Small suggestions topic
Another small suggestion: what about a warning message (audio & visual) if you are going to ctrl-K your commander?
It happened to me in a few games to have a friend that died because he ctrl-K his com while he wanted to ctrl-K a group of units near by. When it happens it really ruins the game =(
Sounds hilarious to me though. I can add in a similar dialog* to that of the campaign: but then with a yes / no.
@freemp there is already mod like this
@Ctrl-K Good to know. But I think it should be enabled by default in FAF. Many people do not download mods and I had games ruined because of those bad mistakes ^^
I also have accidentally insta-killed my ACU with a hasty ctrl-K I must admit, and extra confirmation box would be good if it was standard with FAF.
Also, on a serious note, am I the only person who finds the sound of torpedo bombers doing an attack run incredibly high pitched and painful? By the time you have a few dozen in constantly bombing runs it's pretty painful to endure. What does everyone else think? I'd love the sound effect to be changed!
@freemp After doing this 2 times in 2 games (while playing stoned mind you lol) I ALWAYS look at my ACU when I ctrl+k anything to see if the 5-second timer is ticking on the ACU so I can cancel if needed. It's very disheartening for a team when one of their meatshields bows out this way lol. That said I am not a fan of changing it.
Back in 2019 I created some code with the idea to quickly find the fairest Teams for the players in a lobby. A pull request was made by shalkya called "Button for balancing teams". It would be nice if someone with FA lobby knowledge could finish this pull request as I think most of the hard work has been done already.
That way all players would need to do a hit the balance team button and then decide which positions they want to play (players can then manually balance slots for who vs who).
The description is lacking in what still needs to be done - it is not a small suggestion. You're welcome to give it a go if you're interested, if not, then I will try and look into it but I can't make any promises on whether it becomes part of the next patch.
I think what's left is
- When the balance button is clicked call fairestTeams.lua.
- return the results from fairestTeams.lua.
- change player slot position based off results.
I am not sure on how difficult this is going to be or if fairestTeams.lua needs to be improved.
I guess it needs a few experience eyes to look at it to see if it is at least heading in the right direction.
If it is heading in the right direction then i will try and see if i can do something with it. -
I'll review it later today
Suggestion: make it easier to swap positions with another player. I'm not exactly sure what this would look like.
But something that makes it easy for 2 players to swap positions, if they both agree, without either one needing to move to observer or empty slot, and without the host needing to manually swap them.
Let's say I'm playing with Jip and I want to switch slots with him. I right-click on his name, choose an option called "ask to switch," then he would have an option appear in his lobby, if he right-clicks on my name at that point, instead of "ask to switch," he would see an option that says "switch" and if he chooses that option, we swap positions.
So we would need: (1) a way to offer to switch with another person (2) the fact that we chose it would need to be communicated to the other player in a way that doesn't spam/annoy them and (3) the other player would need the ability to accept an offer (4) everybody else in the lobby would also need to be updated that the switch happened so everybody in the lobby shows everyone in the correct slots . . .
@arma473 said in Small suggestions topic:
Suggestion: make it easier to swap positions with another player. I'm not exactly sure what this would look like.
From the perspective of the host we have this:
We could expand this feature to allow swapping between players: if a player requests a swap then the player number becomes green? The user in question can then just ignore it if he / she sees fit.
I think that it is important that the host feels in control of the lobby however, so what if a player wants to swap with an AI? Do we insta-accept that?
@jip said in Small suggestions topic:
I think that it is important that the host feels in control of the lobby however, so what if a player wants to swap with an AI? Do we insta-accept that?
I would say no, players should not be allowed to offer swaps to any slot that does not have another player in it.
If a player stops being in the spot (they leave, get kicked, move to a different slot, move to obs) the offer should be taken back.
If the player in that spot changes (if the host swaps them, or if they swap with someone else) the offer should automatically be taken back.
If the player who offered the swap moves to a different slot (for any reason) the offer should be taken back...
If offers didn't automatically get taken back under those circumstances it could cause problems.
Also, you would have to make sure that someone couldn't maliciously set it up to allow themselves to "accept" offers that haven't been made. Or else they would be able to always force their way into any slot.
Add a reclaim metric to the post game graph. Actually I've never checked if its recorded during the game, I just remember it from the supreme score board during replays.
as it's already been said, having an audio alarm when power stall is about to happen is nice, but also when you overflow mass and/or energy ? could help very bad players like me...
same when a factory goes idle, and when your acu is really low on hp, like 2 or 3k hp...
having engies on reclaim prioritizing high value items would also be a great improvement
I suck at 20x20 maps, so when chosing which custom game to join, having the size of the map displayed could help...
First two are strange, but i think there are already some mods can do this.
Third is impossible because it effects engine part.
Forth: you can hover over Map name with mouse in lobby and see its info. -
Thanks for all the work you do!
I would like to suggest a small change if possible.
Having mouse buttons be available as key bindings would be super.
Tanks in advance.
Kind regards! -
I'm afraid that that is engine related and out of our control
The one about sharing team radar circles is golden. We need that
@ctrl-k thanks for your answer
well for the first two, as I said, it can be a big helper for bad players like me, I understand it may look awkward for peolpe with more practice of supcom