would be OP. But i bet most people would hate it cause "it lowers the skill ceiling". If the buiding goes down the auto maker would be auto-deleted. If you were cybran for example you could have the dr. brackman saying very good commander to increase dopamin levels.

Iā€™d hate it because ping spam is already the most irritating thing in the game. I might start/stop 6 gcs just to cancer the enemy team with pings if I see a scout.

A lot of this could be accomplished with strategic icons showing a special icon for nuke, SMD, T3 arty, T4 that is under construction. It wouldn't be the same as a ping, but it would make it easy to notice key things that were under construction.

Right now I think there is no icon at all for stuff under construction.

@scout_more_often said in Small suggestions topic:

Always thought it weird how engineers wont automatically reclaim destroyed walls when patrolling, could this be adjusted?

Wall wrecks are 2 mass a piece, it's not worth the engineer's time to reclaim them.

Unless you're intending this as an engineer reclaim nerf, for which there are much better solutions.