Nice use of the custom strategic icons pipeline we set up in patch 3721. Was it intuitive to use?
It worked right away for me. Make sure you active it.
Nice use of the custom strategic icons pipeline we set up in patch 3721. Was it intuitive to use?
It worked right away for me. Make sure you active it.
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
is the size adjustable?
queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:
@jip Convenient enough, but I found some kind of problem. When game.prefs is changed by the UI-party mod, it stops loading. Can`t say what is the problem
Oddly specific, are you referring to the version in the vault? *
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
@jip can`t say the right version, but some of them used by HintHunter. And even on clear game.prefs after ui-party settings setup any icons mod stops to working
Props for this icon pack - it even includes the tech levels of engineers as part of their icon . The only thing I am missing is highlighting of TML, SML, TMD and SMD.
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
Been using the mod for a few days now, just wanted to say I really like it so far, been struggling with default icons being to small for me at 1440p for a while now so this was a great improvement.
@jip I will think how better highlight them
Experimenta unit
Only for view, on selection/hover they will be as original one
I think that is a tad much for the nukes - would be nice to have them in the same style, but just with highlights
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
Agree with jip that it breaks too muich with the style of the original icons, a more subtle highlight on the original icon is preferable I think.
Maybe something more along the lines of the acu icons you have there, where its the original icon, just a highlight that comes with it.
Small red out-line similar to the acu one would be more than enough. Same for SMD, just make it blue outline?