EternalStrategicIcons [UI]

@rezy-noob resized by script and mostly finished by hands, so it is kinda hard to do

@jip Convenient enough, but I found some kind of problem. When game.prefs is changed by the UI-party mod, it stops loading. Can`t say what is the problem

Oddly specific, are you referring to the version in the vault? *

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip can`t say the right version, but some of them used by HintHunter. And even on clear game.prefs after ui-party settings setup any icons mod stops to working

I'll investigate it 🙂

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Props for this icon pack - it even includes the tech levels of engineers as part of their icon 🙂 . The only thing I am missing is highlighting of TML, SML, TMD and SMD.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Been using the mod for a few days now, just wanted to say I really like it so far, been struggling with default icons being to small for me at 1440p for a while now so this was a great improvement.

@jip I will think how better highlight them


  • ACU
  1. icon_commander_generic_rest.png

  2. icon_commander_generic_rest.png

  • Nuke

  • Anti-nuke

  • clipart-sword-vector-1.png

  • 2.png

  • Experimenta unit

  • Layer 1 copy.png


Only for view, on selection/hover they will be as original one

I think that is a tad much for the nukes - would be nice to have them in the same style, but just with highlights

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Agree with jip that it breaks too muich with the style of the original icons, a more subtle highlight on the original icon is preferable I think.

Maybe something more along the lines of the acu icons you have there, where its the original icon, just a highlight that comes with it.

Small red out-line similar to the acu one would be more than enough. Same for SMD, just make it blue outline?

  • nuke

  • anti-nuke


Looks good to me!

Version 2

Due to problems with compression (losing pixel colors = game renders them with player color) i changed final colors.

  • White - something dangerous, that should be destroyed
  • Blue - something defensive


  • TML
  • TMD
  • T3 Arty


Nice, that definitely works for me, good stuff.

Works for me too - very clean and matches the style 🙂

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Very nice icon set. Still a little bit small for 4k (or I'm just a masochist for using 4k in the first place); I thought from the description it would look bigger (since stock icons on 1440p are fine).

@cyborg16 sorry, made this set for full HD (1920x1080) mostly.